I Take Personal Responsibility

This is plastered on the gym in both gyms. This is a pretty important quote. Here is my challenge to you…

You came to Get Fit NH with a problem that you wanted to be solved. That might mean that you were unhappy with your body composition or the way you feel. It could be because you were feeling less mobile or weak. It could be because you wanted to run your first marathon or maybe compete in a triathlon. Whatever the “problem” is I want to congratulate you for taking personal responsibility and seeking a solution!

This is a two sided coin though…

Fast forward 30 days down the road. Have you seen movement toward the solution? If the answer is no then ask yourself what you have done to be a problem solver?

  • Have you made it to each training opportunity?

  • Did you set a goal and initial the goals board at the beginning of the month and follow that goal?

  • Have you been to any nutrition seminars or participated in any nutrition challenges?

  • Are you working through each set and never stopping at “3”

  • Are you telling yourself you “eat healthy” but still wondering why you are overweight?

  • Have you asked for help?

Your coaches are here to help you take you from where you ARE to where you are trying to go. We are here to keep you accountable and coach you along the way. No one is in this alone. YOU need to take personal responsibility and follow through with what you say you are going to do and ask for help when you need it!

Make it Happen

Coach Meagan

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