A Lesson in Failure

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, failure is the mother of all success, and it’s true. Within our lives we will fail over and over again. Whether that’s losing a sports game, failing a test in school, or just not being able to do something for the first time. We all experience failure in some aspect or capacity. But the most important thing is how we grow from it. 

The next time you come in to train don’t be afraid to go outside your comfort zone and try something new. Even though you may not be able to complete the workout progression or do a full rep. If you are willing to fail and push yourself, you will be better because of it. The next time we do push-ups, try it with less pads, or even no pads. If we are working out with weights, try picking something heavier that you don’t usually use. If we are working on TRX rows and the progression is jumping chins, try starting with the jumping chins. Even if you only do one rep, or can’t stick with the progression or weight for the whole time. 

It’s also important to note that not being able to do something is not a bad thing. All of us have various levels of fitness experience and each of us have our own goals. This fitness journey is not a short road, but a long one. You must have patience and consistency. Just because you can’t do something today, doesn’t you mean you will never be able to. The important thing is that you keep trying. If you are challenging your body you will eventually get stronger over time and be able to progress.  Remember this next time you come in to workout. Sometimes in order to succeed you must first fail. This is my challenge to you.

Make it Happen,

Coach Dylan

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