Attention! Having a bad day or ever had a bad day? This one is for you.

Are you having a bad day? Believe it or not, there is actually a lot you can do to get yourself out of it! Can we control everything that happens to us? Of course we can't, all we can do is control how we react to the things that do. Often this will not only help pull us out of a bad day, but it can actually, in many cases, avoid that pile on. Lets say for example you’re having a bad day, it just seems like you cant get out of your own way, you wake up late, you’re out of coffee, you forgot you were low on gas, your toast burns, ect. ect. So what happens next? You’re flying to get to work, you look down for half a second and look up and…there’s the car that was just 3 car lengths ahead…BOOM. Its nothing major (hopefully) but now you pile that on top of it, you finally get to work, you either want to bite someone’s head off because you’re so angry, or you let it consume you and you get nothing done. Either way you end up piling more stress on yourself based on what’s happened. So now lets think back…what would have happened? What would have happened if you woke up, say you were late and took a deep breath and just thought with a calm mind? Maybe you remember there’s coffee at work so you don’t need to stop, maybe you
remember you have leftovers you can bring with you so you don’t have to take the time to eat getting out of the house. Heck, maybe you realize you’re going to be late so you just accept it and take a deep breath driving calmly and carefully to work, where you accomplish more because all that other stress is not weighing on you. We all have bad days, but we also tend to not see the forest through the trees, we see the avalanche of unlucky things happening thinking we have no control over them. Some things you do, some things you don’t, which is why it's so important to not let things pile up. When you get that feeling of “WHAT'S NEXT, what ELSE is going to go wrong today?” That is usually your first sign you need to take a deep breath and allow yourself to think. So take a breath, exhale slow, and pull out of it!

Coach Adam

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