Building a Base for Athletic Success

Have you wondered what exactly the philosophy is that builds what we do at Athlete Academy?

If you have, then wonder no longer! The purpose of our Athlete Academy program is to build a base for continued athletic success. That base is made up primarily of 3 things, much like with our adult programs. Those three are:

  1. Flexibility
  2. Mobility
  3. Strength

These three physical traits must be present in the athlete for several reasons. If these three things are not present, then we cannot build the attributes that we most often associate with sports performance. Things like power, speed, agility, and quickness. All of these have to have a solid base of the 3 traits mentioned above in order to really be developed. The biggest risk of building things like power, speed, agility, and quickness before the other three is that often the risk of injury goes up substantially. Over the next few weeks, I will break down exactly how each one of these fits into the overall athletic puzzle. Stay tuned!

-Coach Adam

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