Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Is it you?

Okay so not maybe not a CHICKEN dinner, but maybe a salad for dinner!? I promised PRIZES for perfect attendance students when I became a Pampered Chef consultant so I am keeping my word! We put all 42 names into a hat and drew 2 lucky winners so here we go….

HUGE congrats to Kelly Gauthier and Michelle Thomas! These ladies are our October perfect attendance prize winners. They are both getting this excellent book on Fresh and Fast salad recipes!

Congrats to ALL of our perfect attendance students- we appreciate you penciling us in every day and making it happen!

Thank you!
Coach Meagan and the crew

Pampered Chef and 31 Christmas Shopping Party

Our third annual Pampered Chef and 31 party is approaching! it is cool to get the opportunity to shop for the latest and greatest kitchen tools and meal prep supplies and make sure they travel in style throughout the holidays and even keep your lunch cold with the fun 31 styles. We have had great success with these parties over the last three years. The reason why we participate in these parties is because by hosting we earn FREE stuff which we use as raffle prizes for our annual Christmas party (clever, huh?)
We typically earn about $300 worth of free stuff which we turn around and give away to you guys!

On November 12th at 9:30 AM we’ll gather at our Concord location for some brunch and some holiday shopping! Get some Christmas shopping done all while enjoying a free meal and good company!

We hope to see you there. If you can’t make it – don’t worry! You can still shop using the links below. Let us know if you need a catalog!

Coach Meagan

Here is the Pampered Chef shopping link
Here is the 31 shopping link

Why Are Short Term Goals Important?

The other day I was having a conversation with a student who was feeling uninspired. It always breaks my heart a little to have these conversations as it makes me realize we don’t talk about why goals are so important enough, which means I have not been doing my job.

As a coach and fitness enthusiast, I am one of those weird people who loves to train hard, sweat a bunch, and get better every day just because I want to be lean (forever and ever and ever). That is enough drive for me to get it done and stay excited about it. But not everyone is weird like me!

A huge reason to train forever and ever and ever is because we want to age more gracefully and stay out of a walker for as long as possible. We want to maintain our independence and get up and down off the floor and stay on our own two feet. While that is an important life goal- it isn’t enough for everyone to stay motivated. So how do we get excited about training every day?

Well, for starters we try to create an atmosphere that gets you PSYCHED to get here and make this the best hour of your day, but more than that you need a goal. A goal has an end date otherwise it’s just a hope and dream. It needs to be something important to you. Something that will drive you. Something that will make you REALLY happy when you achieve it!

When we set our goals, we go 4 weeks at a time so when setting goals don’t go too crazy! Sometimes you have to set smaller goals that are working up to a BIG goal! Here is an example of a goal that is too big for 4 weeks, but can break down into smaller goals.

Goal: To screen out of my red band.

October: I want to lose 6 pounds so I am going to focus on eating 3 meals/day.

  • Being able to screen out of the red band could just mean you do not currently have the strength to push the excess weight from the floor. So, let’s work on getting some of the excess weight off. Also, that means you have to keep up with your training, because you won’t get any stronger by not training.

November: I want to lose another 6 pounds so I am going to get my last meal in before 7:30 PM.

  • Assuming you nailed your other small goal, then let’s add on another step while keeping the other goal in place.

December: I want to screen out of my red band so I am going to spend 10 minutes on my personalized exercises every day.

  • There are more personalized exercises that your coach can teach you to help you achieve this goal.

This is just an example. Your coaches are here for you to help you identify a goal and break it down 4 weeks at a time. It is about building habits, being consistent and working toward something that matters to you!

We can help you make it happen,
Coach Meagan

The Spotlights Keep Coming In!

This time it's shining on G!

Geraldo (or G, as he asked to be called) has been with us for a little while now. I felt it was time and was important to shine the spotlight on him as well. I still remember when he first started - the things he had trouble with, the pain he was in on a daily basis. However, he stuck with it, has made tremendous progress, and has a positive influence on us as coaches as well as others in the gym. Below are some words from G about his experience.

“After a couple experiences at different gyms, I decided to find one that the schedule was flexible and I could make it without missing many classes and still get the results I was looking for. After this first triage, I got the two weeks’ free class trial to get to know Get Fit NH. With my weakness to complete many of the activities delivered during the class, I found a complete opportunity to improve those weaknesses without any intimidation. I definitely liked the place. My main sport activities were soccer and biking, and the first change noticed was that I was not only putting resistance on my lower body muscles but also on my upper body muscles.

Besides this I was introduced to a program to reeducate my habits regarding food. And all those tips delivered by coaches are part of my day now. I am eating smart and healthy like I believe I never did in all my life. It is about choosing the right and wrong things. And I guess I am on the right trail now.

My first goals were accomplished in less than 6 months. I have injuries, muscular injuries, that are not returning because I am doing the right things now. I am able to play sports again and it makes me really accomplished of my goals. I also dropped 25 lbs and I have been keeping it off since I first lost it. The 3D Fit Scan has showed that I lost measurement all over my body and it is really great because it shows how I am improving and losing the bad FAT.

In summary, it is the place that you can "Make it Happen!" and I am into it. I wish I could have found Get Fit NH sooner! Coaches are great and friendly and they show support for each individual during all activities performed during the class.

Geraldo Cabral"

Great work G and keep it up!

-Coach Adam

Why Do We Train?

If you are here, you probably have a pretty solid reason to walk through the door every day. Here are some common reasons:

  • Lose fat
  • Gain muscle
  • Feel better
  • Look better
  • Maintain
  • Mindset

Could be one, could be all, could be a combination of some of those things. We all have our own reasons to walk through the door each day. I want to remind you of something...

Results don’t happen just by training. Training is what keeps your independence. Training is what keeps you on your own two feet. Training keeps you getting up off the floor without assistance. Training is what keeps the walker out of your future.

If you are breathing the same air as me and you are driven by any of those reasons stated above, then it’s this magical word that will ensure fat loss, muscle gain, feeling better, looking better, maintenance and mindset (and more!).


Yeah, I said it. We don’t want to believe this is true, but I’m sorry, it just is! Just because someone you know can eat 3 cheeseburgers, a large order of fries and a giant soda and not gain a pound DOES NOT make them healthy or fit…keep that in mind. We can’t change the cards we’ve been dealt, but we can change how we look and feel.

Take control. Don’t make excuses. If you want to change something about yourself, then let’s focus on one thing you’re going to change today to make it happen.

-Coach Meagan

Another Motivating Success Story by Terri

I asked Terri George to talk about her experience and results since training with Get Fit NH, because her motivation and strength inspires me. She is so humble and I am not sure she even realizes how many people she inspires each time she trains. This woman takes on any challenge, she is STRONG and she is consistent. I appreciate how no matter what kind of mood Terri may be in, she brings the same heat to each training and absolutely kills it. Her attitude is spot on and I think we could all benefit if we changed our outlook just a little bit to imagine training into our 70s as Terri mentions. Here is what she has to say...

How long have you trained with Get Fit NH?

I began training at Get Fit NH 4 years ago. A colleague, Muriel Hall, encouraged me to try Get Fit. She raved about how great it is here and I was at a point in my life where I was ready to focus on increasing my health and fitness.

I have always been an athlete and considered myself fairly strong. Even as an adult, I kept active in a coed softball league, weekly volleyball, and ladies basketball but as I approached 50 years old, my physique was changing. I added daily elliptical training yet noticed no significant change. Time to try Get Fit NH. After only a short period of time, I could see and feel the difference. My body fat declined and my lean muscle mass increased. The ultrasound body composition testing and the 3D body scans are so encouraging because you can see the data to back up the changes that you feel as you get stronger and more fit

What has helped you be successful over the past 4 years?

Probably the most helpful aspects of Get Fit NH are the coaches. Meagan and Adam are both fun and motivational. I tend to push hard and challenge myself but there have been times when they knew I could do more and I would have an additional sandbag loaded on or a heavier weight brought to me. I thoroughly appreciate being pushed, but they are also very watchful. So often, I feel a hand on my shoulder and coach telling me to “relax my shoulders,” or some other correction so that my posture is appropriate. I know this is what prevents injuries, and I am so thankful they are so aware and attentive. Every interaction I have had with them has been with a smile, fun-loving attitude and genuine concern.

In addition to the training, I have appreciated the competitions and challenges. One of the most powerful changes, second to training 4 days a week, was the 8-week habit challenges. During the first 8-week challenge that I participated in, I began to learn more about what my body needs to be fit and healthy. The first week of the challenge, one healthy habit was incorporated. The following week, another habit was added and at the end of the 8 weeks, healthy eating habits were part of my life style. No more diets. It is a life style change: Vegetables at every meal, lean protein at every meal, 72 or more ounces of water/day, non-caloric drinks only, neither added sugar nor sugar substitutes, and no starchy carbs. What a difference this has made in my life. I have a family history of diabetes, and my body had become insulin resistant. Starches simply are not good for my physiology. The eight-week challenges have allowed these changes to become a way of life for me. I’m not saying I never have starches, but they are not a regular part of my diet.

What advice would you want to give someone just beginning their journey?

Don’t give up. It is tough in the beginning to push through the days you do not feel like training, but do it. You will be glad you did. We are all here to encourage each other, and you will love the camaraderie we share here at GET FIT! Training is a priority in my life. It is not an optional activity I do when I have time, but an appointment I keep 4 days a week. It is as automatic as getting up for work in the morning. If you want long lasting change toward better health and fitness, it has to be a priority.

Just this past summer I had the pleasure of competing in the strong man/strong woman competition with my oldest son. He won the men’s competition and I took second in the woman’s. What a wonderful experience to enjoy together. My adult children are proud of their mom and I know that I am being a good role model for them too. Training gives me the energy to play tag, and run and play with my granddaughter, and I am looking forward to still training at GET FIT in my 70’s and having the balance and strength to resist falls and injuries and having the stamina to keep being active and playing with my grandchildren and family.

Thank you for being an inspiration to all of us, Terri! Keep making it happen!

Coach Meagan

A Hidden Secret to Success

I am going to share a hidden secret about success....


Say what? What does communication have to do with getting results? Great question! Let me share some inside scoop with you. The most successful students I get to coach are the ones who are in consistent contact with me.

Here are some examples:

  • When they are going to miss a training session, they let us know
  • If they unexpectedly missed training, then they reach out first or respond with their unexpected whereabouts
  • They share their victories
  • They share their frustrations
  • We find solutions together when injured or stuck
  • They send me food pictures
  • They ask questions
  • They go to seminars
  • They continue to learn and grow
  • They set goals
  • They keep score
  • They are coachable

Communication happens in so many ways. It is not a one-way relationship. In order to be successful, you need to be involved in more than just the show up part. That’s the easy part. If you aren’t where you want to be, then let’s talk and get you there.

Coach Meagan

Pumpkin Training is Coming

Have you been here SO long that you have experienced a Get Fit NH pumpkin training??

...I haven't! But I cannot WAIT to see what is entails. Coach Dean is pretty talented when it comes to writing training programs so I can't even imagine what he'll throw together with a pumpkin!

On Monday, October 31st we're going to do pumpkin training, so guess what you need?

Yep - a pumpkin! Bring one to your regular training hour and regular location and let's see what we can do with these things!

-Coach Meagan

The Spotlight is Shining Again

This time it's on Debbie Watrous!

I asked Debbie to allow me to write a spotlight on her because I am extremely proud of how far she has come. I remember when I first took over Erin’s position, and I was working with Debbie and remember all the exercises we tried that caused her so much pain. Looking back on that, and seeing her do weighted split squats and the like now, she has come so far and she deserves to be recognized for how far she has come. I’ll let her tell you a little about her journey in her own words...

“Adam, when you asked me to write about my journey at Get Fit NH, I hesitated because I don’t have a dramatic story and my progress has been slow and not always steady. I came to the gym as someone who had never exercised regularly, out of shape and full of aches and pains. I wanted to lose weight, but most of all I wanted to feel stronger and have more energy. I knew I needed to be in a class, lacking the self-discipline to stick with an exercise program on my own. I knew I needed a gym with a program and coaches that could assess my fitness issues and structure a workout that would be both safe and challenging. I have gotten all that at Get Fit NH and much more.

I really appreciate the coaching style here – you, Dean, and Meagan are all caring, funny, and inspirational. I appreciate that you make sure that my back is safe. I appreciate working out with a very nice bunch of people in the atmosphere that you promote – encouraging, supportive, sometimes competitive but never shaming. And no mirrors – thank you! As someone who gets bored easily with exercise, I value the variety of the classes and the progression over the course of a week and over the eight-week session. And knowing next to nothing about muscles and fitness, etc., I appreciate learning the science behind our workouts.

The biggest surprise since joining Get Fit NH is how much effort you put into “the other 165”, from sending an email if we don’t show up for class to community fundraising events to the various healthy eating programs you’ve offered. Last summer’s S3 challenge was the best yet because we did it in pairs and you reinforced the development of new habits with the daily “Habit Catalyst” posts. Jane and I met through that challenge and are talking about working together again to help each of us be more accountable in our food choices.

Sometimes I get discouraged that I’m not getting stronger faster, but when I look back to where I started, I see significant improvement. A couple of weeks ago I helped my daughter move into her new 3rd floor apartment. I noticed that I could carry heavier loads with less huffing and puffing than when we helped her move two years ago (why does she always pick upper floor apartments with no elevators?). And I have more energy during the day, my clothes fit better, and I’ve lost weight more quickly than I thought possible at this time of life.

I have a milestone birthday this year that has doubled my determination to enter the next decade strong, energetic, and healthy. Thank you, Adam, Meagan, Dean, Nancy and the 7:25 a.m. crew for helping me to achieve those goals."

As I said at the top, I am extremely proud of Debbie and the progress she has made. Keep up the great work, Debbie!

-Coach Adam

A Lesson From Buddy The Dog’s Doctor

Yearly I make my trek to the doctor for my physical. They take my height, my weight, they listen to my heart, they take my blood pressure. She makes sure I am healthy. She will ask me questions about my lifestyle, She ask questions about my family history, she will even ask me questions about work, my home life, my kids, my hubby. She always asks a lot of questions. Her goal is to get a good picture of me. She pronounces me healthy and I am off.

At times I visit my doctor when I am ill. Usually when I’ve waited well past a few days of being miserably sick and now I want relief or at my family’s insistence, they want relief from me. She again takes my height, my weight, looks, listens, and feels to determine what is wrong. She pronounces her findings and I am off.

My dog, Buddy, also goes to his yearly doctor visit. They take his weight, listen to his heart, feel around to make sure all moves well. His doctor will also ask questions. But his first question always intrigues me, “What do you feed Buddy?” I didn’t think about this much until Buddy got sick.

While at this sick care visit, they did weigh him, they didn’t do much else. The vet came right in. His first question was “What was going on with our sick dog?” After describing how he was acting, his next question stunned me.

“What are you feeding Buddy?”.

I wasn’t at the vet for his nutritional counseling. I wanted him to help my dog feel better. I needed his help in that way. Of course Buddy wasn’t eating very much food but no one does when they are sick. The vet wasn’t as interested in what he had that day as much as what he is normally fed. In fact the dog doctor was directly linking my dog’s health with the food he was consuming. Why in heavens name don't human doctors do this?

Yes, Buddy, had an infection but the doctor explained how his regular diet had contributed to his poor health. I walked out of the doggie doctor’s office thinking "No duh, what applies to dogs applies to us humans too!"

Three Things I learned at the Veterinarian’s Office to help me from getting sick.

1. A healthy eating plan gives your body what it needs to work optimally, not just survive.

2.  Health–Ful means it contains a whole lot of foods that make me healthy.

3. A few bites of “under the table” foods are okay once in a while but I can’t make a habit of them.

So what does this miracle way of eating look like?

1. For us humans filling our plates with lots of vegetables, lean protein, a small portion of healthy fats and drinking lots of water.

2. Find foods that are high in the good stuff while limiting the foods that are highly processed is our key.

Eat as many “colorful foods” as you can throughout the day; real food - think fruits and vegetables. Eat green, purple, red, yellow, and blue. Nature has a very simple way of letting us know which foods are really healthy and full of nutrients - color.

3. While there isn’t any ‘bad’ food, there were some foods that don’t have the bang for the buck (or calorie) we are looking for. Those are foods we have in moderation. It’s a balancing act. Include whatever treats you want into an overall picture of a healthy diet. It’s not about totally taking them out but finding their place in your plan.

My Vet taught me that consistently feeding my animal great food, getting him some exercise, giving him access to water all the time, while limiting the treats was best for his health. It actually helped Buddy not get sick.

Why would I do less for me?

To your best health,

Coach Nancy

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