More Cardio Please!

Because aerobic exercise is how you lose fat, so the more the better, right?

But if (or in this case when) I tell you that aerobic exercise is not effective for fat loss, what would you say?

That I am crazy, a liar, or both?

Well anybody can say anything, so let me offer you some proof from three different controlled studies (Thanks Alwyn Cosgrove).


Three Month Study

Conclusion: The addition of 45 minutes of aerobic exercise at 78% Max Heart Rate (which is moving) 5 days a week for 12 weeks had NO EFFECT over dieting alone

Int J Sport Nutr. 1998 Sep;8(3):213-22.
Influence of diet and/or exercise on body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in obese women.
Utter AC, Nieman DC, Shannonhouse EM, Butterworth DE, Nieman CN

Six Month Study

Two groups:

  • Diet Only
  • Diet plus aerobic exercise (50 minutes, 5 days per week)

Conclusion: No additional effect of aerobic exercise on body composition

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jan 2
Effect of calorie restriction with or without exercise on body composition and fat distribution.
Redman et al

Twelve Month Study of Aerobic Exercise

Six hours of aerobic training per week for one year (60 mins per day, six days per week)

Average weight loss after one year was 3.5lbs or 0.3lbs per month

3.08lbs for women and 3.96lbs for men

Obesity 2007 June – 15:1496-1512.
Exercise Effect on Weight and Body Fat in Men and Women.
McTiernan et al


These studies clearly show that aerobic exercise (cardio) has little to no effect on body composition. In the best case scenario these subjects busted their butt for 6 hours a week and lost a grand total of 1/3 of a pound a month – OUCH!

The first thing to note is that in the first two studies nutritional changes were made, and that is the number one key to fat loss. You must make changes to your nutrition to positively affect your body composition. But from a fat loss standpoint the subjects might as well sat on the couch as spend up to 6 hours a week doing purely aerobic exercise.

Bummer, dude!

Here’s another one for you…

True or False? – All things being equal nutritionally (calories/macronutrients), then the more calories you burn during training, the more fat will be lost.

Stay tuned, we’ll get to that one next time.

Until then…

Keep Making It Happen!

Coach Dean

Now THIS Looks Fun!

Thanks to Kim Kilgore for bringing this to our attention!

Late last month we mentioned the Renegade Playground Challenge being held up on at the Speedway in the beginning of June, but that race filled up fast, with many of the “waves” already taken by the time we were ready to register, and a few mentioned price as an obstacle as well. Don’t be shy, if you still want to do that one, I say go for it!

For the rest of us, the amazing Kim Kilgore decided that she is going to celebrate the big 4-0 in style, at the Warrior Dash being held in Amesbury, MA on June 25, 2011, and we decided to join her! We thought this was a perfect fit, as we have a recovery week scheduled for the next week – it’s like they knew we were coming!

Kim, Nancy and I are scheduled for the 10:30am “Wave”, but I know they fill up fast, so if you want into that one I suggest you head over and register NOW!

We also dug up a promo code to get you $5 off registration: wdactive2011

Check out the insane course here

Register Here

What Say You?

Take A Step Towards Change

“Change is not an event.  It’s a tiny decision made over and over again. Change isn’t once. It’s daily.” – Don Kuhl

Improving our lives is a choice. It’s an individual choice. The time, the reason, the motivation, the determination, the path we take to improve is all personal.  Each person has to decide on their own when and how they would like to improve their life. We have to be ready to take the first step.

Research shows the top three ways to make life better are

• Decreasing Stress

• Sleeping Better

• Reducing Pain

Guess what? Exercise can help you do all three.

An exercise routine will be lived out one moment at a time. The quality of our life is the result of the sum of our choices.

Isn’t it amazing how much our thoughts control our actions? “I don’t feel like it” is the number one reason we, as parents, hear our kids give us for not actively playing outside. Don’t do we the same thing? Of course we are so grown up that we disguise our emotions in sarcasm “I worked hard for this big belly, I don’t want to give it up now.” Or behind in difference, “ my great grandfather smoked and drank and he lived to be 101, I’m going to go out like him.” Or even fear, “I don’t think I could survive one day at bootcamp”.

Live in the present, it’s the only “place” where you can be active. Actions happen now, not in the past or future. In-the-moment opportunities, such as taking lunch to work, working hard each training session, planning meals instead of gobbling up fast food, and being active outside of your training program.

Stop looking at what happened yesterday, you can’t change it.

Don’t worry about tomorrow, because you can’t control everything that comes your way.

Make today count – Every Day.

Coach Nancy

Standing Tall

Not so good...

Good body mechanics manifest in good posture and vice versa. To help you evaluate your current posture here are a few keys to look at.

To visualize what normal posture would be, imagine a weighted string hung from your ear. To someone looking at you from the side this string will pass through the center of your ear, your shoulder, the curve of your lower back, your hip, and the outside of your knee down to the outside of your ankle bone. When all these landmarks are lined up, the body is best able to support and distribute your body weight.

Your posture from the front should find your feet square to the ground with your knees pointing forward and your shoulder and pelvis level to the ground with your head rising above your shoulders. Your head should not be tilting to one side or the other. If you drew a line on the ground and stand toe-to-toe to it, your knees, hips, and shoulders should also be square to the line.

Having someone take your picture with as few as clothes on as possible will help you to study your own posture. Take pictures from the front, sides, and back. Look at the height of your knees, shoulders, and hips. Are they equal in height to each other, and to the ground? Can you draw a straight line through all the points described above? Do your shoulders slouch forward? Does your upper body lean back a bit? Is your head in front of your shoulders?

Answering these questions will help you to find if your posture is in balance or not. Joint pain can be caused by our body compensating for a lack of balance in our posture. Gravity is our universal enemy. It never grows tired and it is always at work. Our body can stay strong and healthy by keeping a proper alignment in our posture.

It takes work. It takes work just to stand correctly. But we are not stationary creatures, we sit, walk, run, and move in various directions. To move correctly we need to stand correctly.

Take a look at your posture. Are you standing tall?

Coach Nancy

But I Don’t Want To Look Like A Man!

Ladies, it’s time to get real!

Guys, you aren’t off the hook either, because most of this applies to you as well, so keep reading!

Here’s the bottom line: If you want to lose weight, gain definition and that lean, healthy look – you have to strength train.

Not with pansy pink dumbbells either. You have got to move some serious weight. And then you gotta move some more. Full range of motion, maximum effort repetitions need to be a part of your training program. Settling for 25 lbs when you can use 35 isn’t going to cut it. Grabbing the black band when you can push purple means you are just cutting yourself short.

Not so fast, you say. Won’t all that heavy weight lifting make me bulky?

Well the wise guy in me says “give it a try for a couple months, because getting bulky isn’t your problem”.

But seriously – why is hitting the weights hard so important?

Because resistance exercise, also known as strength training, is the only form of exercise scientifically proven to preserve muscle mass while on a calorie restricted diet, meaning one in which total calorie intake is low enough to elicit fat loss.

We have all heard of “yo-yo” dieting. You go on a “diet”, lose a bunch of weight, feel good about yourself, start to eat more “normally”, and gain at least all the weight back, usually even more.

Why does that happen?

Because the focus was on “losing weight”, not fat. As long as the scale went down, you were happy. What you probably didn’t realize is that along with bodyfat, you were also losing your metabolic engine – the lean tissue we call muscle.

And that’s bad.

One important note is that we also lose lean muscle as we age, on average about 5 lbs per decade between the ages of 25 and 65. Research shows people lose an average of 2-4% in their resting metabolic rate per decade in that same age range. That means if you needed 1500 calories per day at age 25 to maintain base level functioning, by the time you are 55 you would only need 1200. Even if you eat the same amount of calories over that time period, you are going to gain bodyfat. We hear it all the time. “It seemed like when I turned 40 I started packing on the pounds”. But it’s a “chicken or egg” question. Does our RMR go down just because we are getting older, or does it go down as we age because we are inactive and don’t do anything to preserve it? Research suggests the latter is correct.

But there is good news on both fronts – You can maintain lean muscle during “dieting” and the natural process of aging.

Strength training is the key!

There are some very revealing studies that compare the effects of diet, aerobics and weight training on weight loss and body composition.

The one I find most amazing is this one:

Subjects were put in two groups, both on an 800 calorie liquid diet. Note this was medically supervised study – don’t try this at home.

The first group did 4 hours of aerobics per week.

The second performed resistance training. 2-4 sets, 8-15 reps, 10 exercises, 3 times a week.

VO2 Max (the measure of aerobic output) increased equally in both groups.

The resistance training group lost significantly more fat and did not lose any lean body mass (muscle), even eating only 800 calories a day.

The resistance training group actually increased their metabolic rate, while the aerobic group decreased theirs.

Bryner RW, Ullrich IH, Sauers J, Donley D, Hornsby G, Kolar M, Yeater R. – Effects of resistance vs. aerobic training combined with an 800 calorie liquid diet on lean body mass and resting metabolic rate. J Am Coll Nutr. 1999 Apr;18(2):115-21

I find many things interesting about the study, but a couple really stick out:

  1. This study shows that you don’t need to do steady state aerobics to increase aerobic capacity.
  2. The study also revealed that as long as you strength train, you can keep your metabolic engine revved up, even on very low calories.

Here’s another interesting tidbit that I hope will put a final nail in the “you have to do tons of aerobics to lose weight” coffin. While this study was done using male subjects, there is no evidence that the same does not apply to females as well.

Subjects were broken into three groups: Diet Only, Diet Plus Aerobics, Diet Plus Aerobics Plus Resistance Training.

Diet only group lost 14.6 pounds of fat in 12 weeks

Diet plus aerobics group trained 3 times per week, starting at 30 minutes per day and progressing to 50 minutes per day over the 12 weeks). They lost a grand total of one more pound (15.6 lbs) than the Diet Only group!

The Resistance Training group lost 21.1 pounds of fat, which is 44% more than the diet only and 35% more than the diet and aerobics group.

Kramer, Volek et. al. – Influence of exercise training on physiological and performance changes with weight loss in men. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol 31, No. 9, pp.1320-1329, 1999.

Seriously, if I was only going to lose 1 more pound over 12 weeks, does it really make sense to focus on aerobics?

Didn’t think so!

Here is another very important point for the ladies.

It is hard work to gain lean muscle. You must continually challenge the body through progressive strength training. But that doesn’t mean you are going to wind up with arms like Arnold Schwarzenneger. In general women do not have the hormonal makeup to gain large amounts of muscle. That’s why you can see someone like Nancy use relatively heavy weights for her size, have a lean and sculpted look, and still be small. Female genetics allow her to be strong without excess bulk.

She is also a product of the way we train. While it is true that some female strength athletes have larger muscles than some find desirable, the way they train, low reps and low volume for example, are more likely to produce that result. Our training methods enable both men and women to build lean muscle – the guys will gain more size because of their hormonal profile, while the women will achieve the long, lean and toned look most are seeking to achieve because of theirs.

We train the way we do for a reason, because the science backs it up and the empirical evidence is walking around our gyms every day – it works!

Let’s sum it up:

  • The optimal result of training for weight loss is to preserve (or gain – a subject for another time) lean muscle mass while losing bodyfat.
  • The only proven way for this to happen while in a calorie deficit is to strength train.
  • Progressive resistance and proper recovery is necessary for continued progress over time. You must continually challenge the muscles and then allow them to recuperate. Picking up 5 pound dumbbells month after month is not going to cut it!

So don’t be surprised or offended when your coach challenges you to increase your loading. We won’t ask you to do more than you are capable of, and we won’t ask you all the time. Loading is just one of the many training parameters that we can and manipulate in order to ensure progress, but it is an important one.

Ultimately you are in control of the progress you are making. Proper nutrition, hard work in the gym and optimal recovery = maximum results.

Now let’s get after it and Make It Happen!

Good Foot Health Is No Small “Feet”

Each morning before I step onto the floor I make sure my feet are more awake than I am.  Getting my feet ready to support my body weight with a quick massage and stretch is just like doing the big arm stretch right after I get out of bed.  You know, feet work so hard and they really take a beating so I like to take the time to honor their work and let them know I’m grateful.

Did you know that your feet have 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 tendons! And that’s without mentioning the ligaments and muscles in your feet.

So I think we should honor our feet!  (knees will have to wait for their time in a later blog). After all, remember Neil Armstrong’s quote as he “stepped” onto the moon. “That’s one small step for man and one giant leap for all mankind.”

First of all, lets see what your feet can tell you about your health.  If you have a pain in your foot your gait changes, and when your gait changes your entire body is affected which can create back pain, hip problems, sore leg muscles – even aching shoulders and neck.

Remember if you act like a heel to your foot it can come back and kick you in the butt. (I’m cracking myself up with all these puns)

So whenever you find yourself with a pain in the foot please pay attention, because it can be the beginning of a multitude of problems.

In fact, any sign of foot trouble may be the start of other problems.  For instance, chronic pain, calluses that go unchecked, very dry skin, swelling, redness or discoloration in the toe nails all are problems that need to be addressed.

Now, get this…the foot has over 250,000 sweat glands!  So, wash your feet!  Clean and dry between the toes; this will get rid of the moisture and bacteria that cause feet to stink and creates nasty skin problems. Don’t be average adult who doesn’t reach their feet with a washcloth or other abrasive material that can eliminate dry skin and fungus.

Most ingrown toenails are due to improper nail clipping.  Cut the nails straight across, no cute little angles on the sides that can cause the nail to grow improperly causing a painful toenail and a doctor’s appointment to correct it.

Feet change and spread over the years so it’s important that you measure. Most adults don’t bother with it. They assume that the size they got last time they bought shoes will do this time as well. Maybe another reason why so many people end up with sore feet.

Don’t keep your feet in old worn out shoes.  There should be a thumb size space between the end of the toe and the end of the shoe. Not having the correct shoe size can result in runner’s toe, calluses, ingrown nails, fungal nail infections, and hammertoe deformities. (I’m not saying who has toes that look like mushrooms)

Now you know Dean and I love our Vibram Five Fingers. Here is what Vibram says about their footwear.

“Wearing FiveFingers during strength and fitness conditioning can increase your comfort, balance, performance and overall sense of control. That’s because many of the poses and exercises you perform during strength and fitness training rely on flexible yet stable support from your feet and legs.” (the support is not coming from our shoes but from our own body)

Whether you chose traditional sneakers or back to barefoot basics we need to treat our feet like they are important.

So there you have it.  Take care of your feet and they will take care of your body and sole. ( I just had to get one more pun in)

Coach Nancy

Why Do You Do It That Way?

Is a question we love to hear at Get Fit NH Bootcamp!

When someone asks us that, we know we have an engaged member who wants to make the most of his or her training, and has a true desire to get better. In fact if you have a question please ask!

We are also happy to get any feedback and suggestions regarding bootcamp, but I will caution you, we aren’t always going to adopt those suggestions when it comes to your training!

Serious Trainer Fail


Outrageous? Not really, and here’s why.

We have a unified system of training, and while we are certainly always learning and seeking to improve training methods as scientific and empirical evidence proves them effective, we aren’t into “fads”. The tools we use (KB, TRX, Bands, Dumbells, etc.) have proven themselves over and over. You are not going to see one-footed dumbbell curls while balancing on a bosu ball at Get Fit NH Bootcamp! Tires, sleds and sledgehammers are cool tools and can be very effective, but you won’t see them everyday. Icing on the cake, so to speak.

Like you, we have seen “Bootcamps” popping up everywhere, and while there are some good trainers out there with good programs, we work hard to make sure Get Fit NH Bootcamp is second to none. Just because it has “bootcamp” in the name doesn’t mean it is an effective program.

So why are we any different than anyone else? Besides the reasons above,  let me share some of the core principles we adhere to:

1) If you are injured you can’t train. That doesn’t mean we can’t work around and with pre-existing injuries or conditions. We work together with your physician, physical therapist or chiropractor to make sure we understand any injuries you may have and get you better. What is does mean is that we are going to do the necessary mobility and flexibility work IN CLASS to promote joint health and range of motion. The ability to perform movements with correct form through a full range of motion is critical to your long term health and helps you get the most from your training. Our recovery weeks are also designed to promote lifelong progress and health.

2) Your training will be balanced. Sometimes we get requests for more of this or that – ab work for instance. We spend hours every week carefully designing your program to allow for a proper training/recovery balance, and sometimes “more ab work” isn’t in the plan. Not because they aren’t important, because a strong “core” is critical, but because your abs need recovery too. We are also going to make sure that we work the “go” muscles, like the scapular retractors and hamstrings, not just the “show” muscles like biceps and chest. This is crucial for shoulder, hip and knee health.  Refer back to #1!

3) Your training will be fun. Now I know sometimes our members think my definition of “fun” is a bit different than theirs, but I think they will also agree that cranking through a killer workout and achieving more than they thought possible is fun too! Our training programs are designed to be “totally unboring” – providing the progressions our more experienced members need and also providing a high level of coaching to those new to the program.

4) Ultra-Flexible class times. I don’t know of any bootcamp anywhere that has more class times – 8 per training day, 32 per week in our two locations! Is more necessarily better? It is in this case! We leave virtually no reason why you can’t make a class or make one up. This is huge!

5) Some added bonuses you need to be using. If you are a member and not actively using your account – get to it, particularly the food logging portion. We added this at no additional cost to you, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth anything! In fact we are seeing that our members who actively use their account are making the best progress toward their goals. Read the newsletters and subscribe to the blog. Every week there are articles, recipes and more. Invest a few minutes each week to educating yourself on your health and fitness.

So there you go. Just a few reasons why we “do what we do”. Remember we want your questions – we are ready and willing with the answers.

Thanks for choosing to train with us! (And if you aren’t yet – Make It Happen!)

Dean & Nancy

It’s Go Time!

By now your body is enjoying the fruits of recovery week and is getting a little bit antsy to get back in the gym and get back to work. You have reaped the rewards of hard training, and staying out of the gym too much longer is out of the question. Hang in there – Tuesday is almost here!

The best thing is that over the last few weeks you know why you are getting better. You are seeing the benefits of feeding your body premium fuel – lean protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. You have cleaned out your cupboards of junk food, because you know that even if the kids “like it”, it’s not good for them either. You start every day with a healthy breakfast of lean protein – eggs, yogurt, or in a pinch a protein shake. Your new habit of drinking only calorie free beverages has taken a few hundred unwanted calories out of your nutrition plan, and you don’t even miss it.

Your habit of eating every few hours has stabilized your blood sugar and you aren’t having the late morning/early afternoon energy crashes anymore. Your forays around the perimeter of the grocery store has led to the discovery that there are hundreds of tasty fruits and vegetables available. How come mom only fed me corn and peas, you wonder?

You have established the habit of planning your splurge meals, knowing that strategically relaxing your nutrition leads to better progress and less craving. You are in charge of your eating, and you have stopped letting your emotions plunge you headlong into overeating and regret.

You never miss a bootcamp class, and it shows. You are earning the strong, lean and healthy body you have always wanted. Your friends want to know your secret, and it spurs you on to making even better progress.

Only a few more days until you keep making all this happen – Can’t Wait!

What’s With The Funny Shoes?

So this week Nancy and I started sporting some new footwear – Vibram Five Fingers –  and they have generated a lot of interesting conversation this week.

Those of you who have been in a Get Fit NH Bootcamp class with Dr. Dave have seen them before, and we credit him for the discovery. Dave runs in them, and turned us on to the book “Born To Run”, written by Christopher McDougall.  I can’t describe this book any better than does: “Full of incredible characters, amazing athletic achievements, cutting-edge science, and, most of all, pure inspiration, Born to Run is an epic adventure that began with one simple question: Why does my foot hurt? In search of an answer, Christopher McDougall sets off to find a tribe of the world’s greatest distance runners and learn their secrets, and in the process shows us that everything we thought we knew about running is wrong.”

Now if you know anything about me, you know that I have no love for running, on many levels. However if you insist on beating the snot out of your joints in this way (just kidding – sort of) do yourself a favor and pick up this book.

So if I am not going to run in them, you may be asking yourself, what’s the point?

It has everything to do with joint health and proper exercise mechanics. For those of you who are, ummm, mature enough, you probably remember “Chuck Taylor” basketball sneakers. They were (and maybe still are) popular again not all that long ago. Well “Chucks” are the preferred shoe for many powerlifters and strength athletes, particularly when squatting and deadlifting, as they have a flat sole and encourage proper lifting mechanics. The challenge with them is that they aren’t really good in a cross-training environment like bootcamp for the same reasons.

You see when we wear those fancy shoes that support our feet and arches in 900 different ways we can actually do more harm than good. Your body was designed in a very logical manner, joint by joint. As you move up the kinetic chain, each joint is designed to alternate between MOBILITY and STABILITY.

The ankle is designed to be MOBILE.

The knee is designed to be STABLE.

The hip is designed to be MOBILE.

The lumbar spine STABLE.

The thoracic spine MOBILE, etc…all the way up the chain.

So when we over-stabilize the first joint, the ankle, the next joint wants to “make up” that lack of mobility. Unfortunately that next joint is the knee, and stiff ankles often leads to sore and injured knees, which are now moving in a way they were not designed. This can also happen when the hips have less than the optimum mobility. By “freeing” the ankle joint to work properly, you very well may find your knees feel better! The same principle can apply to your lower back. Get the hips working optimally can help relieve low back pain. Pretty cool.

So what’s the solution? GO BAREFOOT! In fact when we opened the Epsom facility we discussed it being a barefoot gym. We decided for a few reasons not to go that route.

And then comes Dr. Dave and his Vibram Five Fingers. Perfect solution! When I heard Joe Kings in Concord started carrying them, we were all over it. (No, I don’t a make a penny from Joe Kings or Vibram)

So how’s it going after a week? I can tell you they take some getting used to; just getting them on takes awhile at first. The first two days my feet were sore – it was pretty apparent that my foot muscles were weak. Today is day five, and I hardly notice I am wearing them. They actually feel really good! I am already squatting better and lower than I was – which is pretty exciting for me.

Some of you have already joined us by training barefoot, and some of you already were. I would urge you to pick up a copy of “Born To Run”  and do a little research into this craziness yourself. One precaution – ease yourself into the barefoot thing. Running right away will cause you nothing but pain. Your foot needs to strengthen before you go nuts.

My biggest problem now? Nancy discovered they sell pink Vibrams – looks like she may have TWO pairs!

Make It Happen!
