Ya Learn Something Everyday

PPW3_LogoNow I’ve heard that learning something everyday will keep you young, so why not? 🙂

Recently one of our 30 Challenges in 30 Days was to plan a menu for a week. For some that seems like a daunting challenge, but once you build the habit it does get easier, I promise.

While reading some of the posts on Facebook after completing that day’s challenge I learned some new things and I know you will too.

The Challenge: Day 14 – Plan one weeks menu. And we asked you to tell us how this will help you eat better during the week.

So lets hear what some action takers found:

Scott said “Planning helps you to shop more efficiently and you don’t end up buying stuff you don’t need (or is unhealthy for you!)

Rebecca shares “This has helped me budget and eat better!”

According to Stephanie “This helps me stay more true to my nutritional (fat loss) goals when I plan.”

Deb said “It will definitely help me to stay on track the whole week.

Stacey found “Now I’m much better prepared, feel less anxiety over “what’s for dinner” and have started making a larger variety of healthy dinner choices.”

Here’s Mary “It will help me to stay on track, and I won’t be inclined to “just pick something up”.

Melissa added “It will keep me from running to the store and just grabbing something that probably wouldn’t be good for me.”

I could go on and on. But my point is that many of you have found that planning meals for the week will;

  • Save time at the store and at meal time
  • Planning saves you money
  • Planning a menu means less stress
  • A menu plan equals a happier family. They know what the plan is and for some families they get to help with the planning.
  • A menu will provide you with healthier meals
  • Your plan will make life easier for you.
  • You will not have to think on the fly.

Nadine offers her family the option to help plan their weekly menu. She has created a card system for the planning and shopping. All of her family’s dinner meals are listed on an index card. The card contains the meal, the recipe for the meal, and all the items needed from the store. Each family member picks a card for the week and Nadine fills in the days as needed. Her family is happy because they choose the meals. In Nadine’s words, “This routine that I have been doing for awhile now makes for healthy at home meals, frees up a ton of time with only one trip to the grocery store & happy bellies.”

So I learned I can save time, save money, save my sanity, and make my family happy all with a little well spent time at the beginning of each week. And all this thinking keeps me young…..

And you?

To your best health,

Coach Nancy




30 Challenges in 30 Days – Days 22 thru 30

hWe are over halfway home in our 30 Challenges in 30 Days, so don’t stop now.

Yes, I am calling you out. Yeah, you with the twinkie in your hand. Put it down!

Starting is important, but finishing what you started pays dividends in your mind, body and spirit. Quitting before you are done is draining and demoralizing, I’ve been there. Taking action every single day is key to reaching your goals, small and big.

You are worth seeing this through to the end, so Plan, Prepare, and Win!

30 Challenges in 30 Days 22-30

Day 22: Eat Veggies at your first meal – yes breakfast!

Day 23: Have your recovery drink before leaving Get Fit NH (or right after other strength training)

Day 24: Eat only raw vegetables today

Day 25: No Caffeine today. – (big culprits: coffee and chocolate)

Day 26: Eat 2 cups of vegetables at any one meal (salad doesn’t count)

Day 27: Replace your bread/pasta/rice with a vegetable at dinner

Day 28: Make a salad a main course for lunch or dinner today.

Day 29: Eat lean protein and a veggie anytime you eat today

Day 30: Not eat any added sugar foods – check each label carefully. Click here for sneaky sugar names

You can do it, there is no doubt.

Dig deep and Make It Happen!

30 Day Challenge Update – Days 15 thru 21

hIt has been really cool to see how fantastic all of you are doing on this challenge. Some days are easier than others, but all of them are going to contribute in your efforts to lose fat, gain muscle, and feel great!

Don’t Skip Any!

Here is an additional challenge. Don’t think of these things as a one time shot, keep doing them, over and over, until they become habit.

I was reading a book by one of my mentors, Martin Rooney, called “Training to Win”. In it Coach Rooney was expounding on the power of habit. He wrote that studies show that 90% of what we do on a daily basis is done out of habit.


Now that could be a good thing and could be a bad thing.

For instance 15 years ago it was my habit to:

  • Not exercise
  • Watch hours of TV every night
  • Eat loads of garbage foods. Soda, cookies, bread, pasta, pizza, french fries and fast food.

You know back then I thought it was normal for me to be drinking Pepto-Bismol every day. I am NOT kidding, you can ask Nancy.

These things were my “go to”. I did them every day because, well, that’s what I did. It was pure habit.

And what did that habit get me?

  • At least 80 pounds overweight (I have been as low as 100 pounds under my all time high)
  • High blood pressure
  • Pre-diabetic with my blood glucose climbing higher and higher
  • Unexplained spells of passing out
  • Winded getting off the couch.

The good news is that I didn’t have to be stuck with those habits for the rest of my life, and Neither Do You!

Be A Creator!

But I want you to stop thinking that you have to “break bad habits”.

Instead I want you to think about creating new ones.

You see when we focus on what we “shouldn’t” be doing we dig in, we get stubborn, we go negative and we set ourselves up for failure.

This is one of the reasons the 30 Day Challenge has mostly “Do’s” and very few “Do Not’s”.

Human beings were created to be creative. So start creating new habits.

For instance when you start eating 20-30 grams of lean protein at each meal and adding healthy fats into your diet, you are creating an environment where:

  • Your blood sugar stabilizes.
  • Your body has what it needs to repair itself from training and maintain hormone balance.
  • You feel fuller longer because protein and fat take longer to metabolize.
  • Among many other amazing benefits.

When you do this all the time, when it becomes habit, you will most likely find that:

  • Your cravings for high sugar foods will be reduced or eliminated.
  • Your energy levels and mood will be enhanced.
  • You are eating less overall.
  • You start dropping bodyfat and inches.

And all this happened pretty much “automagically” because you were a creator and replaced habits. It largely takes the ever elusive “willpower” out of the equation because now this new habit is something that is as part of your nature as turning off the TV and going to bed early enough to get enough sleep. (You are doing that, right) 🙂

More than anything else this is the “secret” to my successfully losing bodyfat and keeping it off for years. I have no more willpower than the average bear. But I do have some pretty good habits.

So let’s get back to the challenge.

Don’t forget to keep checking in on our Facebook Page to let us know how you are doing. Be encouraged by all the people who are creating new habits, one by one, day by day.

Make it Happen!

30 Challenges in 30 Days 15-21

Day 15.    No alcohol today.

Day 16.    Eat fish for a main dish.

Day 17.    No bread or baked goods today.

Day 18.    Try a veggie you never had before. Artichoke, Kale, Brussel Sprouts? Just go for it!

Day 19.    Replace any fruit/fruit juice with a veggie.

Day 20.    Eat 5 colors at one meal. No Jonathan Kovar, Skittles do not count.

Day 21.    Stop eating at 7:30 or two hours before bed.








Get Fit NH Concord Now Carrying Gourmet Coffee and Tea

bakedNadine Jennings was kind enough to offer us with a huge supply of amazing tea from her and husband Peter’s Cafe’ – “Baked” – during this years Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown. Her background in all things tea was eye-opening! My favorite is Cucumber Mojito, but she has literally dozens of varieties.

Since so many of you had the chance to try them, and enjoy them, we have decided to stock some of their most popular flavors as well as their incredible gourmet coffee at Get Fit Concord. Epsom-ites please don’t feel left out, because I will be glad to deliver your order straight to Epsom anytime you need me to.

I love me a good cup of coffee and tea, and I know many of you do as well. We will be stocking 12oz. bags of coffee, as well as Tea Tins and singles.


Tea Tins: 20 Bags – $10

  • Dragon’s Well
  • Earl Grey Cream
  • Cucumber Mojito
  • English Breakfast
  • Very Berry
  • Mango Rose
  • Pomegranate Pear
  • Ceylon OP
  • Rasberry Litchi

Tea Singles: $0.75 each

  • Pomegranate Pear
  • Mango Rose
  • Toffee Chocolate Hazelnut
  • Classic Ceylon OP
  • English Breakfast
  • Coconut Truffle
  • Dragon’s Well
  • Chamomile Vanilla Bean
  • Earl Grey Cream
  • Very Berry
  • Raspberry Lichti

Gourmet Coffee: 12oz. – $10

  • Decaf Cafe’ Blend
  • Cafe’ Blend
  • Hazelnut
  • Sumatra
  • Jamaican Me Crazy
  • French Roast
  • Black & Tan
  • French Vanilla


30 Challenge Update – Days 8 thru 14

hOk guys, by the time you read this you should be three or four days into the 30 day challenge.

Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page here for daily updates and to tell us how you are doing.

By the way, how are you doing so far?

In order to prepare you for next week, check out the challenges for days 8 through 14, and prepare to win!

30 Challenges in 30 Days, 8 – 14

Day 8-    No artificial sweeteners in your drinks. What did you drink instead?

Day 9-    Eat healthy fats, fish oil, avocado etc.

Day 10-    Take A Multivitamin. We recommend a good whole vitamin like Prograde VGF 25+ (Click Here for Details) but start anywhere

Day 11-    Log your food for the day. Did you do it? Find it helpful?

Day 12-    No cheese of any kind today, just because! What did you eat instead?

Day 13-     Post a recipe to our Facebook page here: http://facebook.com/getfitnh, or in the comment section of this post if you are not on Facebook.

Day 14-    Plan one weeks menu. Tell us how this will help you eat better during week 3.

Make It Happen!


Asparagus Salad

hI love asparagus, but you have to be gentle and cook it right. Too many of us tried the waterlogged soggy and just plain nasty version and said “never again”.  But when done right asparagus is really, really good, so I urge you to give it another try.

Dawn sent in this recipe that hits the mark – thanks Dawn!

  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/8 cup lemon juice
  • 12 fresh asparagus spears
  • 6 cups fresh spinach leaves
  • 1/8 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tablespoon seasoned slivered almonds

Preheat a grill for low heat. Combine the lemon juice and olive oil on a plate. Place asparagus on the plate, and roll around to coat.

Grill asparagus for about 5 minutes, turning at least once, and brushing with the olive oil mixture. Remove from the grill, and place back onto the plate with the oil.

In a large bowl, combine the spinach, Parmesan cheese, and slivered almonds. Cut asparagus into bite size pieces, and add to the salad along with the lemon juice and oil from the plate. Toss to blend, then serve.


New “Ninja” Summer Smoothie Recipes Are Here!


Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie Tastes GOOD!

For all those Ninja users, check out the recipes below, and if you don’t currently have a Ninja or a Vitamix – What are you waiting for? Read what Nadine of 8:30am fame has to say.

“I recently purchased a Kitchen Ninja! Awesome tool!

It is a food processor, juicer & blender all in one!! It also comes with 3 processor cups & travel lids (perfect for smoothies!!) Purchase price was around $80 but you could go through several cheaper versions & spend just as much or even more in the long run.

Would definitely gives this gadget a whirl!! No pun intended!!! Lol!” – Nadine J.

The recipes below are wonderful additions as a recovery drink post training. Nadine has wonderful tasting recipes and they also contain veggies alongside the protein. Thank you Nadine for these delicious recipes.

Most of my smoothie recipes are the same basic ingredients & then I change up the fruits with the season. Also you can add ice if you like your smoothie thicker (“frozen” like).

My daughters will sometimes use organic 0% fat plain Greek yogurt (that we’ve frozen in 1/2 cup portions) instead of the protein powder.

I try to keep my recipes simple so that the ingredients can be easily switched around & all the ingredients’ flavors can be tasted.”

The basics:

  • one cup of either unsweetened almond coconut milk, unsweetened vanilla or chocolate almond milk, or unsweetened coconut milk
  • one scoop of vanilla or chocolate whey protein powder (I am hooked on the SFH brand because it is from local, grass fed, free range animals; thanks for finding this brand!!!
  • a cup of frozen fruit of your choice (I always use what is in season, organic, & local; well except for pineapple, bananas & mango; can’t find local for those) 🙂
  • 2 handfuls of organic spinach or kale
  •  Then more almond/coconut milk if needed for thinness if desired.

My favorites:

 “That’s Just Peachy”

  • unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • vanilla whey protein
  • Dash of real organic vanilla extract
  • frozen peaches
  • Spinach

“Pineapple Colada “

  • Unsweetened coconut milk
  • Vanilla Whey protein powder
  • Frozen pineapple
  • Spinach
  • Throw in some unsweetened shredded coconut if you want a “pulpy” taste

“Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter”

  • Chocolate Almond milk
  • Chocolate Whey protein powder
  • 1 tsp of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 frozen banana (if it was a large banana)
  • 1-2 tbsp of organic peanut butter
  • Spinach or kale

“Chocolate Almond Cherry”

  • Chocolate Almond milk
  • Chocolate Whey Protein powder
  • 1/2 tsp chocolate cocoa
  • Frozen cherries
  • Spinach or kale
  • Dash organic almond extract


I am currently trying to experiment with a “Cucumber Mojito” smoothie. I will send you that one when I “get it right”.

Hope you enjoy these!

Nadine J.

30 Challenges In 30 Days Starts Next Monday, July 29 – Sweet!

hAhh the dog days of summer!

What is it about we New Englanders anyways?

When the sun is out it’s too hot! And then we are surprised that it actually rains around here too – weird. 🙂

I say we get our minds off things we cannot control (like the weather) and focus on some things we can control – way more productive, wouldn’t you say?

30 Challenges in 30 Days

Every day starting Monday July 29th you will get a new challenge for the day. It will be posted on our Facebook page located here: https://www.facebook.com/getfitnh, so make sure you “like” us to get the daily update.  After you complete the challenge post that you completed the challenge and if required how you made it happen.

Since some of the challenges require you a little preparation or forethought, we will post the next few days ahead of time here on the blog to help you out. I assure you that every single one of these things is something you can do, and when you do them your body will thank you that you did!

We will also come up with a little something something for everybody who completes all 30 days, so don’t skip days!

Here’s the first 7 days so you can get prepared:

Day 1: Drink at least 64 ounces of water

Day 2: Don’t eat after dinner

Day 3: Eat 5 servings of Vegetables (http://www.getfitnhbootcamp.com/11841/s3-2013-habit-3-eat-vegetable-with-each-eating-opportunity/)

Day 4: Do not eat anything out of a bag, box or can

Day 5: Eat at least 20 grams of protein at 3 meals (http://www.getfitnhbootcamp.com/11759/s3-2013-habit-2-eat-lean-protein-dense-foods-with-each-meal/)

Day 6: Visit a CSA or local Farmers Market

Day 7: Prep your food today for tomorrow (cut veggies, pack lunch, etc.)

See? All those things are things you can do, so let’s Make It Happen!

Who’s In With Me?

Ice Cream, We Scream….. No not really, BETTER!

It’s hot and it’s summer, so of course we are thinking of dipping up some of the cool stuff to enjoy.

Guess what? It doesn’t have to be bad for you! Try these delicious and easy to make recipes next time you need a cool treat.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (vanilla works great)
  • 1 Tablespoon Cocao nibs
  • 2 Tablespoons Natural peanut butter
  • 3 Scoops of Chocolate UMP
  • 4 Cups of ice

Add all the ingredients into a powerful blender – a must have for these to come out right. (we use a Vitamix)

Using a damper,  blend for 30-45 seconds. Going longer will melt your ice cream. Scoop this out and enjoy – it is really good!


Peach Melba Sundaes, without any guilt!

I took peaches we grew and ran them through the blender. (looked like baby food)

I thenpeach melba sundae put all of this in my blender. (again I have a Vitamix, so its strong)

  • 1 cup of 1/2 and 1/2
  • 4 cups of ice
  • 3 scoops of vanilla UMP
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla

( this makes 5 servings)

I blend it for about 45 seconds. In a clear cup add 1 Tablespoon of the peaches, 1 scoop of the ice cream, another Tablespoon of the peaches and then a few raspberries.

Fantastic – give these quick, easy and tasty recipes a try today!

Coach Nancy!

“Exercise Your Independence” Brunch Recipes

You asked for them, you got ’em. Here are some delicious post-training nutrition eats, and super easy to make – Enjoy!

Oatmeal in a JarBreakfast sundae

  • ¼ cup uncooked old fashioned rolled oats
  • 2 Tablespoons of water
  • ½ cup Greek yogurt
  • 1-1/2 teaspoon chia seeds
  • ¼ cup blueberries (or enough to fill jar)

In a half pint (1 cup) jar, add oats, water, yogurt, and chia seeds. Put lid on jar and shake until well combined. Remove lid, add blueberries and stir until mixed throughout. Return lid to jar and refrigerate overnight or up to 2 days. Eat chilled.

Variations: Strawberries and Cream: substitute strawberries and a dash of vanilla in place of the blueberries.

Apples and Cinnamon: add 2 Tablespoons applesauce and a dash of cinnamon


Coach Nancy’s Easy Breakfast Sundae

  • Frozen mixed berries thawed
  • ½ cup plain yogurt
  • 6 walnuts

Layer the fruit with the yogurt and top with the walnuts. This is beautiful served in a glass sundae cup. The fruits can be varied to what you have on hand.


Best Bran Muffins Yet!

  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 ½ cup bran
  • 3 Tablespoon butter
  • 2 Tablespoon molasses (honey works well too)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 ½ cup milk

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease muffin pan. Sift flour, baking soda, and salt together and stir in the bran. Beat butter and molasses together then add in the egg, and milk. Mix the dry ingredients with the wet. Fill the muffin tins to about ¾ full. Bake muffins for 15-20 minutes.

I love to add a cup of raisins or craisins or mix the two. Delicious!

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