Giants Hockey Player Shines in the Spotlight

Alex spent a couple months training with us in our Athlete Academy program. During those months, he made tremendous strides in his strength, mobility, and flexibility. He went from deadlifting barely the bar, to being able to lift over 150 lbs in his deadlift from the floor, an amount of weight that is well above his bodyweight. Alex worked extremely hard and it showed in the incredible progress he made. I asked him a few questions about his experience and he provided me some short sweet answers about his time in our Athlete Academy program.

"What changes have you noticed since starting Athlete Academy?

Not only am I becoming more physically enabled, I'm also progressing on pushing myself and being responsible.

What outside of Academy has gotten easier?

Playing sports and doing other competitive activities.

What have you accomplished since joining Athlete Academy?

I'm able to lift weights that I never thought I could and do things I never though I would be able to do. And I'm also learning new things.

What is your favorite part of Athlete Academy?

Going in and becoming familiar with routine and then I am able to push myself in a environment where I know I can.

How has Athlete Academy affected your performance?

I feel a lot stronger and more solid and have an easier time keeping up."

Great job, Alex! Keep up the hard work and you will keep on getting stronger!

-Coach Adam

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