High Five!

Give high fives more often!

Here’s your challenge this week: Give out 21 high fives this week. That is 3 high fives a day. Real ones - actually slap hands with a friend, colleague, spouse, kid or fellow Get Fitter.

I think high fives are underestimated. When someone does something GREAT, they deserve that encouragement. When someone shows they are PROUD, they deserve excitement from you too. When someone is struggling, but pushes through they deserve recognition and enthusiasm.

I was reminded of how far a high five goes after observing the sled push for our August movement challenge. The energy in the room was unreal. Every single person in line was clapping, cheering and encouraging whoever was pushing the sled. When this kind of encouragement takes place it gives me goose bumps. It makes me so happy to see so many amazing people on the same mission and encouraging others. After the sled push, the one pushing the sled received well deserved high fives from those around. I took a minute to observe the change on their face when high fives were received and it was a truly proud and accomplished look. Like they were part of a big giant supportive family and they were proud to be here. I just happen to know that one of these people needed those high fives that day and it made a huge difference in their day and their attendance the rest of that week.

You may think it is silly, but your high five could go much farther than you even know. That is why I want to challenge you to celebrate success and encourage those around you. Everyone needs a high five sometimes.

Coach Meagan

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