Importance of Fat in the Diet

Nowadays there is a lot of confusion in regards to the macronutrient known as fat. A lot of people think consuming any type of fat will automatically contribute to their total percent body fat. Though this statement has some merit if you are consuming too many fats in the form of excess calories, it doesn’t paint the whole picture. Fat is an essential part of everyone’s diet, and it’s important we make sure we balance the amount of fats we consume.

Lipids, more commonly known as fats, provide a lot of different functions for the body. They are a major fuel source during exercise. Help aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Supply your body with essential fatty acids and help promote healthy skin. Lipids also supply building blocks for other biomolecules. As you can see, fats (lipids) definitely serve to help the body function properly and healthy. 

As far as the different types of fats, you should try to lower your daily intake of saturated fats as much as possible. Research shows that diets high in saturated fats contribute to many different types of diseases. It is recommended you only consume about 10% of your daily calories from saturated fat. Try consuming more fish, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, avocados, and olives to help get the essential fats in your diet. 

The problem though in today’s society is, we consume too many fats in our diet. On average the typical American consumes about 45% of their calories from fats. It is recommended by the American Heart Association that you should consume only 30% of your daily calories from fats, and that’s as a maximum! Though the lower you can get to 20% or below, the more success you will find in your fat loss goals. Remember fat alone does not make you fat. Only when your caloric intake exceeds your energy needs does your body fat increase. 

Coach Dylan

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