Let’s learn about FAT

Fats are the final macronutrient that you should be getting an adequate amount of on a daily basis. Like carbs, often times eating fat is associated with weight gain, however this  macronutrient plays an integral role in many bodily systems that allow us to thrive. 

What are fats? 

Fats can be categorized into a variety of types: saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats  which are a sub-type of unsaturated that actually acts like a saturated fat. Eating too much  saturated/trans fat can lead to inflammation, heightened cholesterol and blood clotting,  while eating unsaturated fats helps the body absorb minerals and vitamins and supports  muscle movement. Fat is the body’s secondary source of energy!  

It’s important to prioritize unsaturated fats over saturated and trans fats, as too much  of the saturated/trans fat can produce too much cholesterol and eventually increase the  risk of heart disease. 

How much fat do you need? 

20-35% of your daily calorie intake should be made up of fats. Ideally, most of these will  come from unsaturated fats, with saturated fats taking up no more than 10%.  Again, this is  due to the increased risk of heart disease and high blood pressure associated with eating  large amounts of saturated/trans fats. 

What foods are high in fat? 

Different kinds of fats are present in different foods. 

Unsaturated fats can be found in: • Vegetable oils (flaxseed oil & canola oil) • Olives and olive oil 

• Avocado (and avocado oil) 

• Fatty fish 

• Nuts and seeds (including nut butters) 

Saturated fats can be found in:

• Meat (particularly red meat) 

• Coconut oil and coconut milk 

• Dairy products 

• Pastries and other sweet snack foods • Deep-fried foods

Eat fat. 

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