Resisted Dowel Rod Deadlifts

Don't worry, heavy kettlebell deadlifts will still be a thing during this training phase. We are also going to be alternating weeks with this excellent variation that really drives home FORM. This variation will transfer beautifully to all hinge variations while also teaching you how to engage your lats and give your hammies some love. 

Click the link to check out the video for a quick rundown!

Introducing TRX Power Pulls

 Introducing TRX Power Pulls 

We are looking forward to introducing the TRX power pull in this training phase. This exercise is a fabulous way to build single-arm strength, improve grip strength and strengthen the upper back. There are a handful of ways we can do this exercise to meet your current ability. 

3 things to think about when giving this new exercise a go:

  • Keep the kettlebell racked tight. Your elbow with the racked kettlebell should be glued to your body throughout the entire movement
  • For each of these variations, your glutes should be squeezed tight and your ribs should be tucked down. That way your hips don't drop out and your core will be locked in to protect your back with the rotation.
  • Your heels, hips, and shoulders should all rotate together. You are not getting the rotation from your lower back. If your heels and your hips do not move your lower back will give you nasty feedback.

Click the button below to check out the quick video to see 4 different variations and get an idea of which one you're going to try to challenge yourself!

New Training Phase!

We have a brand new training phase coming in hot next week! We are excited to teach you some new exercise variations! Here is a quick teaser with a short vidoe below. You can expect emails later this week and early next week to dive a little deeper into these exercise variations and modifications

  • Power pulls
  • Resisted dowel rod deadlifts
  • Barbell rainbows (core)
  • Barbell Rows
  • Val slide push ups (advanced variation)

Meal Prep in One Hour or Less

Simple meal prep with Coach Meagan

Check out this quick video to see how I make 18 meals in less than one hour!

  • Egg Whites with broccoli and mozzarella cheese and turkey sausage
  • Meatballs with roasted veggies
  • Turkey Burgers with green beans
  • Baked chicken for Greek salad and chicken salad

All cooked, packaged, clean kitchen in less than one hour every dang week! 

Utilize all your kitchen appliances to make this a fast process!

Three Generations of Healthy Humans

Powerful post

What you see here is a rare sight. This is three generations of healthy humans. We have Eileen (1st generation), her daughter Katie (2nd generation) and Katie’s son Oliver (3rd generation) all training in the same gym. All doing the same exercise, but unique to each of them and their goals and needs.

It’s not everyday you get to train alongside your grandmother. It’s not everyday you get to train alongside you son, daughter or grandson! What a special bond that will be a lasting memory for each of them.

All because Katie walked through the door. She invited her mom and then her son.

This is what is so special about Get Fit NH. There is space for everyone regardless of age and ability.

This is one of two families at Get Fit NH who have three generations training in the same gym! Shoutout to Emma, Jeremy, Trish, Bob and Spencer for representing generational health

Using the Lacrosse Ball to Relieve Joint Pain

If you have ever had a nagging joint ache or pain I am 100% sure myself or one of the coaches suggested using a lacrosse ball to help loosen up the area.

The lacrosse ball is an incredibly effective tool to get deeper into the tissue and help release some of the tightness you're experiencing. Here are some common aches we hear and the common solutions we suggest trying may be surprised!

  • Ankle pain/tightness or shin pain could be due to locked up calves. Especially if you are logging the miles! Try using a lacrosse ball on the calves. It'll probably hurt a bit, but that is some solid feedback from your body asking for more soft tissue work!
  • Knee pain: Throw away the "I'm getting old" excuse and try grabbing a foam roller or lacrosse ball and rolling the area right above your knee. You can also do the full length of the quad for better results. Tight quads, especially the area just above your knee, can lead to achy knees. You're gonna have to do it more than once to reap the benefits!
  • Tight lower back: Lacrosse ball the glutes and the hip to help release the lockdown!  If you have never done this before then make sure you ask a coach so we can show you where to hit.
  • Shoulder pain, trap pain, neck pain: Lacrosse ball to the scapula both on the wall and the floor
  • Tight pecs: Lacrosse ball them right up again the wall
  • AND HERE IS MY FAVORITE! Tennis elbow: Lacrosse ball the tricep and forearm (see video below) The pain in the elbow is often referred pain from tightness in the tricep or forearm - or both!

Our body is designed to MOVE so if you spend a lot of your day sitting or driving then you can expect to have tight muscles which lead to achy joints. We have tested this method over and over and the results rarely fail. If they do fail, we refer to our onsite physical therapist to take a deeper dive!

Check out the video below to learn more!

Designing Warm Ups to Prevent Injury

Today we’re talking warm-ups and why they matter.

Believe it or not, we don’t just toss a bunch of movements together and call them a warm-up.

We look at the training and identify the best drills that will get your body ready to move.Over the years we have discovered the most effective warm-up drills that keep our clients training safe.

 We don’t reinvent the wheel, because it works! The training injury rate has been at an all time low for years. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!

Dynamic? Mobility? Rolling? Where does it all fit in and why…

**One small thing I wish I had mentioned...

We do more dynamic warm up exercises on Monday and Friday metabolic training to activate the central nervous system prior to going into movements that require speed and power. We do more mobility warm up exercises on Tuesday and Thursday where the training is more strength based. 

Soft Tissue Tools

Lacrosse ball, dowel rod, and foam roller…oh my!

We use all three at Get Fit NH for soft tissue work and they all have their place!

  • A Lacrosse ball is great for deeper and targeted soft tissue work
  • Dowel Rod allows for angles and pressure
  • The foam roller is great for getting the blood flowing, working through tight muscles and just getting the muscles ready to go.

Check out the video below to learn more about when we might use different tools and why! 

Keep up with all the excellent questions. Remember, if you have a question, someone else definitely does too!

Does your plate look like this?

It’s not just full, it’s overflowing

You can’t find your rhythm, because every time you take two steps forward you have a fire to put out leaving you 5 steps back?

Yes, I’m familiar with that frustration. It feels like a vicious cycle. Like how is EVERYONE else doing life gracefully, while I’m being dragged through the mud?

It’s not like that. Many people have a plate that looks like this. The difference between grace and dumpster fire is strategy!

Stop demanding to do everything yourself! When I became a single mom to three kids 6 and under and became their sole financial provider I knew I needed to delegate some of the things on my plate.

  • Things that took away from my time with the kids- GONE
  • Things that gave me anxiety if they weren’t done- GONE
  • Things that took time away from making money- GONE
  • Boundaries- Fully implemented

So what do I mean? Because everything written on this plate needs to get done, right?

Did you know there are people in this world who earn a living doing things for you! Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. You can pull from areas in your budget where you’re wasting money.

Things I hired out that used to add up to many hours each week:

  • Deep cleaning (you know, vacuum, mop, bathrooms, kitchen, etc)
  • Yard work - no, thanks
  • Coach- yep, I have one who writes my training. Otherwise I’d never do a split squat for the rest of my life
  • Started having groceries delivered. Shop weekly on the Hannaford App
    • Using a meal plan
    • Which turns into solid meal prep

The hours saved turned into focused hours on myself, my business and my sanity which has lead to growth and confidence.

It doesn’t happen overnight and maybe you start in baby steps, but no steps = no change, no results, no sanity.

Let me know if you need help getting organized, it is my specialty!

Coach Meagan

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