Encourage Others to be Better

You may have seen or heard us say a few times “the power of group training.” Well, we really mean that. Look at this video.

We are in the starting phases of a sled push challenge. Clients have to work their way up to a higher weight to “Level Up.” This video shows Ernie and Jon both pushing a sled with an added 270 lbs for Level 3. Click the button below to see how the videos show Jon clapping not only for Ernie, but for everyone participating and the other video of Ernie walking alongside Jon encouraging him to keep going to finish!

It’s easy to find ways to not push ourselves, but when we have support from a community of friends that all have health as their main goal, it’s much easier to push ourselves.

We are so thankful for each client that comes in and not only chooses to better themselves, but choose to help others find the better within themselves too.

CLOSED Tuesday 1/16 for all PM classes

Hey all,

It is pretty apparent that the weather is going to be an issue for the evening commute. We will be open for 11 (because we are here) but we are going to close for 4:15, 5:30 and 6:45 this evening.

If you are unable to make it in here is some relevant homework you can do at home (and still earn a check if you are doing the challenge!)

Always do a warm up!! 

12 reps of a single arm row if you have a band or a dumbbell otherwise try 12 reps of a speed row from the push up position

12 reps of a loaded squat (get creative if you do not have equipment)

12 reps of a tricep extension- use a band if you have one otherwise get creative- like a milk jug 

12 reps of a single leg deadlift (loaded as able)

40 seconds of a front plank variation

Repeat this 4 times

Reminder, we do have a pop up workout this Saturday at 8! If you want to jump in on that then get signed up here 

“The Squat is the most important exercise”

If you missed the article Laura shared on our Facebook page this week then are going to want to read this! 

The article was an AARP article written all about everyone's favorite exercise, the squat. Arguably, one of the most important exercises we continue to do as we mature. Here is the article!

“The squat is the most important exercise for seniors,” says Eric Daw, a personal trainer dedicated to older adults and founder of Omni-Fitt in Toronto, Canada. “When you have to go to the washroom, that’s a squat. When you get in the car, that’s a squat. Every time you sit down or stand up, that’s a squat. If you don’t do them well, it affects the way you live.”  

Squats strengthen all of the muscle groups in your legs, including your calves, quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes, as well as muscles in your lower back and core. Those muscles provide the foundation for most activities of daily living.

Squats are the antidote to soft couch-cushion syndrome — those challenging moments when we struggle to get up from that deep, old sofa. They can also help protect your joints, improve your balance and prevent falls, says Denise Austin, for 40 years one of America’s best-known fitness experts and authors. “Squats are one of the best overall exercises,” she says. “They strengthen the major muscles of the lower body we need to keep strong and also protect two joints we need help with on a regular basis — our knees and our hips.” 

Some research even shows a link between strong leg muscles and longevity. In one study, people ages 70 to 79 with stronger quadriceps (the muscles along the front of the thigh) had a lower chance of dying over six years compared with those who had weaker quadriceps."

Read the article by clicking the button below! If you want to give yourself the best shot of aging with grace then make sure you join us for a two week free trial!

2 Ways You’re Sabotaging Results

Raise your hand if you have ever been a victim of self sabotage? 

Oh good. Join the club

Proud of it? No, of course not. But I have yet to meet a single person who sets a BIG goal for themselves and never has just a little bit of self doubt that sometimes leads to destruction. So let’s go over two ways you may be sabotaging your progress.

1. Self doubt. Yea, I already said that and I am saying it again. Our mindset might be the strongest muscle we house. The stories and beliefs that we feed our mind dictate our results. The second you start telling yourself you are “too busy, too tired, too broke, too broken, too overwhelmed, too XYZ” to work toward your big goal your behaviors change. Your discipline changes. Your motivation changes. When you stop believing in yourself, your purpose and the potential outcome, you take steps back to your comfy, cozy and warm safe place. Results don’t live in your comfy, cozy and warm safe place. You know that. 

2. Fear. Something inside of that self doubt starts to make us think about what life could be like if we do reach our goal. Who will we have to become? How will we act? What will be different about life? Are you sure that is who you want to be? Are you sure that is how you want to act? What if people don’t like that? What if you don’t keep it up? What will people say and think? What if you give it your all and you fail? Focusing on the what if scenario is a great way to sabotage your potential

So cool, Meagan, thanks for telling me what my problem is. How do I change that?

 My famous answer, it depends.

How serious are you about your desired result?
Does it keep you up at night?
Does it weigh on you day in and day out?

 WHY is it important to you? Not many people are willing to do the work to discover this and it matters! How is your current situation impacting your life, your body, the people around you? What would be different about life if you worked toward improving your current situation? Figure this out and make it emotional and important enough to dig in.

So here is my best advise:

 1. Keep your desired result crystal clear and keep it in front of you.

  1. Example: I am going to wear the size 6 dress to my son's wedding this summer so that I can feel confident and proud in the pictures that will be an eternal memory of a special day. 
  2. Example: I am going to lose 3 pounds per month this year so that I can feel better in my clothes and be healthier for my upcoming retirement.
  3. Example: I am going to commit to a strength training program so that I don’t have to put my kids through the emotional stress of caring for a weak and deconditioned parent.

2. Set clear and actionable steps to work toward your desired result

  1. Keep it simple and clear. Success and sustainability matter to keep going.
  2. Example: I will walk 5 miles per week 
  3. Example: I will prioritize protein at each meal
  4. Example: I will measure and portion out meals
  5. Example: I will make it to the gym 4 days a week
  6. AVOID: I will eat less sugar, I will exercise more. Those are not clear and if you want to be accountable you have to get crystal clear.

3. Reflect weekly. Figure out what is going well, what is not going well? How do you need to prepare each day or week to set yourself up for success

4. Finally, understand that your desired result will take time, commitment and patience. This is the hardest part. We have to accept that we will have great days and off days. Giving up after your off day(s) demolishes success. 

You got this.

If you need accountability, make sure you are taking advantage of our monthly milestone club where we do weigh-ins and set specific goals each month. 

 If you’re not training with us yet then be sure to check out our two week free trial by clicking the button below!

3 Ways to Tone

We are several months away from bathing suit season, BUT if you start focusing now then you
won’t have a panic situation in May! There is no training that can guarantee fat loss in a specific
area or guarantee to tone a specific area. Unfortunately, no matter how many knee grab abs,
planks, or hollow body holds will lead to a shredded 6 pack.

1. Strength Training: This is the foundation of muscle toning. That means using
weights or resistance to challenge your muscles.

2. Consistency: Regular exercise is crucial. Aim for at least 2 strength training
sessions per week, focusing on different muscle groups. At Get Fit NH we focus
on full body strength every Tuesday and Thursday.

3. Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight, frequency, or number of
repetitions in your strength training routine. This challenges your muscles and
helps them grow stronger. At Get Fit NH we adjust the timing or reps to make this
happen without our clients even thinking about it.

4. Cardiovascular Exercise: While strength training is key for muscle tone, cardio is
important for overall fitness and helps to reduce body fat, making your muscles
more visible. Activities like running, swimming, cycling, or brisk walking are
effective. We recommend this in addition to a solid strength training program.
We encourage our clients to move more!

5. Healthy Diet: Nutrition plays a critical role in muscle toning. Focus on protein
(essential for muscle repair and growth), healthy fats, and complex
carbohydrates. Stay hydrated and avoid excessive processed foods and sugars.

6. Rest and Recovery: Muscles need time to repair and grow after a workout. Ensure
you have rest days in your exercise schedule and get adequate sleep. At Get Fit
NH we program in rest and recovery. These are scheduled no lift days not to be
confused with no movement!

7. Proper Form and Technique: Using the correct form during exercises is important
to prevent injuries and ensure you are effectively working the muscles. Our
coaching team at Get Fit NH are well known for this.

8. Variety in Workouts: Changing your workout routine every 4-6 weeks can prevent
plateaus and keep your workouts interesting. Random workouts lead to random
results. Following a program matters.

9. Manage Expectations: Muscle toning is a gradual process and results will vary
depending on your starting point, body type, and genetics.

If you need help with this then be sure to check out our two week free trial!

**PS if you need some help with toning your abdomen then be sure to check out our
electromagnetic muscle stimulator!

Learn more about that service by clicking the link below! (Scroll all the way down on that page!)

3 Simple Ways to Lose Fat

Tis the season to get back on track, am I right? The holidays are over and we want to be able to
comfortably button our snow pants for all of this imaginary snow! I am going to share three of
the most basic and simplest ways to lose fat as we jump into 2024.

1. Do not miss strength training days or if you’re not in a program find one that works for
you. This is not a hard sell on Get Fit NH, this is scientifically proven over and over. You
can run all you want on the treadmill, but the calories you burn on that machine stop
there. The beauty of strength training is that you burn calories while you are training and
CONTINUE to burn calories throughout the day as your body works hard to recover the
muscle and tissue that you tapped into through resistance training.

2. Prioritize protein. If you are an adult and you are not getting at an absolute MINIMUM of
100 grams of protein per day (and I can emphasize that minimum enough) then you’re
not eating enough protein. I hear all the time, “100 grams of protein! I can’t eat that

  1. You can’t have one more egg or a ½ cup of egg whites more?
  2.  You can’t add an extra ounce or two of protein to lunch and dinner?
  3. You can’t have any afternoon Oikos greek yogurt or protein coffee?
  4. You can’t throw a scoop of Vital unflavored collagen in your morning drink (coffee, tea, water)
  5. You can’t have a tuna packet for a snack and replace the apple and peanut butter?

My point is ... .you can. If fat loss is a goal of yours and you just decide you can’t eat that
much protein then you’re going to struggle losing weight and struggle to be in a calorie
deficit which scientifically is the way to lose fat.

3. Move more. I don’t mean train more. I mean move your body more often. For starters, it
is a waste of time to spend hours in the gym trying to out train poor habits or think that
you are making up for lost time. It doesn’t work like that. We are all busy people. 45
minutes to one hour of focused training 3-4 times a week gets results and is
sustainable. If your goal is fat loss then THAT cannot be your only intentional movement.

Our most successful fat loss clients also:
a. Walk 3-5 miles per week
b. Many are runners (not advised for those with joint pain)
c. Hike
d. Bike
e. Dance

As we take on the new year and we consider how to make this year happier and
healthier we need to be realistic. It is not realistic or sustainable to add hours and hours
of exercise and extreme or fad dieting into our life. That is a recipe for burnout.

**Ps: If you’re looking to lose some fat in a localized area then I recommend checking
out our CoolSculpting option. Scientifically proven to compliment the habits stated

January Pop Up Workout

Our pop up workouts have been a HUGE hit and TONS of fun! We are excited to do it again to start the year off feeling good with a great workout!

 Here are the details and rules:

  • This will require signing up to reserve a spot.
  • The cost to attend will be $10. If you plan to pay on the day of then it will be $15.
  • We will require a minimum of 10 people to be signed up 24 hours BEFORE the scheduled class in order to run it. If we do not meet the threshold then you will be refunded.
  • We will notify you by text and email 24 hours before to let you know if it is cancelled. If you hear nothing, then it is ON!
  • This is open to the Get Fit NH clients as well as the general public. We encourage clients to bring a friend along. 
  • This cannot count as a make up class for Get Fit NH clients. The cost is $10.
  • No shows will not be refunded or credited for future pop ups.
  • Each time you attend a pop up class we will ask you to put the name of a non-profit organization on a paper and stick it in a jar.
  • At the end of the year, we will be drawing a non profit organization from the jar and donate 20% of our profits from the pop up workouts! 

Join us for our FIRST pop up workout of 2024!

  • Saturday, January 20th 8-9 am
  • 41 Terrill Park Drive, Concord, NH 03301

Improve Your Life With A Plan

Let’s pretend you’re going to Greece! You probably hired a travel agent or someone experienced to help you book the trip of a lifetime. Together you work together on which sites are most appealing to you and your travel companions. You may want to see Santorini, Athens, Olympia, etc. 

Your travel agent will help with the logistics, right?

  • The flight
  • The hotel
  • Traveling from one island to another
  • The ferries
  • The excursions

It’s too much for most people to try and take on all of that planning without someone guiding you.

You probably already know where I am going with this analogy, don’t you?

Now let’s pretend you want to lose 10 pounds, 20 pounds, 100 pounds! Or you want to get stronger. Or you want to improve your body fat percentage. Are you winging it or are you planning it?

Most goals are not achieved without a plan. Let me tell you how we can help you with the logistics at Get Fit NH…

  • Weigh in with a coach monthly
  • Body fat scan with a coach monthly
  • Set a personal goal with a coach monthly
  • Get a check in email about said goal monthly (opportunity for problem solving!)
  • Training accountability from a coach weekly. Missing your workouts two days in a row? You’ll hear from us!
  • Modifications delivered as needed at every session
  • Progressions delivered as needed at every session
  • Problem solving with a coach whenever you need it.
  • Nutrition guidance available anytime
  • Nutrition challenges available quarterly

These are just a handful of ways we can help you improve the life you are living so that perhaps you can enjoy trips of a lifetime such as Greece 😉

Stop winging your goals and then getting frustrated with the results. 

Are you a buffalo or a cow?

Are you a buffalo or a cow?

As we head into the new year, I have a powerful metaphor for you. You may have heard this before, but you haven't heard my version. I urge you to watch this quick video and disregard the written version below. Save it for later if you are not in a space where you can watch it.

As we know, animals are extremely intuitive. They can sense when a storm is brewing. When cows sense the storm brewing they gather up and they run away from the storm. They don't want to get wet, they don't want to be miserable and cold so they run. One thing about cows is that they're not very fast. So despite their best efforts, the storm starts to catch up to them. They start feeling the rain drops and the drizzle and eventually they just can't run anymore. They're tired and beat down and guess what? They start to get absolutely poured on. Because while they were running, that storm built up stronger and now they have to wait it out. They have to be cold, wet and miserable. Kinda stupid, right?

Humans do the same thing a lot. We see our storms brewing whether is be financial, relationships, health, work, etc. We ignore the problem and we run away from it thinking that in due time it has to get better or you'll deal with it next week, next month, next year, when the kids grow up, when work slows down, insert reason here.

When a buffalo senses a storm brewing they wait for that storm to peak and then they run directly INTO the storm. They know they will be wet, cold and miserable, but it will be over a heck of a lot faster. 

We don't get to decide which storms come our way. We do get to decide how we respond to those storms. As we head into the new year and you set goals for yourself, I urge you to consider the storms you have been dodging. You're already getting drizzled on so turn yourself around. You're gonna get poured on for a minute, but if you keep running you're gonna be so tired and run down.

You got this.

Checklist Challenge 2024

Welcome to our first ever Checklist Challenge!

We have coached countless nutrition challenges for over the years. It is always a challenge to improve the approach year after year. The principles always stay the same, but the delivery changes.The beauty of the delivery changing is that different strategies and approaches will resonate will different clients. So even if this is your 50th challenge with us, we are quite certain you will learn something new that feels sustainable. 

I am a sucker for a good checklist and I know a lot of you are too! We feel confident that this will resonate with you on some level and help you hone in on some healthy habits

Tools to be used:

  1. A checklist, of course! We have created and printed 100 checklists dated for the entire challenge. The front side will be the checklist and the backside will be a cheatsheet complete with organized boxes with FAQs we have had over the years. This is NOT available electronically. Yep, that's right, we are taking you back to the stone age with good old paper and pen. You can even use gold star stickers if that helps ;-)! We are even going to give you a custom magnet to hang this baby right on your refrigerator. Our favorite part of the checklist is at the end, it will prompt you to check your percentages. This information will be crucial to continue your results. It will show you exactly what you need to focus on and where your strong points and weak points are.
  2. The Styku scanner will be our overall measuring tool. This machine calculates weight, bodyfat and inches! That way we can look at the whole picture of results, not just scale weight. You will get a video on how to scan and the do's and don'ts will be on your checklist. Each person will need to scan to gather all of the data for their checklist. You will write your own numbers on the checklist for the initial and the final weigh in. WE  will confirm the accuracy when you turn them in. 
  3. Private Facebook group. This is always a great way to share wins, struggles and ideas. This has been such a powerful tool over the years and we hope to fill the feed with checklists! 
  4. *Optional, but encouraged* We are encouraging each client to take their own before and after photos for themselves. Our cheat sheet on the back of the checklist has detailed instructions on how to take a great before and after photo to see full results. You could even do this with a pair of your favorite jeans that are snug and see the difference in the fit at the end of the challenge. We want to use all the tool to help you stay on course when the challenge is over! 

Results = motivation! 

How do we determine the winner?

There will be 4 winners!

1.) The best overall percentage (some of it is honor system, but we will double check GFNH attendance. If that shows to be incorrect then participant will be disqualified)

2.) Most inches lost from waist and hip

3.) Most bodyfat percentage lost

 4.) Most weight lost

**The same person CAN win multiple categories!

Prizes include GFNH swag bag, $100 gift card to Nutre Meals, or 1 free CoolSculpting session.

 Start date: Monday, January 15, 2024

Scan in by: Monday, January 15, 2024

End date: Friday, February 9, 2024

Final Scan: Due by Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Let's do this!

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