A Short, Sweet and Specific Spotlight

I met Robie just over a year ago. She has made me smile every day since. I think it is her goal to make others happy. She has a wit that makes you think and always leaves you chuckling. While she might not be the loudest at the 6pm training time, she knows how to bring it. She was kind enough to let me interview her. 

Coach Nancy: Why did you choose to come Get Fit NH?
Robie: Honestly, it was local and I thought "what do I have to lose, so why not?". I can do anything for 2 weeks, right?

Coach Nancy: What did you learned after you first 2 weeks?
Robie: That this is possible. The first two weeks are your chance to learn about how Get Fit works, but they are two weeks of active participation. You will get the encouragement and education you need to succeed, even if it is at your pace or you are complaining in a witty way that I am sure does not sound like complaining at all.
Coach Nancy: How do you feel after almost 12 months into your training?
Robie: I have had some set backs, but I feel better as a human being. I am one of those who has to do things when I want to commit to them. I am committed to working out, so I work out. GET FIT is where I want to workout and where I want to learn to be a better me. I am working on wanting to take complete advantage of all the nutritional knowledge that Get Fit has to offer. I do listen and try, but as it is said "its me, not you".
Coach Nancy: Describe your overall experience at Get Fit NH.
Robie: Dean and Nancy have created the most positive, inclusive and goal driven "gym" I have ever been a part of. The push to be better, do better with constructive encouragement and a little bit of competition, to me, make this the perfect gym.

​Robie has survived much more than her first month at Get Fit NH. She is just earned Hall of Fame Status in March. Congratulations and thank you, Robie.

Rock N’ Race Update – Shirt Deadline Extended, BUT Not For Long

Latest news from the Rock N' Race committee.

Please come support the Payson Center, as well as honor our friend Jim Knee and his late wife Catherine Dowd by joining our team!

Register Now and Save $5

The deadline to form a team of twelve or more individuals and receive customized team T shirts and/or a unique race day wicking shirt has been extended to Tuesday, April 18 at 8:00 am.

Register now. After May 15 the registration fee increases to $35, so sign up now and save!

All proceeds from the Merrimack County Savings Bank Rock ‘N Race are directed to Concord Hospital Payson Center for Cancer Care.

We look forward to seeing you at the starting line on Thursday, May 18 at 6:00pm.

The Rock ‘N Race Planning Committee

Blogs By Request: Menopause

Let’s talk about menopause, ladies. This blog is coming to you by request. I know it is probably a little strange to have a 27-year-old woman write about this topic, but it is an important topic that no one else is talking about!

If you are still reading, I will assume this matter applies to you. Allow me to encourage you before I really get going. I sit down with literally hundreds of students just like you. I would go as far to say that the number 1 thing I hear when I sit down with a woman in a success session is that they hit menopause and all of a sudden life changed- FAST! Weight gain, mood swings, exhaustion, etc. All of these things make them self-conscious, depressed, stressed, anxious, mad…you name it. The cool part is that they came to us to make a change. So here is a little education and how training and nutrition play a critical role in how you cope.

Menopause is part of life, right? There is absolutely no dodging it, ladies. Whether you a pre-menopausal, in the fire or almost at the end let’s talk about what happens...

Estrogen. It is an important hormone for many reasons, but one reason you may not think about until it drops is that it helps regulate metabolism. With menopause comes an estrogen dive, which means what? If you were used to eating anything and everything and living a sedentary life with a comfortable weight, you can kiss that life goodbye. Or maybe you have the training piece in your toolbox already, but you have not fully committed to that other important part (nutrition!) – now would be the time to hop on board!

You can beat menopause to the punch and start making better life choices now both in the gym and in the kitchen. If you are pre-menopausal, then you will want to be ahead of the game. If you are in the fire already, then don’t worry – you can still catch up! It will take effort on your part, but if you don’t like what is happening to you (or are uneasy about what could happen to you in the years to come), then let’s do something about it now. You are NOT alone.

You know what else estrogen does? It helps prevent bone loss and works together with calcium, vitamin D and other hormones and minerals to build bones. Thus, after menopause, your body breaks down more bone than it rebuilds. In the years immediately after menopause, women may lose as much as 20% of their bone mass. With that being said, don’t ya think a smart training program and proper nutrition can help you? Hello- osteoporosis?

There are a lot of nasty side effects associated with menopause- hot flashes, fatigue, mood swings, disrupted sleep and so much more. You’re not crazy and some of it IS out of your control, but not everything.

Do not be a victim of menopause weight gain- there are LITERALLY well over 100 women training at Get Fit NH RIGHT NOW going through this with you. You absolutely do not have to go through this alone. You’ve heard of battle buddies? Let’s make menopause mates a thing!

I am here for you!
Coach Meagan

For Immediate Release

April 11, 2017 - Get Fit NH’s Smart Group Training is “Best of the Best” workout in New Hampshire. Get Fit NH voted “Best of the Best” Gym in NH for fifth straight year.

Get Fit NH, with locations in Concord and Epsom, won three awards in this year’s Hippo Press “Best of NH” voting. Voters have once again named Get Fit NH “Best of the Best” gym in all of New Hampshire as well as voting their “Smart Group Training” the “Best of the Best workout class” in the state. Coach Nancy Carlson earned the “Best of the Best” Fitness instructor award. This makes five “Best of the Best” nods in a row and eight “Best of…” overall for the popular training gym, well known for its unique high quality group training format. Coach Nancy’s “Best of the Best” Fitness Instructor in all of New Hampshire honor is her fourth straight and her sixth since 2010. “All of the coaches at Get Fit NH consistently work hard and take great pride in what we do for our clients. We never stop learning and finding new ways to make Get Fit NH and our clients better every day. We work hard to consistently offer the smartest and best training available so earning these awards year after year is especially gratifying to us and to our amazing team of coaches, who are deserving of all the credit we can give.” said Nancy.

Get Fit NH is built on the philosophy that if the training isn't fun, safe, and effective, clients won't come back. "Fitness technology is huge these days," Co-Founder Dean Carlson says. "It makes training interesting and helps both our clients and us see and track progress, as well as make quicker adjustments to the training program as needed." In the last few years, Get Fit NH has added new innovations at the gym such as BioForce HRV heart rate variability testing, which monitors readiness for exercise, Fit 3D body scanning for viewing and tracking progress over time, and MyZone, which allows coaches and clients to monitor degree of effort while training.

Get Fit NH is one of only a handful of gyms in the country to have earned Smart Group Training (SGT) certification. SGT is built around the Functional Movement Screen which allows personalization of the routine within a group setting to maximize each client’s results. Get Fit NH asks each new student to come in for a 2 week free tryout before joining to see if the gym, coaches and training are a good fit. These two weeks allow them the best chance to see for themselves what taking advantage of the innovative approach at Get Fit NH will do for them.

The success of Get Fit NH is due to their continuous drive to do what it takes to make their clients better. To this end they offer professional group fitness training, nutrition coaching, and seminars at two locations in Concord and Epsom. See their website at http://www.GetFitNH.com or call 344-2651 today.

People are talking…

A couple of weeks ago I posted a few questions on my Facebook page for some of our students to answer. I wanted to share with the world WHY our students ever walked through our doors, WHY they choose to stay and what results they are most proud of. Today's world is being taken over by obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and it is up to US to help spread the good word and change the world! Here's what people are saying...

Katie says: ​ I kept driving past it A LOT and was in the market for a new gym as the Y was not cutting it for me. It has all of the components that make exercise successful for me. Incremental instruction, boat loads of encouragement, and lots of fun and laughs along the way. With a dose of competition thrown in. I am constantly surprised with what my body really can do given the right environment and encouragement. And I've found it is my new form of moving meditation. It keeps my mind engaged enough that I actually find relaxing while challenging at the same time. Thank you!

Audrey says:  I knew Dean from 6 years ago and I know his story.  I figured he reached his health and fitness goals so why not learn from him! I stay because I like the variety and all of the trainers and it is fun! I am most proud that I have stuck to faithfully going and healthy eating.

Heidi says: I came to Get Fit NH because of the free trial period. I love the variety of trainings, the people and the coaches!  I am most proud that I can now do a real chin up! 

Karen concurs with Heidi, except she is most proud that she can hang on the chin up bar for more than 10 seconds!

​Kim says:  I chose Get Fit after a bit of online research. I knew I wouldn't stick with any old run of the mill gym. I needed a program. I stay because I have made real friends who are like family and I look forward to seeing them. Now that I have two kids I also go for my sanity! I am most proud that I have tuck with it for 5 or 6 years now!

​Stacy says she started because a friend told her about it. She stays because of her 6:15 family and she is most proud of her new eating habits!

​Brenda says: I started because I was caring for aging parents . If I can be strong and fit now, then I will go into my own senior years in a much better place than they are/were. I stay because I NEED someone to tell me to pick up more weight, do just one more squat thrust, keep going, keep going, keep going. I am not good at a gym where I'm given a program and expected to do it on my own. I NEED coaches to COACH me and motivate and encourage me! The thing I am most proud of is that I stick with it....4 days/week for 2 years now. I have never ever been this successful at a fitness routine....it's the coaching and the changing routines and the camaraderie.

Emma says: I came to Get Fit NH because of my mom- the one and only Trish! I really enjoy the support I get from the coaching team. It's like "Cheers". I go where everyone knows my name. I am So. Much. Stronger. Like so much.

Scott says he came to Get Fit NH because he saw the Get Fit mobile. He stays because he loves the training variety and he is most proud of the strength he has gained and the way he looks!

Brian is here because of the Best Bar Ever- especially the cookie dough!

Real people. Real results. What are you waiting for?

Make it happen!
-Coach Meagan​

Jumpstart Nutrition Coaching – Getting Yourself Going on Your Goals

I love cookbooks. I love to make people happy with cooking. I love to eat food. Food makes me happy. 

I also get agitated because cooking takes a long time. I forget to plan and prepare so I end up stressed and rushed. ​I often serve the same thing over and over. Am I truly making anyone happy for a lifetime with my food skills? Do I know what foods should be on my plate? How much do I need to eat? Can my kids eat the same thing I do? What foods will make me healthiest? What foods can harm my body? 

Jumpstart Nutrition Coaching is your one stop for the answers to these questions. While we can't solve every issue in an hour, we can get a good jumpstart on them.

Begin Your Jumpstart

Date: Wednesday, April 12th

Time: 6pm sharp to 7pm

Place: Get Fit NH Epsom

See you there, 
Coach Nancy

No Mind Warping

In reading a book a couple days ago, the idea of sticking to what works and what you know works was highly prevalent. What the author was referring to was sticking to his program and trusting the system they had created. 

There is always going to be some new system promising “six pack abs in 3 weeks” and that you have to be dedicated to sticking with the system and not jumping from one new idea to the next to the next. That can be difficult when it comes to fitness with so many different opinions and a new book coming out every 35 seconds on Amazon. I’m not talking so much about the system as I am in trusting your instincts and what you know, unequivocally, has worked for you.

The reason I bring this up, is in reading this portion of the book I remembered back to when I used to work at GNC (gasp!). I have mentioned this before but I distinctly remember one day my manager bought a couple boxes of pizza in for us. Upon me being told this, I must have raised an eyebrow, “pizza…at gnc…really?” because I remember her saying “yeah, it’s got protein, some vegetables, it’s got what you need in there”. I remember this because I remember how quickly my mind spouted off with “oh, you’re right”. Everyone reading this knows that eating pizza is not good for you. I knew it then and I know it now. However, because my mind wanted it, when it heard that small bit of twisted logic, my brain latched onto it like a drug addict as I downed my third slice.

It all comes down to this - any one of you reading this knows: vegetables…good, protein...good (forget about source, vegan versus animal, any of that, just protein in general), sugar…bad, pizza…bad. The things you want have a way of twisting your mind until you come to a decision that it is actually good for you. As our clients, you guys have education on the subject. 95% of the time if your first instinct is “that food is bad for me” then you go with that instinct. Don’t get caught trying to convince yourself pizza is good. You can know pizza is bad and still have it every once in a while. When we start twisting the logic that bad foods are good for us, that’s all our mind needs to latch on and rationalize it over and over. So, remember - pizza and sugar = bad, vegetables and protein = good, don’t twist it.

-Coach Adam

Rock N’ Race Custom T-Shirt Deadline!!!

Man that snuck up on us FAST!

You are running (see what I did there) out of time to register for the 2017 Rock N' Race and get your custom "Get Fit NH & Beat Cancer" t-shirt. 

Do you really just want to have a plain t-shirt when you could get a sweet customized one?

Don't be that guy.


Click Here N.O.W. NOW and register!​

Please do your part and honor Jim, Catherine and ALL the deserving folks that need our help. The deadline is April 18th for your custom shirt!

P.S. - It's a BLAST!

P.S.S. - We shut down the gym for the race, so you might as well come! 🙂

Patty is One Amazing Lady

Patty is one amazing lady. I know she doesn’t see it as much as I want her to, but she stands out in a room. She is the one with a positive attitude no matter what is on her calendar or how she feels. When I asked her to allow me to do a spotlight on her, she wasn’t thinking she had a story to tell. But Patty is just like me in so many ways. She works full time, has a wonderful family and grandchildren that she wants to play with for many years to come. She works hard in the gym just like so many do. Yet Patty is also a hero. She doesn’t give in to discouragement when the drive to training becomes an hour each way. She doesn’t stop trying to eat healthy when she is down with a cold. Life goes up and down but Patty keeps getting up and brining others up right along with her. I know many of you will relate to Patty’s spotlight because in many ways you are like her.

“I have read every spotlight Get Fit has posted, so when Nancy asked me to write something up about me, I was very surprised. I don’t see myself as any of those prior spotlight people. They are all huge success stories. Me, well, hmmmm. I like to think of myself as more of a “keep trying” kind of girl. I am more of the turtle in the race with the rabbit. I have had my successes, but I have also had my setbacks, but like the turtle, I keep on going.

The reason I started at Get Fit was all because of a friend/coworker, Michelle. She had started at Get Fit and when I started complaining that my scale must be broken because it never went down any more, she said I should go with her. Still not convinced I wanted to go, she again shared her wisdom with me by saying, “Patty, just go…what are you going to do at night anyway? You will just go home and lay on the couch” (that Michelle, she is a very smart lady). So, off I went and you know what? Yeah….I hurt like a son of a gun those first couple of weeks. I knew I was out of shape, but seriously, that was bad. It taught me that I never wanted to get that bad again, so I continued on.

I have done the detox several times, the S3 (one of my personal favorites), and several of the nutrition workshops. The nutrition part is big for me. I am not a huge fan of veggies, I know, I know…they are good for me. Nancy took that information and challenged me by telling me I had to try two new veggies the next week. Scary thought, but I did it. Who knew spaghetti squash and daikon are really good. Daikon now replaces the pasta I would have put on my soups and spaghetti squash now replaces the pasta in my spaghetti dishes. Might not be a big win for some, but for me, it is huge.

So, I have been at Get Fit for over three years and one of the things I love the most is the people I work out with. They push me to pick up more, changed my attitude from “I can’t do a push up” to a “Yes I can” (even if I still struggle with this, Glenn!). I was working out the other day and someone looked over at my weights and said “you can do more than that”. They were right, imagine that. I picked up more the next time and I struggled, but I did it. It’s the people at Get Fit that have me driving a lot of miles to work out. I can’t imagine a place where you will get that kind of feedback from someone who isn’t even the coach.

Here is my advice to those struggling, or just feeling like they are not making huge progress. It’s okay, just keep going. Never give up on yourself. You are worth it and even if you don’t see huge results, the results are still there.“

I told Patty her next vegetable to try is Jicama. I know she’ll like it, especially if she makes Jash Browns.

Keep on making it happen, Patty!

Coach Nancy

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