Practice Deep Health

This is something I started learning about in one of my continuing education classes and it's very important. That’s deep health. As coaches, it is our job to help you with your fitness journey and improve your physical health. But the truth is, your health has many aspects that we should all be trying to improve each and every day. Deep health is about thriving in all domains of human experience and life. 

This includes our physical health, mental and cognitive health, emotional health, existential/purposeful health, relational and social health, and environmental health. 

Physical: I feel healthy, energized, and thriving. I perform and function well. 

Mental: I feel alert, focused, competent, and thoughtful. I learn, remember and solve problems well.

Emotional: I feel a full range of emotions, but mostly calm, hopeful and positive. I can express emotions appropriately. 

Existential: I feel a sense of meaning and purpose. 

Relational-Social: I feel connected and authentic with others. I feel supported. I belong. 

Environmental: What’s around me supports my health and wellbeing. 

These domains of deep health are all connected and when we can find the right balance to practice each of these it allows us to grow and excel as human beings and gives us a sense of vitality and purpose in the world. As I have talked about before with many clients. When you come to the gym, you aren’t just there for a workout. It’s more than that. It helps you unwind and decompress from all life’s stresses. Gives you a safe environment where you can grow and be supported by like-minded people. Build strong relationships and give you a sense of belonging. Ultimately, the gym is your sanctuary. Built to provide shelter and peace from any storm. 

Coach Dylan

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