Practice Mentality

I am sure by now everyone knows I am a big fan of kettlebells. I have been working with them for many years now and still have a lot to learn with them, which to me is very fun! The first thing I noticed learning to use kettlebells was every teacher I have had always called it kettlebell PRACTICE. It was said a lot over and over again and eventually I had to ask why this is the term used, and this is what I was told:

“Even a kettlebell master needs to practice too keep his skills sharp. Kettlebells practice is a forever skill not set by a timeline.”

This sentence really hit home with me and opened up my mind. To build good kettlebell skills I need to practice, and that practice will always be needed. I took that mentallity to all of my time in the gym, it was in my head when learning a new skill or movement that it was practice. It helped me stay positive when I couldn’t grasp a new movement right away that it is ok because I am just practicing and eventually my practice will build a great skill!

So if you feel down about a new skill or movement just remember we are just practicing and practice takes time!

-Coach Brian

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