Timing Is Everything

"Ask a comedian, tennis player, chef. Timing is everything." - Meg Rosoff

I believe that the quote above is such a true statement and applies to our trainings more than we think. If you look when you come into train the timing is usually different from the week before or even day to day. When it comes down to picking the timing there is a method to our madness and not just throwing darts at a board to pick the timing. We put a lot of thought into making the right choice on how long to work and how long to rest and you deserve to know more about the why.

You will see in the more fast pace metabolic days we are with shorter times working and resting. We are trying to challenge you cardiovascular, get your heart rate up, and breathing faster. Usually we are doing exercises with less weight that allows you to work faster. Since that timing is so short its VERY important to work to a max effort right from the start so that at the end you are breathing heavy! 

On our more strength training days we look to lift heavier and may have a "Slower" pace. On these days we look to challenge your body in a different way. We have talked about intensity in a workout and how to increase it being two different ways: Work Faster or Lift Heavier. So on these days we tend to give you more rest time to allow your body to recover to continue to lift the heavier weight in a safe way. 

A Big thing I always talk about is understanding your timing and working to match the effort of the timing. That can happen in many different ways:

  1. Always work through the entire time. If you stop early you may miss a large portion of the training.
  2. You can exert more energy in shorter times since you do not have to work as long. So if you can farmers carry 50lbs for 60 seconds you should be able to carry more weight for 30 seconds since its a shorter time.
  3. Regardless of metabolic or strength days our trainings are designed to make you sweat and be out of breath in a manageable way, if you aren't we may need to bump up the intensity. 

If you can understand and work to your timing it will take your trainings to the next level/

Make It Happen!

-Coach Brian

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