Why More Protein?

Protein is a crucial macronutrient that you should be including in your diet. If you’re  familiar with macronutrients, you may have heard that protein is what you should be  eating lots of to grow muscle mass. While this is true, protein plays many other important  roles in the body to help you thrive. 

What is protein? 

Protein is made up of amino acids. There are 20 different types of amino acids total, but 9  of these your body cannot produce itself and must be received from food. Protein helps  to build and repair tissues in the body, and is vital in helping produce important hormones  and enzymes that your body uses for immune system health. Protein will help recovery,  therefore reducing soreness after strength training. Protein also helps maintain body  tissue including, organs, nervous system, blood, skin and hair, while serving as a transport  mechanism for oxygen, fats, vitamins and minerals.  

How much protein do you need? 

How much protein you need depends on several factors: your age, gender, and activity  level. For women over the age of 18, the recommended daily intake is 0.75g of protein per  kg. However, if you are very active, you may need 1.2 - 2 times more. The more strength  training you’re doing, the more protein you may need in your diet. The rule of thumb to go  by is to have 10-35% of your daily calorie intake made up of protein.  

Protein is a slow digesting macronutrient, helping keep you satiated for longer! Eating  protein will reduce cravings and prevent late-night snacking, therefore helping with  weight management.  


What foods are high in protein? 

Knowing which foods are high in protein will help you when choosing what to put on your  plate. These are some of the most protein-dense foods you can eat: 

• Meat (chicken, beef, turkey) 

• Eggs/Egg Whites 

• Nuts and seeds 

• Legumes 

• Soy products (Tofu) 

• Dairy products (Cheese, Milk and Yogurt) 

• Seafood 

Protein – “Make you strong like bull.”
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