Meagan Sbat
Author Archives: Meagan Sbat

Veterans Day Charity Training

On Monday, November 11, 2024 we will host a very special Veterans Day charity training at Get Fit NH.  We will donate the proceeds of this charity training to a local non-profit organization, Hidden Battles Foundation.

Hidden Battles Foundation is a New Hampshire based non profit organization who  strives to help preserve the healthy minds of active and retired Military/Veterans, Fire Fighters, Law Enforcement, EMS, 911 Dispatch, and Nurses through community based & peer lead activity driven treatment and counseling for depression, suicidal tendencies, and PTSD.

Many of you know that I am a Veteran of the United States Marine Corps, serving two tours overseas and a 4 year enlistment from 2008-2012. This non profit holds a special place in my heart.

In honor of Veterans day and remembering everyone deployed (RED) we ask that you wear a red shirt to this training and pay $10 so we can give back to our Veterans who need us most. 

We welcome clients, friends, family and followers to attend this charity training. If you cannot make it, you can still leave a $10  donation using the link below. 

Hidden Battles Foundation Charity Training

Monday, November 11, 2024 at 10 am

Location: Get Fit NH

41 Terrill Park Drive, Concord, NH 03301

Cost: $10 using link below or cash donation upon arrival

Uniform: Red shirt 

Veteran’s Day Pop Up Workout

Join Us for a Charity Training Event!

On Monday, November 11th, Get Fit NH is hosting a GIANT charity training session to benefit the Hidden Battles Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to supporting the mental health of active and retired military, Veterans, and first responders.

Come train with us, have fun, and give back to a great cause! All fitness levels are welcome, and every donation makes a difference. Let's unite for a stronger, healthier community.

Date: Monday, November 11, 2024 AT 8:30 AM
Cost: $10

Location: Get Fit NH 41 Terrill Park Drive, Concord, NH 03301
Uniform: RED shirt to Remember Everyone Deployed

Let's make an impact together! Sign up ahead of time is requested for necessary planning!

5 Things You Can Do Over The Holiday Season to Maintain and Even Lose Fat!

The holiday season can be one of the toughest times to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Between festive meals, sugary treats, and holiday parties, it can feel like you’re surrounded by temptations at every turn. However, it is possible to enjoy the season without packing on extra pounds. Here are five practical tips to help you stay on track and come out of the holidays feeling great.

1. Prioritize Protein and Veggies

Holiday meals tend to be loaded with rich, high-calorie options like casseroles, mashed potatoes, and pies. While you can still enjoy your favorites, try to fill most of your plate with lean proteins (like turkey, chicken, or fish) and vegetables first. Protein and fiber-rich veggies will help you feel fuller longer, making it easier to avoid overeating and limit high-calorie extras.

Tip: Start with a salad or veggie platter before diving into heavier dishes. This simple strategy can reduce your appetite for the more indulgent foods.

But at the same time, remember that one day is not going to undue all of the hard work you have put in all year. Enjoy yourself and know that this strategy works to pick yourself back up after induging. 

2. Stay Active

One of the biggest mistakes people make during the holidays is letting their workout routine slide or telling themselves they're too busy and will get back to it after the holidays. With a busy schedule of shopping, parties, and family gatherings, it’s easy to skip exercise, but this is when staying active matters most. Even if you can’t fit in your usual workout, aim to do something active every day—whether it’s a brisk walk after dinner, a quick bodyweight workout.Ideally, get your strength training in and do your best to stay consistent.

3. Watch the Liquid Calories

Holiday drinks, whether it's spiked eggnog, hot chocolate, or cocktails, can add a surprising number of calories. While it’s fine to indulge in a drink or two, be mindful of how many liquid calories you’re consuming. These can add up quickly without making you feel full, which may lead to overeating later on.

Tip: Opt for lower-calorie drinks like sparkling water with lemon, or stick to a glass of wine or a light cocktail, and be sure to drink water between alcoholic beverages.

4. Portion Control

It's easy to get carried away when you're surrounded by delicious food at holiday feasts. Instead of denying yourself your favorite holiday dishes, practice mindful portion control. Take smaller servings of calorie-dense foods and enjoy them slowly. This allows you to savor the taste without overeating.

Tip: Use a smaller plate to help manage portions, and avoid going back for seconds unless you truly feel hungry.

5. Plan Ahead

If you know you’ll be attending several holiday events, plan your meals and workouts around those days. Eat a light, healthy meal before going to a party so you're less tempted to overindulge. Similarly, schedule your workouts early in the day so you can cross them off your list before things get too hectic.

Tip: If you’re traveling or attending a potluck, bring a healthy dish that you can enjoy guilt-free. That way, you know there’s at least one nutritious option available.

The holidays are a time for joy and celebration, and you should absolutely enjoy them! By implementing these simple tips—prioritizing protein, staying active, watching your liquid calories, controlling portions, and planning ahead—you can survive the season without gaining weight and enter the new year feeling strong and healthy.

You got this, 

Coach Meagan

Meet Most of the Get Fit NH Couples Who Train Together

There is something to be said for accountability inside the gym AND at home!

Meet the amazing couples of Get Fit NH. This is only HALF of the couples who choose to train with us. It is pretty astounding to have this level of commitment in a relationship and to their health.

Please join me in celebrating these amazing humans.

PS: If you have been trying to motivate your spouse, try this video as a nudge 😉

Why Foam Rolling is Underrated

Unlock the Benefits of Foam Rolling!  

Feeling tight or sore after workouts or just sore in general?

Foam rolling could be your secret weapon!

Here’s why you should make it part of your routine:  

  • Relieves Muscle Tension:
  • Helps ease soreness and muscle stiffness, making recovery smoother.
  •  Boosts Flexibility: Increases range of motion so you can move better in your workouts and daily life.  
  • Improves Circulation: Promotes blood flow, helping deliver nutrients to muscles and speeding up recovery.  
  • Prevents Injuries: Regular rolling can help reduce your risk of injury by keeping muscles loose and ready for action.

Make foam rolling a part of your warm-up or recovery to keep your body feeling strong and pain-free!

Relieving Neck Pain During Core Exercise

Why Chin and Rib Tuck Matter in Core Workouts  

If you’re doing exercises like deadbugs or leg lifts, don’t overlook the importance of tucking your chin and ribs!

Here’s why these simple cues can make all the difference:  

  • Spinal Alignment: Tucking the chin ensures your neck stays in a neutral position, reducing strain on your neck and upper back.  
  • Engages the Core: When you tuck your ribs, you prevent your lower back from arching, which helps activate your deep core muscles more effectively.  
  • Protects Your Lower Back: Proper alignment stabilizes your spine, reducing the risk of injury while maximizing the core benefits of each rep.  
  • Protects Cervical Spine: Tucking your chin and pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth is effective for taking the pressure off of your scalenes (neck muscles) to get the most out of the movement.
  • More Effective Reps: With better form, you’re working your core harder, meaning you’ll see faster progress and better results!

Next time you’re doing core exercises, remember to tuck that chin and rib cage to unlock your full core strength!

8 Week Barbell Strength & Power Training

 Unlock Your Strength Potential with Our 8-Week Barbell Strength & Power Training

Ready to take your training to the next level? This 8-week small group class is your chance to learn foundational and advanced barbell techniques like:

  •  Barbell Back Squats
  •  Front Squats
  •  Landmine Variations
  •  Barbell Deadlift Variations…and more!

Why Choose This Program?

You'll master movements not available in our large group settings, all while receiving individualized attention in a small group (max 15 clients). Whether you're looking to refine your squat and deadlift form or advance your overall strength, this class is for you!

Important Details:

 Starts: Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 8 am

 Cost: $297 for the full 8-week course Limited Spots: Only 15 clients for 8 weeks.

  • Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 8 am
  • Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 8 am
  • Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 8 am
  • Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 8 am
  • Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 8 am
  • Wednesday, November  6, 2024 at 5 pm
  • Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 8 am
  • Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 8 am

 Who’s It For?

This program is best suited for clients confident in their squat and deadlift form, with experience in the gym. It’s a great addition to your regular 4-day routine, or a perfect enhancement for those training 2-3 days a week!

 Discount Alert:

If you’ll miss 1-2 sessions, discount codes are available! But if you're expecting to miss more than two classes, this may not be the best fit as we focus on skill-building week to week.

  • Use code 7CLASSES if you're going to miss one class
  • Use code 6CLASSES if you're going to miss two classes

Don't miss this chance to elevate your training! 

Sign up now and secure your spot! We are only accepting 15 clients into this program and it is first come, first serve.

RED Shirt Order News & Deets

On Monday, November 11th (Veteran's Day) we will be hosting a GIANT charity training for the Hidden Battles Foundation.

This is a non-profit organization who strives to preserve the healthy minds of active and retired military/Veterans and first responders.

Additionally, we will reintroduce Red Shirt Fridays at Get Fit NH therefore we are providing you the opportunity to purchase one of these shirts.

10% of all orders will go to the Hidden Battles Foundation.

If you signed up for a shirt on the paper copy in the gym do not sign up for one here.

*Note: You do not need to be a client to purchase a shirt. Keep clicking to check out the brand new shirt design!

More details to come in mid October about our Veterans Day Charity Training. 

What If I Feel My Back When I Am Deadlifting?

If you've ever felt your lower back light up during deadlifts and wondered, "Am I doing this wrong?"—you're not alone! Many people mistakenly believe they're messing up the exercise if their lower back gets involved. But here's the good news: feeling your back working is completely normal and even expected!

Deadlifts are designed to target the posterior chain, which includes a powerhouse of muscles like your glutes, hamstrings, traps, lats, and—yes—your lower back. These muscles work in harmony to help you execute the movement with power and control. So, when you feel your lower back working, it’s just your body doing its job!

Why Feeling Your Back Is Beneficial

Think about it—training these muscles in the gym directly translates to real-world strength! Whether you're bending down to pick up a box or moving furniture, you’re engaging the same muscles used in deadlifts. When you train them properly, you’re not only increasing strength but also protecting your back from injury.

Here’s What You Need to Know About the Deadlift:

  1. Primary Movers: These are the muscles responsible for generating the majority of the force in any movement. In the deadlift, your glutes, hamstrings, traps, lats, and erector spinae are the MVPs.

  2. Erector Spinae: This group of muscles extends from the base of your skull to your lower back, stabilizing and extending your spine. They're key for both supporting and strengthening your back during deadlifts.

  3. Posture & Strength: Consistently incorporating deadlifts into your routine not only builds strength in these key muscle groups, but also helps improve posture and overall body mechanics.

The Takeaway

Next time you feel your back during deadlifts, remember: that’s a sign your posterior chain is working as it should! Embrace it, keep your form strong, and know that you’re building a more powerful, injury-resistant body.

Nutrition Workshop: Understanding Caloric Deficit & Controlling Self Sabotage

Huge thank you to everyone who came out for our first nutrition workshop in the new Get Fit NH classroom last night! We had an excellent turnout and truly some magnificent questions. 

We did have a bit of a recording crisis, BUT we were able to salvage a solid 35 minutes of education to share with those who were unable to attend. There are about 8 minutes missing from between these two videos when the camera shut off, but still some excellent content.

Video 1 covers my personal story, mindset and a deep dive into understanding a calorie deficit.

Video 2 covers how to hit high protein while also staying within calories. I share real life examples and food. There are also some excellent questions in here from clients.

The feedback from this workshop was incredibly positive. Clients left feeling at ease and ready to take on food with a new mentality. I absolutely LOVE coaching this stuff. I am so pumped to coach this in our upcoming challenge. 

If you need accountability or help with this stuff then make sure you don't miss out on 5 weeks of coaching!

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