Coach Jared’s Obstacle Course Race Class

We are excited to roll out a new offering. One of the cool things about having a team of diverse coaches at Get Fit NH is that they each have "their thing."

Coach Jared's "thing" is obstacle course racing. He enjoys competing and pushing his limits in different ways.

He has created a Get Fit NH team for the Spartan Race that is coming to NH Motor Speedway on Sunday, August 14th. If you wish to join the team then head to the link below and join the Get Fit and Race team. We will be "racing" at 9:30 am for the 5K sprint. YOU CAN GO AT YOUR PACE!

Sign up for Spartan team HERE

If you want to do this race (or one like it) then you can also join Coach Jared's new OCR class. He will be offering it on Wednesdays starting April 20th. You will be able to select the times that would work for your schedule (between 6:30am and 8 am)

You can also choose to do the 16-week course (that leads you right up to the race) or the 8-week course if you have some travel days where you think you may miss a few classes.

He will teach things like rope climbing, heavy carries, monkey bar techniques, and a lot of outdoor fun.

Reserve your spot here

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