“I lost 11 lbs!”

Nancy, I did it! Not only that I lost 11 lbs, but every time I bend down I can’t believe it! I used to have to get down on both knees. I couldn’t move! RSD send my nervous system out of control and triggered pain signals that were out of proportion to reality, I ended up in such crippling pain that I needed a wheelchair. Now I am doing things I never thought was possible. Thank-you Nancy for making my days so welcoming and pleasant. I’m so grateful for your patience.

Anna Thel, Epsom, NH

“I feel better, and people say I look better also!”

So you may have already heard of my dressing room story. If not I can share it again. I recently visited one of my favorite clothing stores in the mall. I went to the dressing room with my clothes to try on in my usual size. I put them on and I looked like a bag lady. I had to go out and get a smaller size in everything, shirt, skirt, and yes even pants. I was excited. I am making better choices, preparing my foods ahead of time and not just crabbing things just to eat. I feel better, and people say I look better also.

Robin Weddleton, Chichester, NH

“I have felt great since doing bootcamp!”

I have been doing almost exactly what Nancy tells me to do, for real, I’m not just saying this. I have a few off days, but mostly on days. Sometimes it does not seem like much is happening, but I take measurements occasionally which is very helpful. I took out all my summer clothes the other day and I honestly could not fit into any of my shorts – they just fell off!!! So I had to go shopping and I must say I actually had a positive shopping experience for once. I have felt great since doing bootcamp, I come to all the classes that I can and have eaten very healthy. I feel great and have energy that I was lacking for a long time. Thanks Nancy! (and Dean of course too!)

Jamie Carrier, Center Barnstead, NH

“A fun, rewarding way to get in shape!”

“Bootcamp was one of the most refreshing times in my life and helped me to relax and feel good for my upcoming wedding. It was a fun, rewarding way to get in shape for my special day! Dean and Nancy are excellent trainers, who help you to make your fitness goals possible!”

Katie Uy, Epsom, NH

Bounty is off the Slamball, but you can still win!

Alright guys, I am crying uncle, because of your Get Fit NH Bootcamp awesomeness!

As most of you know we put  a bounty on the slamballs – you break one, you get $50! Well an unexpected turn of events occurred – our training methods are so effective 🙂 that you are breaking a ton of them. The picture to the right of you shows the carnage over the last few months, and you have broken 3 in the past two weeks!

Now I don’t expect you to stop the max effort, but it’s getting a little expensive to replace the med balls and pay the bounty, so this is what we are going to do…

Have a contest!

We are going to give a custom “Slam Ball Buster” T-Shirt to everyone who breaks one, and we want your help coming up with the design.

So come up with your best “Slamball” worthy design and slogan, and the totally impartial judges will deem the best and get them printed up!

The winner of the design contest will of course get their own shirt plus a copy of Precision Nutrition V3 ($97 Value!)

So let’s see what you got, and…

Make It Happen!

When’s the last time YOUR doctor said “Wow”? (in a good way:)

Got a couple notes last week from two guys in our 6:30am class that were a great encouragement to me and a testament to what hard work, consistency, dedication and solid programming can do for your body, and more importantly your overall health.

Thanks for the notes guys, and keep up the great work!

“Just a big thank-you to (Get Fit NH) Bootcamp. It’s been 2+ years since my last physical. The first thing out of the Dr’s mouth was “wow”. He asked me what I had changed. Of course I asked him why. He said it’s because I had lost 30 pounds since my last physical. I told him about (Get Fit NH) bootcamp 4 times a week for one hour along with diet changes. All my blood work was good as well. I did throw in some good words for you !! He told me to keep up the good work. He explained the long term benefits to my health and well being by better eating and weight control. Thanks to you and your staff for helping me “make it happen” – Jere

“I highly recommend Get Fit NH Bootcamp…my pants don’t lie! Since starting in January of this year I have lost 4 inches on my waistline, 2 pant sizes and dropped 30lbs. I have not been at this weight or size in over 20 years and Dean and CJ helped me get their in less than 6 months. It works because you have a team behind you, don’t keep trying to go it alone…get to camp!” – David