May 5th


7:30 1 whole egg, 2 egg whites, onion, gr pepper, mushroom, ½ oz cheese, steel cut oats, strawberries

10:30 3 peanut butter balls

1PM 1 serving of turkey pot pie

3PM super shake

6 PM meatball sub

Success Secrets for Busy Moms

Mothers day is right around the corner, and it got me to thinking about all the moms we have had the privilege of working with over the past few years.

Busy Mom

Without a doubt moms are the most selfless clients we have, and frankly, that’s not always a good thing. Because moms are by nature (and need) focused on everyone else, oftentimes her own physical, emotional and mental well being suffers.

A lot of great moms put aside their fitness ambitions aside because of all the chaos that goes on around them, thinking that it’s for the best. The reality is that a healthy mom is better prepared to take on all the stress that comes her way.

Every day we have moms that walk through the door and work their tails off, only to have their efforts sabotaged my the rest of the day. Here’s a few simple steps we can all use to make each day just a little healthier than the day before.

Step #1 – Eat Breakfast Every Day!

You get up, hop in the shower, get the kids ready, make sure they get something in their stomach before it’s off to daycare or school. Maybe your husband needs his shirt ironed (men are helpless!) and “forgot” to tell you the night before. Missing breakfast just becomes part of your day. This just sets you up poorly for the whole day, as you are more likely to reach for something unhealthy to fill that void in your stomach. Your blood sugar never stabilizes, you feel tired, reach for another cup of coffee and on and on it goes.

You have got to get something healthy in your stomach as early after you wake as possible if you want to achieve that dream body. Nobody expects a busy mom with a crazy schedule to get up an hour earlier to make eggs every day, but a Super Shake takes just a few minutes to make, tastes great, and gets your day started right.

Here’s a great tasting recipe that mixes in a flash and you can take with on your way out the door!

1 Cup Green Tea
1 Scoop Vanilla Ultimate Muscle Protein
1/2 Cup frozen berries (strawbewrries, raspberries, or blueberries)
1 Tbsp almonds
2 Tbsp yogurt
Additional water to suit your texture/thickness preference

Step #2 – Keep Your Training Appointment

You wouldn’t dream about missing a doctors appointment or soccer practice for the kids. If it’s on the calendar, you are going to make sure they are there – it’s just what moms do!

Mom, you need to take the same approach with your fitness. Put it on the calendar and don’t miss it! I am going to brag on our 5:00am boot camp class a little, because every woman in there is a super busy mom who doesn’t necessarily feel like getting up every day, but makes it happen because she knows it is the only time it will get done! In fact the moms in all our classes choose that time and keep that training appointment because that is her time – no excuses!

Step #3 – Don’t Make Sweets Your Solace (and lay off the booze)

Let’s face it, all too many moms are stress eaters (as are the rest of us). After another long day don’t I deserve to sit down with that bag of double stuff cookies or hot fudge sundae? No and No. Nightime is danger time for a lot of moms. The kids are off to bed and she has just had it. Half a bag later the guilt sets in, and what the heck, just finish the bag! Let me encourage you this way, that was a vicious cycle I was caught in for years, and it held me back big time! Don’t turn an occasional treat (or lapse) into an all out pig out.

The other danger zone at night is those glasses of wine. Alcohol and fat burning cannot and do not co-exist. I understand the stress release factor, but you can’t have it both ways. If you want to maximize your result potential, you are better off finding other stress release and relaxation methods in the evening. A hot bath, stretching, and foam rolling are all productive and relaxing, and enhance your fat loss efforts. And as far as the research that shows wine is full of anti-oxidants, etc. – get your full daily servings of fruit and vegetables first, and then get back to me.

Happy Mothers Day – I love you mom!



Food Log April 7, 2009


  • Water, Ultra 40 Protein, Mass Aminos


  • 1 cup steel cut oats
  • Scrambled Farmers Breakfast: 1 egg, 4 whites,  cheese, mushrooms, onions


  • 2 scoops UMP (Ultimate Muscle Protein) in water
  • Super Pak Multivitamin


  • Steak,
  • Greens salad w/ oil&vinegar
  • Vegetable Stir Fry


  • 2 scoops UMP


  • Workout drink

5:30 pm

  • Super Shake

Food Log May 6, 2009


  • Breakfast Buritto: 1 egg, 2 whites, lean turkey sausage, cheese, peppers, mushrooms, onions, lo-carb wrap
  • 1 cup pineapple


  • 2 scoops UMP (Ultimate Muscle Protein) in water
  • Super Pak Multivitamin


  • 6 oz. streak
  • Greens salad w/ oil&vinegar
  • Mock mashed potatoes


  • 2 scoops UMP


  • 6 oz. pork roast
  • Mixed vegetables
  • Greens salad w/ oil&vinegar

May 5th


5 AM 1 scoop vanilla UMP with water at training

7:30 3 eggs, green pepper, onion, mushrooms, ½ oz cheese, 2 slices apple bread

10:30 2 prunes

12:15 3 oz roast beef, whole wheat tortilla wrap, spinach, relish, mustard, 1 slice swiss cheese

3 PM super shake

5:30 5 oz steak, asparagus

7 PM 3 peanut butter balls

May 4th


5AM1 scoop vanilla UMP with water at training

7:45 2 egg omelet with steak, ham, gr pepper, onion, mushrooms, ½ oz cheese

10:45 super shake

1 PM 3 oz roast beef wrap with spinach, relish, mustard, provolone cheese

4 PM ¼ cup mixed nuts

6 PM 5 oz turkey, mashed cauliflower, 

Food Plan May 4- 10


W- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder mixed with water during training

B-eggs, steak, ham, gr peppers, onions, mushrooms, ½ oz cheese omelet

s- super shake

L-  roast beef, whole wheat wrap, spinach, cheese

S-mixed nuts

D- turkey, mashed cauliflower, salad


W- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder mixed with water during training

B- eggs, apple bread

s- prunes

L- turkey, mixed veggies

s- yogurt

D- steak, salad, carrots


B- eggs, peanutty corn muffin, spinach

s- chick pea cakes

L- turkey pot pie

S- hummus veggie sticks

D- pork roast


W- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder mixed with water during training

B- eggs, steel cut oats

S- peanut butter balls

L- meatballs with sauce over shiratki noodles

S- mixed nuts

D- turkey, salad, asparagus


W- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder mixed with water during training

B- egg burrito

s- cheese stick, carrot

L- pork roast, spinach, apple sauce

S- strawberry coconut, pudding

D- salmon, veggies, salad


B-eggs, pancakes, blueberries, no syrup, nuts

S- mixed nuts

L-D out at a friends party

S- protein pudding


B- super shake

S- craver

L-lunch meat wrap, roast beef, ham, turkey,

S- yogurt

D- scallops, salad, veggies

S- protein pudding

Our Mission Is You!

One year ago today Get Fit NH Bootcamps started with a dedicated group of people who showed up at 5:00am to train outdoors in a small “playground” that is now our parking lot. It was our only class when we started, and some of the people in that class are with us to this day! In the subsequent months we were able to expand to our current schedule of four classes, and we could not have done it without you.

We have seen you work hard every day to reach your goals. Many of you have achieved your initial goals and have set new and higher ones. Others are taking the small, daily steps needed to get where you want to be. For all of you, failure has not been an option, and when you have stumbled, you have gotten up and kept pushing. Never, ever give up!

Nancy and I want to once again express our gratitude for every single member who has trained with us over the past year, as well as for those of you who read our newsletter and blog (or both 🙂

Over the past year we have developed a Mission Statement that is a reflection of the driving force behind what we do and why. Ever had someone tell you – “It’s not all about you”? Well in this case, it IS all about you, our members. Please take a few seconds to read it, and let us know how we are doing.

We are excited about what the next year holds for Get NH Bootcamp and it’s members! Thank you again for making it all possible, and stay tuned for some exciting new projects we are getting ready to unveil that will push you to even greater heights!

Make It Happen!


Food Log May 4, 2009


  • Water, Ultra 40 Protein, Mass Aminos


  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • Omellete: 1 egg, 2 whites, ham, cheese, peppers, mushrooms, onions


  • 2 scoops UMP (Ultimate Muscle Protein) in water
  • Super Pak Multivitamin


  • Hamburger patty,
  • Greens salad w/ oil&vinegar
  • Stir fried veggies


  • 2 scoops UMP


  • Workout drink

5:30 pm

  • Super Shake

April 29- May 1


8 AM 2 egg omelet, lemon poppy seed muffin (new recipe)

10:30 orange

1 PM 4.5 oz hamburger with ketchup and mustard, no bun. Spinach salad

3 PM hummus, gr peppers

6 PM 5 oz grilled chicken, mixed veggies, spinach salad


Water, water, water, I was sick. L

10:30 AM 1 Cup of yogurt strawberry smoothie

11 AM apple super shake

3 PM strawberry super shake

6 PM 2 oz shrimp kabob with grilled veggies


5AM 1 scoop vanilla UMP with water at training

8AM 2 egg omelet, 1 whole wheat waffle

10:30 chocolate protein shake- several ladies from the class we’re trying them out

1 PM Caesar salad with 2 oz ham and 2 oz chicken