Make It Happen Award “Storm Edition”

This weeks Make it Happen Award goes to Sherri, Suzanne, Katie, Stacy, Nicole, and Deb.

Way to go ladies!

Stacy walked to class over trees tangled with wires. Deb set her kitchen egg timer as her alarm clock because she didn’t have power so she could make it to Fun Friday. Everyone else had to maneuver their way through back roads in order to make class on time. Not pictured is Nicole. She tried every way to get to class and at 9:15 called to let me know a fireman had just made her turn around and go back.

Next time you have one of those days, look at this picture, you Made It Happen this day!

Coach Nancy


Enjoy When You Can

“Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

This quote captivates a positive attitude of clients I’ve heard lately. They were not quite as poetic when they breathed a deep sigh while exclaiming, “I had to talk myself into coming to class today”.

At Get Fit NH Bootcamps our goal is to make you work hard and give you a great time while doing it. But we are also realistic.

After last week’s weather and many clients going without power for several days, it can be hard to drag yourself out of bed to get to the early morning class time. It is also difficult to push beyond the workday and hit your 4 or 6 PM class.

But as many did, you just need to suck it up! Do what you know needs to be done.

What will you get with this attitude?

  • You’ll be one step closer to the goals you’ve set for yourself
  • The natural good feelings that occur from a hormone in your body that rise after exercise.
  • A sense of accomplishment and success
  • The applause of the group as we close the training session
  • An instructor who knows you’ve ‘Made it Happen’.

What will you avoid?

  • Being caught in the downward spiral of missing one workout which easily leads to a second and then a third and so on and so on.
  • The Emotional beating given by yourself because you missed your regular scheduled training.
  • Because you are already emotionally down you start to eat and we are not talking a spinach salad with grilled chicken.
  • Risking losing progress on your goals especially if you allow the other three to begin.
  • Stress which releases hormones that aggravate weight loss and keep muscles tight.

So the next time you want to head back to bed or drive directly home, think about how far you’ve come, and where you still want to reach.

Remember that you deserve to reach your goals, and don’t let anything or anyone get in your way.

Remember only you can Make It Happen!

Coach Nancy

Congratulations and Thank-You To Anne!

A big thank-you goes to Anne LaForce for earning her Get Fit NH Bootcamp “Red Shirt”.

We are grateful to be handing out many more of these in the near future (we have another one waiting for another special client who was out a couple days this week).

We are thrilled to give out these special shirts to our members who have been with us for one full year, and are very grateful that you continue to choose to train with us!

Anne brought her daughters Gracie and Hannah with her to a class this week. I think they have a new found respect for what mom does in class!


Cashew Cauliflower

This is a super quick and super delicious recipe that you are not going to want to miss. Keep those potatoes buried in the backyard and whip up a batch of this healthy and delicious side dish. Cashews and coconut milk make it hard to beat!

Get Fit NH Bootcamp Referral Rewards!

A big thank-you to Stacey, Lori and Barbara for Making It Happen with Referral Rewards. Each of these ladies earned $50 for referring a new member to us. A great big welcome to Rick, Alex, and Maura!

A Fifty Dollar Bill In Your Hands? Now THAT’s Fun Friday!  🙂




Get Fit NH Bootcamp “Make It Happen!” Awards…

Nancy, Ty and I know the time and effort that each one of our members puts into getting healthier and fitter through our program.

winnerIt occurred to us that often times one of our members goes above and beyond to “Make It Happen”, and we want to recognize that extra effort when it is made.

Please don’t be offended if you are not here yet… You are all special to us.

Our first ever “Make It Happen” award goes to…drumroll please…Katie Tothill! Katie has been doing a fantastic job integrating bootcamp into an ever changing work schedule. Katie told us that when she gets her work schedule she sits down with her calendar and maps out which classes she can and will attend for the week. Over the last month we have seen Katie at the 6:15am class, the 9:00am class, the 4:00pm class and the 6:00pm class!

Great job Katie!

On that note, we want to reiterate the ultra-flexibility of our schedule. We have 6 classes a day available for men and a whopping 8 classes every training day for the ladies. There is no other bootcamp anywhere that I am aware of that offers all those possibilities. Get here and get it done!

Please click the link for our convenient and flexible “Get Fit NH” Bootcamp Schedule!

A message from Cupid…

Dear Funny Valentine-

I have a little advice for you this year on Valentines Day. Let me give you a little poke and prodding. You have 4 days left to figure a way to express your feelings towards your loved ones. Let me help you get your creative juices flowing. Let me explain a few “do’s and don’ts” to Valentines Day.

valentinesbearHere’s a few ‘deal’ breakers: Chocolates to those who are trying to eat healthy and go to Bootcamp 4 days a week = bad choice. Gourmet Cookies… did you read the last sentence? Cookies are not healthy! Even with cute little messages. Champagne… slows metabolism, too risky on the effects, not to mention killer headache the next day, again, BAD. Flowers, although beautiful, will wilt and die in a matter of days. Of course some may love flowers (see below).  And a final ‘don’t’…a simple card (see below)… picked up by your secretary on her lunch break…bad bad idea.

Are you feeling lost and forelorn? no worries, I have a few ideas for you, and some you won’t even have to leave your desk to obtain.

A simple card will suffice, but only if personally picked out by YOU. Or how about making a card or write a poem? Flowers, although perfectly acceptable, bump it up. Instead of cut flowers, give a flowering plant/tree that will be enjoyed for years to come. A continual reminder of your love throughout the year.

A membership to Bootcamp. Makes a great gift to the fitness mind. Also another continual reminder that you care every class.  A gift card for a massage or a manicure/pedicure… a little spa time. Show your significant other they deserve a little pampering.

Do you want your special someone to know they hold the moon and stars? … have a star in the galaxy named after them. Adopt a manatee/eagle/turtle in need of rescuing. Donate to a worthy cause or charity in your loves name.

No money… no worries…Take a stroll, hike, snowshoe, ski, exercise together. Watch a movie together. Quality time! While you are together,  hold hands, steal kisses, whisper sweet nothings. Make every moment special. It doesn’t have to cost a thing.

Put a little thought into your gift this year. It should come from the heart, it’s not about a price tag, some of the greatest gifts cost nothing. There is truth to ‘it’s the thought that counts’.

Valentines Day is a chance to show that special someone how much you love and admire them. Its a day to throw a little romance their way. Especially those that may be heading off to a… I don’t know, a 4 day conference, say in… Kentucky… with no children, no work, no phones (if you turn that Droid off). Pamper your honey – rub her feet, paint her toenails, show her you worship the ground she walks on (because we do!)… I’m just saying…

Happy Valentines Day!


Cupid! (aka G.W.)

Congratulations Deb!

We received this note and pictures from 5:00am Concord Bootcamp team member Deb Saks. Way to go Deb!

Thank you Dean for helping me gain the strength and endurance to help me bring home a championship medal in today’s ergometer competition in Manchester, NH. Please see the attached pictures.
Thank you,
Deb Saks

Maybe you don’t know!

“Cognitive Dissonance” is the term psychologists use to describe the discomfort or even agitation in our minds when are beliefs are challenged. When some new evidence comes our way that seeks to unseat a deeply held belief, we tend to shut our mind off and defend what we “know”.

This dissonance can be resolved in one of these ways:

  • We can ignore the new evidence and hold on to our present belief
  • Cast aside our old belief and embrace the new one
  • Evaluate the new information and integrate it into what is known to be true

sunWe all have an emotional attachment to our present beliefs, like it or not. When Copernicus put forth his proofs that the earth revolves around the sun, rather than the other way around, he was persecuted and thought mad. But he was  right! Most people are content to follow the crowd, often to their detriment.

Sometimes we challenge deeply held beliefs around here.

Beliefs that we know to be false:

  • Slow steady state cardio (hamster on a wheel) is the best way to lose fat
  • Women get bulky lifting heavy weights
  • A healthy diet is based on grains
  • I can’t do it
  • Dunkin Donuts is better than Starbucks  (had to throw that one in)

Often times it doesn’t matter what scientific or empirical evidence that we present, some people are just going to dig their heels in and resist change.

I don’t believe in change for changes sake.

But ask yourself if some of your beliefs are holding you back.

Is there something that you are holding onto that’s keeping you from what you want?

Are you willing at the very least to evaluate new evidence, or are you going to stick with what you know?

Consider this…

Maybe you don’t know…

…and maybe that’s what’s holding you back.

Think about it for a little while.

Then Make It Happen!
