2 Challenges For You From Coach Meagan!
When you lay down to go to sleep at night, do you ever think about your day and reflect on what you did to better yourself that day? I highly doubt it. Most of us have a mind going one million miles a second and we’re making to-do lists in our head, thinking about our kids and planning out the next day or thinking about work, etc. I know I rarely lay there and think about me.
But, wait! We (you and me!), WE are important too! Shouldn’t we all be striving to get a little better each day? I have two challenges for you:

- Before you go to bed each night set yourself one small goal for the following day. It could be to read 10 pages of a book you have been meaning to pick up again, or to go to bed or wake up at a certain time. It could be to make it back to training if that has been slipping away from you. Set one goal that you KNOW you can achieve the following day that will help you get just a little bit better. Write it down!
- Before you go to bed and before setting a new goal for the following day, check off that you completed your daily goal. If you didn’t make it happen, then reflect on what got in your way and come up with a plan to make it happen the next day.
It is way easy to put yourself on the back burner over and over and over again. I never quite understood this until I had kids. I get it now, but we are important too and taking some time to ourselves each day is not going to hurt anyone!
-Coach Meagan