3 Ways to Kick Nighttime Snacking
Guilty? You’re not alone. This is probably one of the most common issues I hear when chatting with people. How can you stop the madness? You know it is contributing to the way you feel, you don’t actually enjoy it, because when you are done you are left feeling guilty and kicking yourself for giving in again. That darn voice in your head is powerful, huh? It’s time to show that voice in your head who is boss. Until you do, you are going to be stuck.
Here are 3 ways to help yourself meet the goal of kicking this habit!

- Don’t buy it. This is hard, right? There are other people in the house who eat this way, right? Okay, let me squash that mindset real quick (I live in a household of a junk food junkie and I will share my tricks in a second) but first, PARENTS…if you shouldn’t be eating it, your kids shouldn’t be either. Deprive your kids? No. But your kids need to build good habits and happy taste buds. Our kids are as overweight as ever. Set them up to have a good relationship with food. There are plenty of quick and easy whole foods that they can and should be eating. That was my long winded way of saying don’t say "it is in the house because the kids eat it". Here is my trick for the adult kids who are not willing to comply with this mentality. Many of you know my husband is complete opposite of me. If you saw what he put in his mouth, you’d wonder how the heck I am a coach. Some of it doesn’t phase me (like his endless supply of Ramen Noodles and Celeste Personal Pizza- yuck!). But other things to tempt me. Like chocolate granola bars and Cape Cod chips…so guess what? My husband is a big boy and we have been together 8 years- he doesn’t want to change, but I do. So I ask him to keep it hidden from me. In his car, in a drawer…ask them to lock it if you still don’t trust yourself! If you see it and you want it, you are going to eat it in a weak moment…so do something about it!
- Find a buddy. Believe me when I say, you are NOT alone. I guarantee there are a bunch of people you are surrounded by at training or work and so on who want to change this habit, but don’t know where to start. Encourage someone else to join you. Hold each other accountable. Send text messages when you are feeling vulnerable or give a call if you need to be talked down. Send food pictures. Share strategies. It’s hard to kick this alone- so don’t do it alone!
- Drink water. You don’t like this answer? Then you will be up all night hitting the bathroom, right? Water will keep you full, satisfied and hydrated!
Oh and a bonus tip? Brush your teeth and go to bed! Who wants to snack after brushing their teeth? Not to mention we could all use a little extra sleep!
Make it Happen,
Coach Meagan