A message from Cupid…

Dear Funny Valentine-

I have a little advice for you this year on Valentines Day. Let me give you a little poke and prodding. You have 4 days left to figure a way to express your feelings towards your loved ones. Let me help you get your creative juices flowing. Let me explain a few “do’s and don’ts” to Valentines Day.

valentinesbearHere’s a few ‘deal’ breakers: Chocolates to those who are trying to eat healthy and go to Bootcamp 4 days a week = bad choice. Gourmet Cookies… did you read the last sentence? Cookies are not healthy! Even with cute little messages. Champagne… slows metabolism, too risky on the effects, not to mention killer headache the next day, again, BAD. Flowers, although beautiful, will wilt and die in a matter of days. Of course some may love flowers (see below).  And a final ‘don’t’…a simple card (see below)… picked up by your secretary on her lunch break…bad bad idea.

Are you feeling lost and forelorn? no worries, I have a few ideas for you, and some you won’t even have to leave your desk to obtain.

A simple card will suffice, but only if personally picked out by YOU. Or how about making a card or write a poem? Flowers, although perfectly acceptable, bump it up. Instead of cut flowers, give a flowering plant/tree that will be enjoyed for years to come. A continual reminder of your love throughout the year.

A membership to Bootcamp. Makes a great gift to the fitness mind. Also another continual reminder that you care every class.  A gift card for a massage or a manicure/pedicure… a little spa time. Show your significant other they deserve a little pampering.

Do you want your special someone to know they hold the moon and stars? … have a star in the galaxy named after them. Adopt a manatee/eagle/turtle in need of rescuing. Donate to a worthy cause or charity in your loves name.

No money… no worries…Take a stroll, hike, snowshoe, ski, exercise together. Watch a movie together. Quality time! While you are together,  hold hands, steal kisses, whisper sweet nothings. Make every moment special. It doesn’t have to cost a thing.

Put a little thought into your gift this year. It should come from the heart, it’s not about a price tag, some of the greatest gifts cost nothing. There is truth to ‘it’s the thought that counts’.

Valentines Day is a chance to show that special someone how much you love and admire them. Its a day to throw a little romance their way. Especially those that may be heading off to a… I don’t know, a 4 day conference, say in… Kentucky… with no children, no work, no phones (if you turn that Droid off). Pamper your honey – rub her feet, paint her toenails, show her you worship the ground she walks on (because we do!)… I’m just saying…

Happy Valentines Day!


Cupid! (aka G.W.)

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