Amy Shines Bright in the Spotlight
This time the spotlight shines on Amy Doyle. Amy and her husband, Jim, have been part of the Get Fit NH family for a while now. Amy is part of our 5am class in Concord and always comes in with a smile, a willingness to work hard, and a shrug (we are working on the last one). All joking aside, Amy has been a fantastic addition to the family and we love having her in class. Here are some of Amy’s own words about her journey at Get Fit NH...
Why did you choose Get Fit NH?
My husband, Jim, and I joined Get Fit in July. After spending years going to gyms, we were looking for a different approach to working out. I had many colleagues at Bow Memorial School that trained at Get Fit and we decided to give it a try. We were both hooked after a few workouts.
What changes did you notice in the first few weeks?
Almost immediately I noticed that I wasn't feeling hurt and dinged up all the time. It was typical for me to experience pain while training, and I had come accustomed to working though chronic shoulder pain during my workouts. The first month showed me that this didn't have to be the case. The workouts at Get Fit were making me stronger, but not at the cost of being hurt. I also noticed that I was able to do more functional skills without pain and effort.

What outside of Get Fit NH has become easier since starting here?
I have always been an athlete, enjoying sports and being active. Since joining Get Fit, I have run a half marathon and participated in the Ragnar Reach the Beach Relay. All of my favorite activities have become easier... running, walking my dog (Leo McGarry,) hiking with my family, swimming, you name it!
What are your goals?
When I first started at Get Fit my goal was to lose 10 pounds. Like many people, I struggle with the number on the scale. Over the past few months, my goals have changed. I want to be healthy, strong, and know how to fuel and care for my body. I won't lie though...I want to be able to do a chin-up!
What have you accomplished so far?
My mindset about what it means to be healthy and fit has changed since joining Get Fit. After a challenging workout, I can tell that I have worked my muscles, but also that I have done it correctly. I am more mindful of how to workout without triggering my shoulder injury. As the sign says in the gym - I am training smarter! I am also learning about the critical role of food and proper nutrition, and am currently participating in the 21 Day Challenge.
What is your favorite part of Get Fit NH?
My favorite part of Get Fit are the coaches. I am so appreciative of their vigilance during the workouts to keep stubborn people like me safe and accountable. Without their guidance, I would still be struggling with injury and pain.
Keep the hard work up and the shoulders down, Amy!
-Coach Adam