Anna is in the Athlete Academy Spotlight!

Anna LeBrun has been a part of our Athlete Academy for a little over a month now, but has been a member of Get Fit for much longer. Below are some of her short but sweet explanations of why she chose Get Fit and what she has accomplished.

"I wanted to start athlete academy this year because I wanted to improve my athleticism and I also really enjoyed it when I've been part of it in the past.

I play softball and field hockey. In softball I'm a catcher and middle infielder, and in field hockey I'm a defender and a midfielder.

Since starting at Athlete Academy, I have noticed that I am more mindful about how to keep myself healthy and try to prevent injuries. I've also noticed that I've gotten stronger in the time I've been there.

My favorite part of Athlete Academy is setting small goals and the feeling when I reach those goals. I like watching my progress and seeing my improvement. I love how the coach and the others are motivating and supportive."

I remember when I first started working here how awesome it was having Anna in class, someone who always works extremely hard, loves a challenge, is extremely positive and is always accepting of new ways she can get better. She has brought that same positive attitude, friendliness, and competitive drive to Athlete Academy and I am extremely impressed with how much she has accomplished and how hard she works every single time she comes in. Great Job, Anna, and keep it up!

-Coach Adam

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