Apple vs. Walmart. Are You Worth More Than An iPhone?
Nancy and I just got back from spending time with some amazing coaches and business owners. The first two days I was down there I had the opportunity to sit down and talk shop with 20 of the best coaches and fitness business owners in the country. One of those is a really sharp dude by the name of CJ Easter. If you follow college football at all you may recognize the name as a few years back he played cornerback for Standford football. After day 2 CJ cranked out a fantastic note to his clients and future clients, and I wanted to share part out if with you.
“Just learned a valuable lesson from my business coach:
“To thrive long term in business, you either have to be the best or the cheapest”
Let’s look at Walmart. They are known for “Always Low Prices.” If you want to save money on something, you head to the nearest Walmart.
Now let’s use Apple as an example. As I sit in this room with 20 of the top fitness entrepreneurs in the country, 75% of the laptops and phones are Apple products.
Could anyone one of us chosen a cheaper option that served the same purpose?
Yes, but Apple has built the reputation and brand of being the best, so we continue to invest in their products despite the premium price.
Both Apple and Walmart are thriving businesses, but with vastly different business models.
As consumers, we make these decisions on a daily basis:
The Best vs. The Cheapest
(and here’s where this comes to to you….)
When it comes to your health and fitness which one are you choosing?
Are you investing in luxury items elsewhere in your life (cars, clothes, and coffee), but choosing the cheap route for your body?
Did you spend $200 on that Lulumon gym outfit, but never use it because no one is holding you accountable?
You may spend a few hours per day in your cars and clothes, but you spend 24 hours per day in your body (and you only get one of those).
You can invest in your health and fitness now or pay for it later. (And last I checked, hospital bills area lot more expensive than a trainer)
If you’re tired of your cheap gym membership and cheap results…
And if you’re ready to make that investment in your health and fitness…
We’re here for you.
Just drop me an email when you have a chance.
We’re not the cheapest, but we strive to improve everyday to be the best.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself, which is why I didn’t.
You can go anywhere to sweat, but if you want to achieve results, make the most of your investment by choosing wisely. Accountability, support, and a plan that fits you.
Are you a Get Fit NH client already? Then make sure you are taking advantage of the benefits of training with Get Fit NH. Read the daily nutrition newsletter, get your body comp done on a regular basis, review your goals with us, keep up on your FMS, come to the nutrition seminars, and most of all come in with the attitude that you are getting better every day.
Sitting on the fence? It’s time to get in here and see what you can really accomplish. You deserve the success you desire. But it takes more than making a decision in your mind.
Coach Martin Rooney shares this formula.
Decision minus Action = Zero.
And nobody likes feeling like a Zero!
Take action today by registering for your free 2-week Tryout.
You have everything to gain.
Invest Wisely.
Coach Dean
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