Attention: SkiErg World Sprints Are Here!

Attention all! Help us out!

Ski Erg world sprints next week! 

One of the most consistent traditions at Get Fit NH has been the yearly Ski Erg world sprints.  Every year at the beginning of November we ski erg 1000 meters as fast as we can!  Those times get matched up to people around the globe who participate also. 

We are asking you to participate and show the world just how hard Get Fit NH clients train!  We have had clients that have placed in the top 5 in the world multiple times, even several times have won their age group! 

All we need from you is between 3 and 7 minutes of your time, your name, birthdate, and where you’re from!

1000 meter sprints can be done any time between the 8th and the 11th of November and we will be opening up times on Saturday morning from 7-8:30 am and will open times as necessary that morning if its needed outside that window. 

Help us as coaches show off that we have the best and most hardworking clients anywhere! 

See your coaches for any additional information.

-Coach Adam

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