Blood, Sweat and Tears?

onefundWe are gearing up for the 205 mile Reach The Beach event Friday and Saturday, so don’t be shy with sending some prayers our way! 🙂

We will be tweeting during the race, so make sure you are hooked up with so you can get updates along the way.

And while our RTB team is small , there is some good work the rest of you can do this week too.

While RTB is out sweating, why don’t you head on over and give some blood this week? The anniversary of 9/11 is always a good reminder of the constant need that our hospitals and clinics are in for blood and platelets. Couple that with our support of the Boston One Fund, and you have a winner.

There are a number of blood drives being held this week, and Helen Dutton sent a reminder that there will be one this Friday at the New Hampshire Supreme Court. It is my birthday Friday, so it would be a pretty great birthday present if all y’all got up there and helped out. You can make an appointment at the Red Cross Website

And the tears?

Well I just found out we may be one team member down for Reach The Beach, so I may have the, ummm, opportunity (yeah that’s it) to run with the team.

And no, I am not the one doing the crying, it’s the rest of the team realizing their shot at a good time just went down the hole! 🙂

(Update Wednesday Morning – I am off the hook, whew!) 🙂

Get out there and do some good this week!



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