Eating Your Way Right Through The Holidays: What’s The Point?

bigpapiYou might have asked yourself that question already, as in “Why even bother? I always gain weight this time of year.”

If that’s the case, I understand. I think you need an attitude check 🙂 , but I really do understand. If it was easy, we wouldn’t be having this “conversation”.

However when I asked the question “What’s The Point?” I am talking about the end game. Where are we going with this whole thing?

I mean if you don’t know where you are going, how are you going to know when you get there? (That is like Yogi Berra deep!)

Here is my goal every time we do a nutrition related challenge:

To teach you nutrition habits, that when applied consistently and correctly, will create the optimum metabolic environment to help you lose body fat and gain/maintain lean tissue (aka muscle).

In other words I want you to eat in a way that makes you look and feel great. 🙂

So what’s the main obstacle to progress?

I think it’s that we have too much information.

If you were to head over to and search for “diet books” you would get 78,496 results. Holy cow!

Is it any wonder that there is confusion over the “right” way to eat?

Truth be told no one strategy will fit all of us, and you may even have made progress by reading and following the plan in one of those books.

But I think one of the things the authors of these diets don’t take into consideration is that we have very short attention spans, and we don’t really like someone else telling us what to do.

I talk to people all the time that are “doing” all sorts of diet plans – Atkins, South Beach, Mediterranean, Paleo, you name it. Funny thing is that when you ask the what they are actually doing, they have added in enough tweaks, twists and turns into the plan so that it looks nothing like the original. Could that be why it “doesn’t work”, at least for very long?

We get bored with the “thing”, so we move onto another “thing”.

Time for a reality check. The four plans I mentioned above (and they are totally random off the top of my head) are far more like each other than they are different. In fact most people could probably do pretty well – if they actually followed them long term, say as in for the rest of their lives.

So right off the top let me make it clear. “Eat Your Way Right” is a diet only in the sense that no matter what you currently eat you are on a diet.

It’s just that too many of us are on the “bagel, donut, coffee, soda, pasta, bread, candy, pastry and wine” diet.

So get ready to challenge yourself. What you think you know about nutrition, and about what healthy eating is really all about.

Get ready to get a little uncomfortable. Out of your comfort zone is probably gonna happen. You can’t keep doing the same things and expect a different result.

I have to tell you I am really excited about this challenge. We have had tremendous success with previous challenges, but I am convinced this is the best one yet. Our team is excited to get this thing rolled out and watch you guys take the changeup and knock it over the wall for a grand slam like Big Papi did last night.

Are you ready?

2 Weeks To Go!








Mark Your Calendars – “Eat Your Way Right” Start October 28

hThis Just In!

There will be a kickoff meeting for “Eat Your Way Right 2013” at both gyms on Tuesday October 22nd.

We will give a complete overview of the challenge as well as have a time of Q & A.

As the goal of the challenge is to make it through the holidays unscathed, you will also be asked (but not forced) to step on the scale. Take advantage of this opportunity to get a leg up on the challenge and prepare in advance.

Eat Your Way Right Kickoff Meetings

Tuesday October 22nd

Get Fit NH Concord – 6:45pm

Get Fit NH Epsom – 7:15pm


You read that correctly, oh yes you did.

In just 3 short weeks until “Eat Your Way Right Through The Holidays 2013” starts, and I am pumped!


Because this challenge is going to get you through the holidays without needing stretchy pants for Christmas. That’s a definite win, wouldn’t you say?

Face it.

The Halloween candy is already out at the office, and it is only going to get worse.

What we need is a plan.

And lucky for all of us we have one –  “Eat Your Way Right Through The Holidays 2013”.

We are going to take 8 of the toughest eating weeks of the year and totally dominate them.

Are you excited? Are you ready?