Coach Adam’s Story

I told my story to a couple of classes last week, but I felt that there were others who were not able to attend that day who deserve to hear it as well. I realize there has been a large change at Get Fit and I am asking many of you to trust me in the same way you trusted Coach Erin. I realize that is a process and not something that happens overnight. So for those of you who already heard my story, this will probably be just reiteration for you.

coach adamSo, my story is this – at my largest point, I weighed close to 350lbs. I have included a picture because I am told it’s worth a thousand words. I ate awful, I didn’t exercise correctly, and I was just a mess. One day I decided to change. Now I know many of you may wonder what it was that caused that sudden lightbulb moment, and to be honest, I don’t know what it was. Just one day I woke up and everything snapped into focus. So I began my journey, no need to get into all that because I don’t need to write a book, but suffice it to say it wasn’t quick and it wasn’t easy. Now I weigh around 226lbs, I still have a ways to go, I still know there is work to be done, and I am not satisfied yet. Like I said, the picture is where you will really get the full idea of what it was like for me about 3 to 4 years ago.

Now onto the second part of that story, which happened just recently. I attended a Training for Warriors certification program in order to be able to use the TFW system. This program had as much or more to do with coaching as it did with sets and reps. During this training, I was asked to define my core values – the values that I myself live by, and what drives my passion in this field. That was very difficult for me. It’s very hard to try and peel back the layers of all those experiences and find that common denominator that ties it all together. So I didn’t write anything then, but I let it stew in the back of my mind until it hit me like a cement brick.

My passion comes from the things I missed out on growing up and in high school because of my weight. I love sports, love everything about them. I played soccer, hockey, baseball, and did Alpine racing as well in high school. However, I never really excelled, I barely made JV in soccer and baseball my sophomore year and was on the bench in both until I finally got the chance to show I was better than the others in front of me. I lost out on so many opportunities because I was so heavy. Even though I had a skill level that was better than a lot of people in front of me, I was never given the chance or couldn’t sustain it long enough to prove it. Now that I am in better shape and feel the huge difference, I can’t help but look back at what could have been if I had just had myself together. That is where my passion comes from, that is my core value, or at least my biggest one. It’s preparing myself and all of you so that you never have to look back and think “If I had just been in better shape I could have done _________ or ___________”. That is what drives me the most of all.
Now, and this is very important so please keep reading, I am not looking for a slow clap or a round of applause. The main reason I have not really said much of anything until now about this is because often I feel like it comes off as me talking about me. I don’t want that to be the way it comes off because it is about you. It’s about you the clients, not me. So please don’t take this as me patting myself on the back because that is not me at all.

However, I feel that with this new change, it is extremely important that I am transparent so that you understand where my words and writing comes from. You are the best, you deserve the best, and if you think my words are hollow, you will never follow them. So this is me showing that they are not hollow. I may only be 25 years old, but I still speak from a wealth of experience on this topic and that is important for you to know. So please put your faith in me and I will work my butt off to get you to where you want to be and never look back.

Thank you,
Coach Adam
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