Don Harty is Shining

Don celebrating completing the 48 New Hampshire 4000 footers on Mt. Isolation with his kids as well as Stella. A long 13-1/2 mile hike that ended with 2 hours of night hiking by flashlight. This is his second time completing the 48 peaks, the first being 45 years ago in 1972.

Did you catch that? Don has done the 48 4,000 footers twice. There is no doubt that once Don puts his mind to something, there isn’t much that will hold him back. 

He has a sense of humor that tends to sneak up on you. I emailed him the day he climbed Mt. Isolation. This is what he wrote me back: “Thanks for the note and your concerns. I am OK, just schedule challenged. Yesterday I spent 14 hours climbing my last 4000 footer which made me miss class (I was going to wear my Tu Tu on the hike but my backpack got in the way)”.

As his coach, I didn’t need to learn about his climbing 48 different peaks twice in his life so far to know that though. He has tackled getting to his goals in the last year. When he first came to Get Fit NH he wanted to a.) lose some weight and b.) increase his ability to be active at a higher level. 

In less than a year he has done just that. In his first six months he lost the weight he had desired. HIs goal for the summer was to maintain his weight while he had a bit more of a relaxed mindset and traveled. He did just that. 

Don has also accomplished gaining more energy to do more - hello, 48 peaks! 

I want to take this time to say congratulations to Don. Being a member of the 48 Footer club takes dedication, time, energy, and grit. 

The 5am crew asked Don if they could go hiking with him on his next hike. He said; “Sure, I’m going Saturday.” 

Keep Making It Happen!

Honored to be his coach,

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