Don’t Miss October’s Jumpstart Nutrition Workshop!

Nutrition and physical exercise go hand in hand in regards to health. We all know if we sit on the couch, after a few short weeks, we’ve gained weight, we move slower and maybe even ache a bit more.

The same is true with nutrition. A couple of weeks of ignoring any semblance of healthy eating and you’ve gained weight, you move slower, and maybe even ache a bit more.

The Grateful Plate Jumpstart will get you started in the right direction. At this seminar you will be given a Jumpstart manual full of information on what to eat, how much to eat, meal planning, grocery shopping, measuring yourself and your food, and much much more.

The Grateful Plate website already contains great recipes and a blog to get your journey started.

October Jumpstart Nutrition Workshop w/ Coach Nancy
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Time: 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Location: Get Fit NH Epsom

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