Eat Your Way Right Through The Holidays – Head Start!

Plan to NOT eat this stuff!

I was reading the paper yesterday and came across Dr. Oz’s column in the paper. Now I know how much some of you love Dr. Oz (right Betty?) so I figured I’d give him a shout out.

Anyway in the article he refers to the “Five Food Felons”

  • Added Sugars
  • Added Syrups
  • Most Saturated Fat
  • All Trans-fats
  • Grains that are not 100% whole grain

The list got me to thinking about a crucial part of our nutrition plan.

The actual planning!

Because there are some foods (like in the list above) you need to plan to avoid. Added sugars for example. You have to read the label and see what’s in there, which is another good reason to purchase as much “label free” whole foods as possible.

Well if we are going to “Eat Our Way RIGHT Through The Holidays” we are going to have to implement the other PPW…

Planning + Preparation = Winning.

We’ve talked about it before. You can’t go into the grocery store and wing it. From the moment you walk through the door you are being set up to buy more, and the choices ain’t all good.

To that end we have created “The PPW Kitchen Shopping List”.

We are getting some of these printed up for the contest, but here’s the first part of our challenge to you.

The next time you go shopping buy only items on this list.

Should really simplify the process, and you will be feeding your body what it needs.

Plus you’ll have a head start stocking your kitchen with “EYWRTTH” friendly fare, and you will be setting yourself for success.

Make It Happen!

The PPW Kitchen Shopping List Part 1

The PPW Kitchen Shopping List Part 2


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