We had a great time last Tuesday night introducing our clients to the great taste of The Meal Movement. We sampled a wide variety of tasty and nutritious food.

If you haven’t read our introductory article to The Meal Movement and what it’s all about, check it out here: First Look: Our Meal Movement Experiment

So why did we introduce The Meal Movement to our clients?

Because you asked us to! One of the most common objections we hear is that it takes “too much time” to prepare healthy meals.

You see there are two major hurdles when it comes to eating in a supportive and sensible manner.

Time and Money.

And like it or not, you are going to have to spend more of one or the other when it comes to your nutrition.

You can either spend time preparing your PPW (The Sunday Ritual) or money having someone else prepare it for you. The chef at the golden arches is probably not the best choice.

In the middle lies The Meal Movement.

In the ideal world we would all spend the time preparing home cooked meals. It is the least expensive way possible to get great nutrition on a regular basis. Contrary to popular opinion you can eat very healthy on a limited budget. Don’t believe me? Talk to Coach Nancy, who stretched a dollar farther than you can imagine due to the budgetary constraints of her stingy husband – and still does!

The Meal Movement is just one more option for clients who can and want to take advantage of an easier way to get PPW. There are 7 different options to choose from to suit your needs. You can order a whole month of food or just protein – it’s up to you.

Check It Out Here  –



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