I Am Thankful

For my wife Nancy who has put up with me for almost 26 years

That my older boys Tim and Jeff are happily married (I think) 🙂 and for their wives, Debra and Kimberly

For Derek, who holds such a special place in my heart and started us on the journey of “4 More”

For Andrew, who persistence is amazing –  he just never gives up

For Karalynn, who already knows how to make my heart melt

For Amy, who is the amazing bundle of energy, joy, and precociousness

For parents who put up with all the hurt I could throw at them and never stopped loving

For a brother who went too early and for a sister I don’t get to see enough

For good friends, the kind who you can feel like you ignore for months and yet pick up the conversation like you saw them yesterday

For a country to live in where I can dissent without getting shot

For the brave men and women who have put their lives on hold and on the line to defend our freedoms

For the first responders in my community who labor daily without me even giving them a second thought, but have always been there when I needed them

For the teachers in my life whose influence persists to this day. Mr. Mac, Mrs. Zoller, Mrs. Plante to name a very few

For my coaches and mentors; Ian, Mike, Helen, Pat, Nick, to again name a very few

For the Get Fit NH Team, especially CJ and Erin, who bring it every day

For the incredible clients at Get Fit NH; I hope you all know you are never taken for granted, and that it is only because of you we all get to do what we love

Here’s a thought: Have you ever thought on Thanksgiving to whom you are being Thankful?

I know times have been better and the outlook has been rosier, but I hope as this year is winding down that you take a few minutes to have an attitude of gratitude, and enjoy what you do have.

There are no guarantees what tomorrow brings, and too often in my own life I don’t stop long enough to quiet down and smell the roses. This week I am going to make a big effort to be grateful for all I have been given and thank the God who gave it.

What are YOU thankful for?






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