This Just In: Watching TV More Leads To Less Reading

-Those who don't read barely have an advantage over those who can't- - Verne HarnishI love to read. There are some really smart people out there, and you won’t find many of them with your butt plopped on the couch in front of the TV. I hear often “I don’t have time to read” from people who just finished telling me about the last nine episodes of House Hunters. Word.

Here’s some suggestions:

Negative self-talk is not harmless, it is not humility, it is not anything less than poison for the soul. Greg Woods tell us why If You Want To Get Better, You Must Think Better

There are worse role models for active aging than this guy.

Jayne passed this article onto me, and it should make us think twice about “settled science”.

I really, genuinely, truly don’t obsess over becoming a millionaire, but these are some good traits to possess, regardless.

And finally for today, this article on nutrition for ahem, maturing athletes (that’s you), reveals why digestion is so important as we get older.

Happy Reading!

Coach Dean

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