Nancy’s Nutrition Logs

Date 4/19

4:20 am 1 scoop UMP protein powder in 18 ounces of water

8 am 1 cup oatmeal, ¼ cup of yogurt mixed with 1 scoop UMP vanilla protein powder, ½ cup mixed berries, and 1 cup of coffee with truvia, almond milk, and cinnamon.

11 am 1 slice of crustless quiche, 20 ounces of water

1 pm Capri burger- 4 ounces (mozzarella, olives, pesto, no bun) Southwest burger – 3 ounces (Cheddar cheese, salsa, yogurt taco sauce, no bun) served on a bed of spinach, 40 ounces of water

3:40 pm 2 prunes, 2 dried apricots, Smoothie (12 almonds, 6 ounces of plain yogurt, ¼ cup of mixed berries), 20 ounces of water

7:15 pm baked chicken (3 thighs), spinach salad with homemade olive oil/vinegar dressing

Date 4/20

Health fair from 8-3 so I was out of the house, I packed what I needed for food.

7:40 am 1 cup oatmeal, ¼ cup of yogurt mixed with 1 scoop UMP vanilla protein powder, ½ cup blueberries, and ½ cup of coffee with truvia, almond milk, and cinnamon

9:45 am ¼ cup of almonds, 1 cup dried fruit (prunes, apricots, raisins), 16 ounces of water

11:50 am red pepper strips, baby carrots (1 ½ cups), ½ cup hummus, 1 scoop UMP vanilla protein, 34 ounces of water

1:10 pm baby carrots (10), 1 scoop UMP vanilla protein, 34 ounces of water

5 pm Cajun chicken (grilled, 1 breast), 1-cup green beans, 2 cups spinach salad with homemade olive oil/vinegar dressing, ½ grilled onion, 20 ounces water

7:40 pm 1 scoop chocolate UMP protein powder mixed with 2-teaspoon natural peanut butter and water, 20 ounces of water

Date: 4/21

4:20 am 1 scoop UMP protein powder in 18 ounces of water

8 am 1 ½ cup chili, ½ cup of oatmeal, ½ cup of mixed berries, 20 ounces of water

11:40 am salmon cakes, summer squash and zucchini sautéed, 1 strawberry, Starbucks coffee with cream, 20 ounces of water

1:35 pm ½ of a cucumber, ¼ cup of hummus, 40 ounces of water (still sipping on the coffee)

3:10 pm Caribbean chicken (1 breast, grilled) with pineapple salsa, spinach salad with olive oil/vinegar dressing (homemade), 20 water

5:40 pm ½ of a green pepper, 3 ounces of chicken, 20 ounces of water

My food plan and therefore my food logs are designed to help me reach my goals. Your goals could be a lot different, and therefore you might eat differently. In general however eating like this would be a great start for most of us. Questions are welcome!

Coach Nancy