Nuggets to Digest

PPW3_Logo-TMI read every day. I find that in that reading there is sometimes more power packed into a few paragraphs than one hundred pages written on a subject.

Here’s some nuggets that apply to your training AND your nutrition.

1. Train to get better, not to get done.

Get Fit NH states this in regards to training but the same thing applies to nutrition.

Are you eating each meal as if the quality/quantity of the foods you eat will dictate your success? Are you treating each snack with that same respect as well?

2. Be a Champion. Championships aren’t won Overnight.

They take months of practice, a willingness to work and a genuine passion for what you’re doing. Everyone is a champion at something. Would you like to be known for someone who is a champion of their body?

3. Celebrate small victories.

Winning one game doesn’t mean you win a championship – but it’s a way to measure your progress and validate your efforts. Measure your efforts on a short term scale. Always work towards that championship.

4. Compete.

I think this is a biggie. Winners of competition don’t go through the motions. Athletes train. Everyone else works out. (sound familiar to anyone?)

The difference…competition. Part of training is the fuel you feed your body. Are you going through the motions in your nutrition?

5. Handle adversity.

In baseball, hitters that don’t let one bad at bat turn into a bad game are the most successful. In eating habits it’s the same. A missed PPW meal doesn’t mean you can’t succeed. A bad choice in the evening doesn’t mean you’re destined for failure. Learn from it and move on.

In other words – You learn by doing. You’ll find what works by taking action, making changes, and sticking to your goal.

Get Better, Every Day.

Coach Nancy



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