What Else Can I Do?

I want to address a rather common question we hear…

“What else can I do when I am not at Get Fit NH to get results faster?”

This is a long answer. Often the question is in regards to training. Should I be running and training on my own on Wednesday and weekends? The answer to that is NO. Absolutely not. You hired a coaching service and you participate in a training program that doesn’t require any additional training to get results. It works.

Ready for the long part?

Here is what you could be doing and should be doing to get your results in gear…meal plan, grocery shop, meal prep. That will always be my answer if you are wondering what else you should be doing outside of these walls. You will never out train poor (or pretty good) nutrition. Wednesdays and weekends are your opportunity to set yourself up for success for the next 3-4 days. If your goal is fat loss and all you’re doing is training, then you are probably getting pretty ticked off with your results. Sure, you can lose some weight and get stronger without changing your nutrition, but it won’t last. Coach Nancy talks about the bicycle. The front wheel is nutrition and the back wheel is training. If one wheel is rolling and the other is not, where are you going? Not very far, if anywhere, right?

No one likes that answer when I tell them that. So if you are frustrated with your results and you just don’t know where to start, then jump on the next 21 Day Jumpstart. We are always running a detox. If you are not willing to change your nutrition, then you are not willing to change your body.

Do you want to make it happen?
Coach Meagan

Train Your Stress Away

“Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body.” –Arnold Schwarzenegger

Recently, I talked about stress as it relates to the body’s fight or flight mechanism. About how babies breathe from the belly, but when stressed they start breathing from their chest (have to give credit where credit is due, that information came from Coach Dean). About how stress, frustration, and anger in this modern age is our fight or flight. No one has to worry about stepping out their front door to make a mad dash for the car because there is a saber tooth tiger in waiting. So it manifests itself in stress – stress from work, stress from home, stress on the road. We hold that stress in our shoulders and neck as we enter a state of constant alertness.

That fight or flight reaction was not meant to be running as often as it is today. You face stress in some way or another every day. While that fight or flight may have had to be used in more severe circumstances in the past, it was not used as continually. Think about this – how many people have something traumatic happen? I mean something that really kick starts that fight or flight…when you are about to be in a car accident and you are bracing…when someone scares the heck out of you…or you find yourself in a situation that really, truly frightens you. Anyone ever notice that for some time after that, you are almost more relaxed than before? All that pent up stress and energy suddenly gets released. After you have really feared something, all the little stuff suddenly doesn’t feel as stressful anymore because you felt real fear, for a time at least.

What I’m getting at is that it all comes down to energy and energy process in the body. Of course, I do not want people to go out and experience any of those things. I wouldn’t wish that on people. For those of you that have been in those situations though, you probably know what I mean.

Well, guess what else helps with that? Training. Training is a natural outlet for those suppressed energies. Like I said, what it comes down to is energy, using up that suppressed rage and frustration so afterword you feel lighter.

What happens if you have no outlet? Long day of work, boss beats on you, kid is sick, water pump busts, but you don’t train, not that day and not the next. You just go to bed (or try to) with all that built up energy. You end up in that constant state of fight or flight because there is no outlet, no release. That constant state of alert is not healthy. It causes tons and tons of problems on all different biological fronts. So don’t let that happen. Get in here, train that stress away, and relax.

Make it Happen!
-Coach Adam

The Spotlight is Shining Again!

This week’s spotlight is shining on Karen Juall. Karen has made major strides since joining us here at Get Fit NH. She has made a habit of coming in consistently and taking advantage of the tools available to her. Here are some of her own words about the changes that have occurred for her since joining Get Fit NH.
karen juall spotlight
“My shoulder pain is practically gone! Between the expertise on specific movements and CJ, I can now work-out with almost no pain in my right shoulder! This makes me energized and confident in the GFNH coaches.

So many previous times, I joined exercise classes only to stop because of pain/injury – they pushed me too hard – I was left to myself – no one cared to help me work through it in such a way as you did. I am amazed not only with the fact that I have almost 0 pain now, but that I have achieved this miracle by still working-out!

I credit GFNH, especially Meagan, who quickly referred me to CJ who I am still not finished with. Quite an impressive TEAM, all of you!

When it came to the ladders, I went from being totally inept to being able to jump all the way through – and I did it several times!

All of you are so accepting of my limitations while continuing to help me with proper form. I’m in awe of your collective abilities.

My MyZone has given me the confidence to stress my heart and watch it come down. Remember the day when I was dizzy and had to sit down? I have come a long way in a short time. You guys are miracle workers!!”

I am extremely proud of how far Karen has come and how hard she has worked at it. Great Job Karen and keep up the good work!

-Coach Adam

Coach Meagan’s Food Prep Secret

Raise your hand if you are:
•    A busy person
•    Someone who hates to cook
•    Someone who gets home late
•    Someone who is out the door early
•    Someone who has at least 1 day a week where they have a couple of hours free

That kind of sums up a lot of us, right? Let me share with you how I manage to eat well with all of those things going on.


I would be in big trouble without my crockpot. 90% of my meals are crockpot meals, because I am all of those things I listed above. If you are struggling to eat well because of some of the reasons above, then I have a challenge for you.

Step 1: Plan 5 crockpot meals
Step 2: Go to the grocery store with your plan/needs
Step 3: Buy freezer bags
Step 4: Prep 5 crockpot meals when you get home from grocery store- make enough for leftover lunch!
Step 5: Throw bags in freezer
Step 6: Enjoy a stress free week next week- you’re welcome 😉

When we get home from work often times we are tired, hungry and vulnerable. It is easy to fall off track when you just don’t feel like it or you just don’t care, because you had a bad day. Imagine coming home and your house smells AMAZING and dinner is served! It’s like having a personal chef.

So, what’s for dinner?
Coach Meagan

2016 Rock N Race Is Here: Let’s Do This!

rock n raceAll right Rockstars, here’s the one time a year you will actually get me to enthusiastically embrace running, so don’t miss it!

This event is one that we hold near and dear to our hearts, as so many of our families have been directly impacted by the scourge that is cancer. Please join a team, any team, and support the 14th Annual Rock ‘N Race to benefit the Concord Hospital Payson Center for Cancer Care. The “Get Fit NH & Beat Cancer” team has been a top fundraiser for this important cause over the past few years, and we want to continue this tradition.

As many of you know our own Tom Barker lost his dear wife to cancer last year, and I hadn’t had the signup 10 minutes before Tom joined the team. Many others in the Get Fit NH family have been deeply affected and lost loved ones, so whether you join their team or ours, please just get on board.

Deadline get a custom T-Shirt is April 15th, and you will save $6 on registration if you signup before May 2nd. I know those seem like a long ways away, but don’t let it sneak up on you.

Please Signup Today!

2016 Rock ‘N Race
Event Date: Thursday, May 19, 2016
Event Time: 6:00 PM
Event Location: Concord State House Plaza


Don’t Deprive Your Body

“When a child learns to walk and falls down 50 times, he never thinks to himself: ‘Maybe this isn’t for me.’”

So what does this mean? I talked a little in my last post about motivation and that the human body wants to move and thrive. Now I wanted to talk about that from a little bit of a different angle. A child who is learning to walk will fall down so much but still keep pushing to walk. I’m sure none of us remember that moment, that time when we were learning to walk. That’s raw, ingrained determination. We are biologically dispositioned to want to move and we will not stop trying until it happens.

It is ironic to me, in many ways, that our body has so many systems in place in order to get us moving, then rolling, and then crawling. Yet as we get more educated to the world around us, we further ignore those biologically engrained lessons. What happens when we do? We gain weight and we can get depressed (whether from how we view ourselves or just because our body wants to move and we aren’t letting it). Then we can’t move well, and soon enough we are unable to do things we used to love to do, and so continues the cycle.

Just because something is difficult, or you have to work a long time towards it, or you have fallen down several times, does not mean you weren’t meant to do it. You were meant to move. You were meant to be lean and muscular. You were meant to eat protein, not cheese puffs and sugared gluten paste. So keep working hard, keep moving, and keep eating right. Give your body the things that nature designed it to have – exercise, protein and vegetables. There’s a reason that when you give the body what it was designed for, it responds the way it should, so don’t deprive it.

Make it Happen!
-Coach Adam

Supporting Your Goals

Do you live in a household where everyone is 100% supportive of your goal? No enablers, no temptation, family joining your journey toward a healthier you? If you do then God bless you, consider yourself lucky. If you are not so lucky, then here is a situation you might be able to relate to and how to overcome tempting obstacles.

You get out of training. It was a long day, you’re exhausted, you have dinner prepped, but still need to cook it. You check your phone and you have a text, “I called us in a pizza, can you pick it up on your way home?”

What do you do? Like I said, you’re tired and hungry and maybe you feel like you just earned this splurge…

#1: There is no such thing as earning food. You will never out train poor nutrition, I promise.

Sometimes we have to pick our battles. Nutrition is a battle I fight constantly with my husband, but I lose every time (doesn’t mean I will stop trying). So what did I do? I picked him up his pizza and I made my planned dinner. Was it hard? Of course. Especially when he was offering me, “just one bite.”

I know myself and you know yourself. There is no such thing as “just one bite.” It opens up the door to, “Well, I might as well…” Stay strong to your plan. PLAN your splurge. It feels good to be in control. It is HARD to be in control with the constant temptation, but victory feels a lot better than regret. If you have kids, then it is YOUR responsibility to set the example.

I ask my husband to keep his junk food in his car or at work or hidden from me. If I know it is there, then it is hard to keep telling myself no. Someday, I will get him on board with nutrition, but in the meantime I will keep fighting and continue to set the example for my son. Don’t let someone else enable you. And if you need a reality check to remind you why you should stay on track- step on the Fit3D regularly. THAT is my motivation!

Make it happen!
Coach Meagan

The Spotlight is Shining!

The spotlight is shining bright on 4:15 superstar, Vickie Carrier. If you have ever trained at 4:15 you have probably heard Vickie’s contagious laugh, clapping push ups and encouragement to those around her. She is known for keeping the boys in her corner in line and directing them to the next exercise. Vickie is a leader and an inspiration to many. She is constantly challenging her neighbors and is so determined to be the best. Vickie has accepted every challenge I have thrown at her and excelled at so much. I am so thankful that Vickie chose to check out Get Fit NH. She is a valuable part of this family and I think you will find her story pretty inspiring!vickie

“Last year in April I was asked by a friend if I would be interested in participating in a Spartan Super race (8+ miles long). I didn’t even know what a Spartan race was or what one consisted of and so initially I was hesitant and unsure. But then if any of you know me, I’m always up for a challenge so I agreed, figuring, “what do I have loose?”

So after doing a little research, I realized I was going to have to focus more on my physical strength and endurance. I felt like I was in good shape. I was working out independently at a gym 6 days a week attending one supervised class that provided me with guidance on building up endurance, but the rest was on my own.

As the June race date got closer I started to get nervous and began searching for other training options. I had a friend mention Get fit NH to me back in February but the timing was never right, and then another friend said they use to workout there before they moved. So in May I made the call and spoke to Nancy who was very friendly, she set me up with Coach Meagan for a meeting.

Meagan tested me and we went through the initial screening process. She asked what my goals were and I told her I needed to do more weight training to prepare for a race I signed up for. I was still attending another gym so I chose the two day a week option.

Initially I was a fish out of water, I was use to working out by myself and getting results. Now there were lots of people in a room. Erin was my coach and I loved her sense of humor but down to business attitude. I loved the fact that somebody was constantly checking my form to keep me injury free so I could focus on the exercise and pushing myself harder, and for the days that I needed it they would motivate me to add more weight or do the next level of an exercise. Now instead of me pushing alone toward my goals I had a team of experts helping me out.

I performed my first race and finished in the top 50% for my age group. Not bad for the first time. Then I got this idea, wouldn’t it be great to do one race of each length, 3 total, to get a trifecta medal? But of course! The next race was scheduled for September at Killington Mountain. They say the race can be 14+ miles, well I can tell you first hand it was just shy of 19.5 miles. It’s probably a good thing I didn’t know this before the race, since I already knew I needed to up my training at the gym.

I became more focused on building strength and muscle, I talked to Coach Adam and Coach Meagan and asked for pointers on how to improve grip strength and honestly looked forward to days with farmers walk, sleds pushes, pull ups and burpees. I became religious about body comp days and making sure to intact enough protein. I was on a mission to be ready for this race.

I finished the second race in 9 hours but still at the 50% of my age group. It was a long day, but it was an amazing feeling. Not only were the views spectacular but so were the people on the course. If I wasn’t training at Get Fit NH I honestly do not believe I would have achieved those same results. I was fitter, stronger, leaner, and more conditioned after six months of training just two days a week at Get Fit NH, imagine what four days a week would do?

I finished my final race in November. It was a sprint, a walk in the park after a beast, right? I injured my wrist doing burpees after jumping rope, and got tennis elbow along the way, can you believe it? All the coaches were great on my return, we modified some exercises but I continued to build strength.

Shortly after the last race I finally became a full time member at Get Fit NH. It wasn’t because I questioned if it was the right place, because by this time I knew it was exactly where I was suppose to be, I simply had to play by the old gym’s rules to get my pardon to leave.

I’ve been at Get Fit NH less than a year and the coaches here know me better than the ones at the gym I spent my last eight years at. The coaches at Get Fit NH not only know my name, they understand my personal goals, they now what motivates me to push me harder and when I’ve asked for additional exercises or drills to improve my race performance they think about it and come back with solutions. I don’t know where else you can go to get this.

With all the educational seminars, gatherings and group activities you eventually begin to feel like a family. The familiar faces now have names, and on the days we don’t have workouts I truly don’t just miss the workouts but my Get Fit NH friends and family.

Just because I’m fit doesn’t mean I’m not challenged at Get Fit NH. My weight might not change much, but my body fat and muscle mass have and continue to do so. The new 3D scan, while daunting initially is another great tool that Coach Dean has brought on board. Get Fit NH not only provides great coaches but great tools to help everyone, no matter what your exercise level is, to achieve great goals. Thank you to all the coaches and yes a shout out to my 4:15 family that make working out fun and rewarding and for that I’m thankful.


So there you have it! Vickie came to us in great shape and has still managed to get great results. At her most recent body composition we found that she has dropped 5.3% bodyfat and gained 2.5 pounds of lean muscle and that is only since May! We are so proud of her and all of her hardwork and dedication!
Keep making is happen,
Coach Meagan

We are going on a field trip!

Ask and you shall receive! rockclim

A few weeks ago in Concord we had a board out asking what kind of adventure ya’ll might want to embark on. The votes are in and rock climbing was the winner! We have done rock climbing field trips in the past and they are always a bunch of fun. It is kind of a cool way to put our daily training to the test. You may be surprised how much training regularly will help you at this sport. If you have never been before it is a fantastic opportunity to step out of your comfort zone. They have beginner, intermediate and advanced walls.

The staff at Evolution Rock and Fitness (yes the warehouse looking gym who we basically share a parking lot with!) are incredible. They are so helpful and they make this experience, which for many of us is terrifying, a whole lot more comfortable. If you have come out and climbed with us before, we hope you had so much fun that you will come again this time.

We got a great group rate of $25. This rate includes belay instruction, rentals, and an all day pass to climb your heart out. Although, you may find that rock climbing is pretty challenging and a couple of hours will probably be plenty.

Here are the details:
When: Saturday, March 19, 2016
Time: 9 AM
Where: Evolution Rock and Fitness 10 Langdon Ave, Concord, NH
Cost: $25

Sign up now! Space is limited to 20 climbers!
