Eat Your Way Right Resource Page Is Now Available

Lean-University-Picture10 days to go until “Eat Your Way Right Through The Holidays” kicks off, and we are ready to get rocking!

We just put up the EYWR Resource Page up, so make sure you head on over and check it out. Let’s get as many questions answered as we can now so we can focus on the important things starting October 28th.

You will find your Success Checklist in both pdf and Excel format. We will also have cards available in the gym. The checklist will give you a broad overview of the program, and each habit will be expanded on as we work our way through the 8 weeks. The important thing at this point is that you understand how the checklist works.

You will also find shopping lists and a sample meal planning worksheet to help give you an idea on how to put some healthy meal options together. There will be much more coming down the pike, and these are a great place to start.

Make sure you join the private Facebook group as well. This will be where we will answer your questions and keep up on how you are doing.

I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention Lean University. To remind you this is a 10-week home study “Basic Training” nutrition course, and if I had my way I would directly zap all the info in this course directly into your head. Designed by our friend and colleague Dr. Cassandra Forsythe, Lean Universitywill reinforce everything that “Eat Your Way Right” is about. Our clients that have taken this course have raved about both the format and content. It is well worth the investment, so head on over and check it out at

Don’t forget that next Tuesday evening we will have kickoff meeting at both Epsom and Concord locations. This is the best way to get your questions answered and started off right. There will be an optional weigh-in for those who want an added layer of accountability. I would highly encourage you to attend.

Let’s Make It Happen!


Eat Your Way Right Through The Holidays Resource Page

Dates to Remember:

October 22, 2013: Kickoff Meetings

October 28, 2013: Eat Your Way Right Starts

December 20, 2013: Eat Your Way Right Ends

Success Checklists are due by Tuesday of the following week


Please click a link to open or download…

Success Checklist – PDF Format

Success Checklist – Excel Version

Shopping List Part 1 – PDF Format

Shopping List Part 2 – PDF Format

Quick and Easy Meal Planning – PDF Format

Eat Your Way Right Facebook Group


2013 SkiErg World Sprints at Get Fit NH

skierg-worldsprintsMark your calendars: the 5th Annual SkiErg World Sprints will be held November 8-10, 2013

What’s it all about? This 1000-meter race allows you to compare your time against others worldwide in a one-weekend showdown of speed. Check out results from last year, which includes World Champion Kathy Nourse from Get Fit NH Epsom. 2012 Ski Erg Sprints Press Release

How it works: We will be hosting at Get Fit NH Concord on Saturday November 9, 2013 starting at 8:00am (time subject to change). We want the whole crew together, so for those who want to carpool from the Suncook Valley we will meet at Get Fit NH Epsom and come in as a team.

Get Fit NH is proud to be a host for this event, so don’t miss out.  We will also record and submit all athletes times, so we have that part covered for you. Time to get those competitive fires burning and have a blast. Bring your friends and family so they can see what it’s all about. They can even get in on the action if they want!

Stay tuned for more info and dates before the event where we can get some extra training and practice runs in.

It’ll be a blast!

Can Your Attitude Change Your Families and Friends Attitudes?

SuccessA couple of weeks ago we were talking in training about how easy it is to let other peoples attitudes, usually the negative ones, affect how we think and act.

I can’t tell you how many times I have been at a party or other social gathering and have someone comment on what was on (or wasn’t on) my plate.

I just feel like saying “If I want to have veggies and hummus, what’s it to you? If you feel guilty for what you are eating that really is not my fault. Please don’t drag me down to make yourself feel better.” (That was probably the cleaned up nicer version of what I really want to say)

But did you ever consider the long term effects of sticking to your guns? Of continuing to make good choices in spite of what grief you take?

Did you consider that you may just be the inspiration they need?

Read what Cara from Get Fit NH Epsom has to say about it:

“I  had a family member ask how I was “holding up” recently with all the working out. Like somehow it must be very exhausting. This is someone who has never had a weight problem, never worked out a day in their life, and doesn’t know how great it is to gain energy, confidence and strength from working out.  So there is no way they could relate to someone who has to fight for it.

I wrote a list of things people have said to me since I have started with your program in July. I keep a journal. Somehow when you are on a personal quest like this it becomes everyone else free for all for comments and opinions. The only thing I can relate to is being pregnant. Everyone has an opinion and they give it even when I don’t ask. And they all want to get in my space.

  • “Wow how do you have time for that?”
  • “You can lose the weight but you will never be the same as before”
  • “How do you have money for that?”
  • “How do you do that with the job you have?”
  • “You may not be able to meet your goal because you have a lot of muscle”. What?!

 and more positive recently:

  • “Wow you are half you size!”
  • “What are you doing?”
  • “Keep going!”
  • “How much weight have you lost and what are you doing”?
  • “you have so much energy!”

Another insight I have found is as I let go of other bits of clutter, solve or resolve relationship issues by letting go of them or changing how I see things,  I see my progress tie directly to those things as well. Sometimes it’s not all in what we are eating, it’s what is eating us. Getting those things better, helps the picture too.
Thanks for all you do” – Cara

When I wrote back to ask Cara if I could share her powerful story, she graciously said I could, and also followed up with some more results of her perseverance. Keep up the great work Cara!

“We hear all that “junk” every day…and I believed it for a long time. All it would take is ONE of those comments and I would slide down.

Not Any More.

And you are right, it is no longer about them. It is a process. And in staying in the game I have lost over 30 pounds since May.

Thank You.” – Cara

Eating Your Way Right Through The Holidays: What’s The Point?

bigpapiYou might have asked yourself that question already, as in “Why even bother? I always gain weight this time of year.”

If that’s the case, I understand. I think you need an attitude check 🙂 , but I really do understand. If it was easy, we wouldn’t be having this “conversation”.

However when I asked the question “What’s The Point?” I am talking about the end game. Where are we going with this whole thing?

I mean if you don’t know where you are going, how are you going to know when you get there? (That is like Yogi Berra deep!)

Here is my goal every time we do a nutrition related challenge:

To teach you nutrition habits, that when applied consistently and correctly, will create the optimum metabolic environment to help you lose body fat and gain/maintain lean tissue (aka muscle).

In other words I want you to eat in a way that makes you look and feel great. 🙂

So what’s the main obstacle to progress?

I think it’s that we have too much information.

If you were to head over to and search for “diet books” you would get 78,496 results. Holy cow!

Is it any wonder that there is confusion over the “right” way to eat?

Truth be told no one strategy will fit all of us, and you may even have made progress by reading and following the plan in one of those books.

But I think one of the things the authors of these diets don’t take into consideration is that we have very short attention spans, and we don’t really like someone else telling us what to do.

I talk to people all the time that are “doing” all sorts of diet plans – Atkins, South Beach, Mediterranean, Paleo, you name it. Funny thing is that when you ask the what they are actually doing, they have added in enough tweaks, twists and turns into the plan so that it looks nothing like the original. Could that be why it “doesn’t work”, at least for very long?

We get bored with the “thing”, so we move onto another “thing”.

Time for a reality check. The four plans I mentioned above (and they are totally random off the top of my head) are far more like each other than they are different. In fact most people could probably do pretty well – if they actually followed them long term, say as in for the rest of their lives.

So right off the top let me make it clear. “Eat Your Way Right” is a diet only in the sense that no matter what you currently eat you are on a diet.

It’s just that too many of us are on the “bagel, donut, coffee, soda, pasta, bread, candy, pastry and wine” diet.

So get ready to challenge yourself. What you think you know about nutrition, and about what healthy eating is really all about.

Get ready to get a little uncomfortable. Out of your comfort zone is probably gonna happen. You can’t keep doing the same things and expect a different result.

I have to tell you I am really excited about this challenge. We have had tremendous success with previous challenges, but I am convinced this is the best one yet. Our team is excited to get this thing rolled out and watch you guys take the changeup and knock it over the wall for a grand slam like Big Papi did last night.

Are you ready?

2 Weeks To Go!








This is Not a Dress Rehearsal


Derek Andrew Carlson
Born 11/07/2001 : Died 10/14/2002

Life is short. I am reminded of this today. It is October 14th. It is Columbus Day. It is a day I reflect more so than other days that life is short.

We do not get a Do – Over. I know at times, I wished we did. We have assurance of this moment and no other. On a day like today, I want to make sure I let you know, I am proud of you. I am proud of you for taking steps to be better each day. If our lives cross paths momentarily or for a very long time, I am thankful. I am thankful for you being in my life, for touching my life with yours.

AS you train today and everyday, Train as if this is not a dress rehearsal. It isn’t.

AS you work today and everyday, work as if this is not a dress rehearsal. It isn’t.

AS you eat today and everyday, eat as if what you eat today affects everyday. It does.

AS you hang out with friends and co- workers, give them a high five. You are affecting them. It is your choice to affect them positively or not.

AS you spend time with family, let them know you love them. Tell them. Look them straight in the eye and let them know they are not something taken for granted. They are important pieces of you.

You are not practicing to live. You are living.


live a little bigger.

hug a whole lot more.

tell others you love them a more often and in different ways.

take care of myself better each day.

attack each day with vigor.

This is not a dress rehearsal.

Make Every Day Count

Coach Nancy


Keep Up The Great Work Allen!

newlabellogosmallAnother short but sweet Get Fit NH “love note” – keep them coming. You may be just the encouragement someone else needs to get moving and feeling great!

“Dean, Erin and Meagan,

I’m writing to thank all of you for the great things you are doing at Get Fit NH.  After 3 months of training I have lost weight and body fat, and I’m on track to meet my personal goals by the end of this year.  But more importantly, I feel great!  I feel better physically and mentally than I have in years, and it is making a difference in my life every day.

Keep up the good work and I’ll see you Monday.” – Allen

Mae Lynn Rocks a 14 minute PR!

newlabellogosmallThis just in from Mae Lynn:

“First end of year goal achieved! 14 minute PR at Smuttynose Half. More than a minute per mile off my time from last year. Thank you for training me so well!” – Mae Lynn

Short but oh so sweet! Can’t argue with results, so why aren’t YOU training at Get Fit NH?



Mark Your Calendars – “Eat Your Way Right” Start October 28

hThis Just In!

There will be a kickoff meeting for “Eat Your Way Right 2013” at both gyms on Tuesday October 22nd.

We will give a complete overview of the challenge as well as have a time of Q & A.

As the goal of the challenge is to make it through the holidays unscathed, you will also be asked (but not forced) to step on the scale. Take advantage of this opportunity to get a leg up on the challenge and prepare in advance.

Eat Your Way Right Kickoff Meetings

Tuesday October 22nd

Get Fit NH Concord – 6:45pm

Get Fit NH Epsom – 7:15pm


You read that correctly, oh yes you did.

In just 3 short weeks until “Eat Your Way Right Through The Holidays 2013” starts, and I am pumped!


Because this challenge is going to get you through the holidays without needing stretchy pants for Christmas. That’s a definite win, wouldn’t you say?

Face it.

The Halloween candy is already out at the office, and it is only going to get worse.

What we need is a plan.

And lucky for all of us we have one –  “Eat Your Way Right Through The Holidays 2013”.

We are going to take 8 of the toughest eating weeks of the year and totally dominate them.

Are you excited? Are you ready?