The Rest of the Work Week….

12:30 PM chicken, spinach salad, craisins, italtian dressing, chopped nuts

3:00 peanut butter crunch bar

5 PM Kung Pao Chicken

8 PM 1 scoop UMP chocolate with 1 Tablespoon peanut butter

Thursday April 17

 5AM 1 scoop vanilla UMP with water at training

8 AM eggs, 1 waffle, spinach

10:30 apple with nut butter

12:30 Kung pao chicken

3:30 PM peanut butter crunch bar

5 PM Steak fajitas ( onion, green and red pepper, cheese, guacamole, salsa, tomatoe slices) on a whole wheat tortilla

6 :15 ½ a UMP shake

7:30 hot fudge brownie sundae


5 AM 1 scoop vanilla UMP with water at training

8 AM eggs, spinach, steel cut oats, strawberries

10:30 peanut butter crunch bar

12:30 chicken, salad, craisins, chopped nuts, Italian dressing

4 PM carrot sticks

5PM Thai Ground beef

Food Plan April 17, 2009


  • Water, Ultra 40 Protein, Mass Aminos


  • Omelette: 4 egg whites + 1 whole egg, 1/2 oz cheese, red peppers, red onions, green peppers
  • 1 cup steel cut oats


  • 2 scoops UMP (Ultimate Muscle Protein) in water
  • Super Pak Multivitamin


  • Lean sirloin, green pepper, red peppers, onion, salsa, tomato, guacamole (no wraps)
  • Garden salad w/ oil&vinegar


  • 2 scoops UMP

4:30pm (Training)

  • Workout Shake


  • Super Shake


  • 1 scoop vanilla UMP with 1/4 cup lowfat plan yogurt (Incredible – just discovered it!)

Food Plan April 16, 2009


  • Water, Ultra 40 Protein, Mass Aminos


  • Breakfast Fajitas: 4 egg whites + 1 whole egg, 1/2 oz cheese, red peppers, red onions, green peppers, 2 small whole wheat wraps


  • 2 scoops UMP (Ultimate Muscle Protein) in water
  • Super Pak Multivitamin


  • Gourmet Nutrition Kung Pao Chicken
  • Garden salad w/ oil&vinegar


  • 2 scoops UMP


  • Lean sirloin, green pepper, red peppers, onion, salsa, tomato, guacamole (no wraps for me at night)


  • 1 scoop vanilla UMP with 1/4 cup lowfat plan yogurt (Incredible – just discovered it!)

6 Pack 6 Week 11 – A New Perfect Score

Lisa continues her hold on the top, and earns the $25 rollover check from last week – well done!

I want to give special recognition to Gretchen this week, who worked her butt off to achieve a perfect score. She set out to achieve her goal, and she did it!

I also want to give Gretchen kudos for her excellent notes and being completely honest with herself. You see, you can score a perfect 72 points in the contest, yet still sabotage your efforts by making poor choices and “adding” to the plan. Gretchen realizes that while she scored perfect this week, there are other areas that need work, and she has embraced taking responsibility for her current progress. She has not fooled herself into thinking that making a mark on the sheet is going to mean anything without working the whole program.

Eating 5 or 6 protein/vegetable meals is excellent, but adding a “brownie meal” and a couple drinks after work is going to be counterproductive for fat loss. Your food log (kept completely honestly) will let you know when you are prone to these challenges and allow you to plan better around those times. I am not saying you can never have any particular food or drink, but if you really want to achieve your goals (a whole ‘nother subject) you are going to have to embrace a little delayed gratification.

Keep up the great work, Gretchen!

Alright, on to this weeks results…

Make It Happen!

6 Pack 6 Results

Week 11 Top Ten

Lisa A.
72 Points
Gretchen W.
72 Points
Chrissy S.
71 Points
Robin S.
71 Points
Judy S.
69 Points
Greg S.
65 Points

Donna K.

65 Points
Julie D.
63 Points
Angela D.
63 Points
Evelyn P.
52 Points

Overall Top Ten

Lisa A.
786 Points
Chrissy S.
784 Points
Judy S.
738 Points
Robin S.
714 Points
Julie D.
681 Points
Greg S.
679 Points
Evelyn P.
678 Points
Karyn M.
631 Points
Donna K
617 Points
Angela D.
611 Points

To end the day with pudding……

 8PM protein pudding– really! Mix ¼ cup of plain yogurt with 1 scoop of UMP Vanilla protein powder. Very yummy.


5AM 1 scoop chocolate UMP with ½ cup coffee and the rest water

8 AM 2 eggs, 2 egg white, peppers, onion, mushroom, cheese, steel cut oats

10:30 8 pita crisp with salsa

12:30 grill chicken, salad, craisins, walnuts, Italian dressing

3PM hard boiled egg, gr. Pepper sticks

5PM 5 oz steak, brussel sprouts, salad, 6 pita chips and salsa

7:30 PM  ¾ scoop UMP chocolate mixed with 1 Tablespoon peanut butter


8 AM 1 ½ bran muffin, 3 eggs, 2 cups of hot chocolate

10:30 cottage cheese, red peppers

Does An Orange Have To Make A Health Claim?

I just finished reading a great article by Michael Pollan (Thanks Crystal), author of In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto

In the article, Pollan makes a simple but profound statement regarding not only labels, but the state of our food in total:

“…if you’re concerned about your health, you should probably avoid food products that make health claims. Why? Because a health claim on a food product is a good indication that it’s not really food, and food is what you want to eat.” – Michael Pollan

Think about it, how many times do you pick up a box or bag of something, and it has to trumpet how great it is for you, how some nutrient contained therin is so healthy for you.

What’s up with that?

I then took a look at our list of “Power Foods” to see how it stacked up to the “no health claim” test.

Pretty well I would say…

Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Whole Grains…   Check, Check, Check, and Check

The protein category holds up well too, although I would qualify it this way – Grass fed beef, hormone free animal proteins, and free range eggs are far superior to your average feed lot product. Not even close in fact, and definetely something to consider as you modify nutrition habits.

I would encourage you to read the entire article, as it gives very good insight to how the government chooses which foods to propagandize, er…I mean recommend.

Your feedback is always valuable, so let’s hear what you have to say!

Food Plan April 14, 2009


  • Water, Ultra 40 Protein, Mass Aminos


  • Omelette: 4 egg whites + 1 whole egg, 1/2 oz cheese, red peppers, red onions. – Red peppers are sweet!
  • 1 cup overnight steel cut oats


  • 2 scoops UMP (Ultimate Muscle Protein) in water
  • Super Pak Multivitamin


  • 2 cups All Day Pork Loin Chili
  • Garden salad w/ oil&vinegar


  • 2 scoops UMP


  • 6 oz. grilled sirloin
  • Garden salad w/ oil&vinegar
  • Roasted brussells sprouts


  • 1 scoop vanilla UMP with 1/4 cup lowfat plan yogurt (Incredible – just discovered it!)

Drink plenty!

Sunday, April 13

8 AM On my out the door to church I had a Mint Chocolate Shake

11 AM 2 -” Breakfast Quiche Muffins” and a serving of “Orangealicious Oatmeal”. Dean made these for us to enjoy. He is a fantastic chef. Anyone want to hire him? I heard someone wants to hire a chef. Both of these recipes are from Gourmet Nutrition.

2 PM Pita Crisp served with Fresh Tomatoe Salsa and Spicy Hummus.

3 PM Roast Beef, spinach salad, ½ roll, carrots

4 PM Birthday cake (my niece and nephew are three days apart) also snacked on 7 pita crisps with dip

8 PM 1 scoop vanilla UMP protein powder with 1 Tablespoon almond butter


5AM   1 scoop vanilla UMP with water during training

8AM  2 eggs with onion and green pepper,

11 AM Chocolate Mocha Shake

1 PM hamburger no bun, Salad with olive oil and basil dressing.

3 PM 8 Pita Crisps with hummus and salsa

5 PM 5 oz grilled chicken, veggies

Sorry I have not written down what I drink besides the protein shakes. I drink water and green tea throughout the day. Around 80 ounces between the two.  My kids drink water.

Food Plan for The Carlsons April 13-20

W- shake
B- eggs, oatmeal, spinach
S- apple with nut butter
L- leftovers from the weekend
S- pita crisp with hummus and salsa
D- grilled chicken, with mixed veggie, salad
S- trail mix for kids, protein pudding for Nancy

W- shake
B- omelet bran muffin
s- pita crisp with hummus and salsa
L- grilled chicken and veggies
S- hard boiled egg, veggie sticks
d- steak brussel sprouts
S- apricot yogurt for kids, protein pudding for Nancy

B- Breakfast burrito
S- cottage cheese
L- steak brusseel sprouts
s- Peanut crunch bars ( new recipe)
D- Kung Pao chicken This recipe and Friday’s dinner recipe is from the first edition of Gourmet Nutrition. Another fantastic cookbook.
S-  UMP shake for nancy, kids/ crackers

W- shake
B- eggs, oatmeal, spinach
S- apple with nut butter
L- Kung Pao chicken
S- peanut butter crunch bar
D- fajitas (steak, green pepper, red peppers, onion, salsa, tomatoe, guacamola, tortilla)
s- Protein pudding, peanut butter balls

B- eggs, pancakes, veggie sticks
s- orange
L- fajitas
S- chick pea cakes
D-Thai ground beef
S- protein pudding, apple for kids

B- eggs, salsa, guacamola, oatmeal
S- banana bites
L- leftovers
S- apple crisp/ nuts granola
D- Portobello Pizzas and Chicken strips  ( new recipes)
S- protein pudding

B- shake
S- Craver
L-pancakes, eggs, berries, nuts, no syrup
s- apple crisp
D- porkchop, spaghetti squash
S- protein pudding

Finish the Week Out Well.

3 PM Homemade granola bar

Here is the recipe I made.
1/2 cup chocolate protein powder
1 cup oatmeal
3/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup honey
2 Tablespoons ground flax seed
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut

I figured I could hide the flax seed and no one would know. I was going to add raisins too but after I got them in the pan I noticed the raisins still on the counter unopened. Maybe next time. I also thought carob chips would be nice too. That is the great thing about these bars, they are flexible.

6 PM 8 oz “Garlic Sauteed Prawns” from Gourmet Nutrition by John Beradi. And also Coconut Cauliflower Mash from the same book. Fantastic book just in case you were wondering.
8:30 1 scoop vanilla UMP with 1 Tablespoon almond butter