Create Control

We are entering a new way of life at the moment, a way that none of us have ever had to adjust to before.  Even if you were alive in 1918 the world has changed so much that it doesn't even matter if you had been there.  In 1918 if this happened everyone would be home and that’d be it. We wouldn’t all be working from home, schooling from home, teaching from home, etc.  

With all of these changes it's easy to fall into chaos.  It's easy to feel like life is happening to you and you have no control.  If you resign to that fact then it's just going to continue until you are able to go back into a pattern you recognize.  The only way to gain control is to take it, anxiety and depression tends to arise from a feeling of a lack of control. The only way to combat it is take back control.  

Start with the small steps you can control.  If you're not sure what they are? Then make a list of things you normally have a hang of that feel like they are out of control.  For example let's use food, it's going to be harder than ever to cook every day. Taking control of your food may be cooking for a few days out if you feel like you’ve fallen off with that some.  

These things compound, when you regain control of one thing, it creates time to take control of a second, then a third, etc.  It doesn't have to be huge changes, maybe it's as simple as controlling what time you wake up in the morning. Start there and move onto the next small thing.  I know you can do it!

Coach Adam

Words are powerful

It may not seem this simple, but what we tell ourselves and what we tell others has a GIANT impact on what we do, say, or act on.  Think I’m wrong? Take a look at how things are going right now, how you FEEL they are going? If you answered any form of “crazy, it's out of whack, it’s upside down” then you may be right.  You need to follow that up with one more question “do I really have zero control?”.  

Guaranteed, if you’re honest with yourself, the answer is NO, you don't have ZERO CONTROL!  Look, I self soothe with food, I always have and I doubt it's going to change any time soon.  However what you believe becomes a huge part of how you cope. If you believe you have zero control, if you believe that an outside force is making you act in a way that you can't control, bet money you will act that way.  

When it comes down to it there's nothing wrong with having food that you enjoy, it's your life, enjoy it, if you want to have a cookie have a cookie.  If you want a bag of chips for 3 meals a day then have a bag of chips for 3 meals a day. The problem is the belief that you have no control over those decisions.  I am hearing it more than ever, “This whole thing is throwing me for a loop, I hope this ends soon so I can get my [nutrition], [training], etc, back on track”. You’re all world class professionals with families and/or careers.  The amount of work, control, and ability it takes to do any one of those things takes a heck of a lot more self motivation and control than putting down a stinking cookie. If you WANT a cookie, have a cookie, but don't allow yourself to believe the choice of whether or not you eat it, or whether or not you exercise in some form, is up to anyone BUT YOU!  This lockdown is not making it easier, but if you tell yourself that COVID-19 is the reason you just had your 4th bowl of sugary breakfast cereal, or COVID-19 is the reason you couldn’t walk out your front door for 15 minutes today, it's just not the case.  

The realization that you have complete control over your own actions is the first step to actionably gaining control.  Don't tell yourself you can't, or others you can't, because if you’ll be right. 

Coach Adam

Adjusting to a new and temporary normal

It's not easy, I totally get that, and I am not pretending to understand what all the parents are feeling like.  The parents who have not only had to become teachers, but also learn to work in a totally new environment...home.  I learned just with myself that without figuring out some ways to set myself up, things quickly devolved into chaos.  That's just me, those changes are exponentially needed when you add in the other pieces I mentioned above. Here are some easy ways to help structure to create a temporary new normal that will help you remain not only productive, but also help you mentally. 

  • Create a dedicated work space
    • Here's an easy way to figure out what the best room is.  Write down the rooms with the space/hookups that you can work with, then pick the room on the list with the least foot traffic and distractions. 
  • Set yourself a schedule.
    • Up at the same time.
    • Train at the same time.
    • Start work at the same time to the best of your ability.
    • End work at the same time to the best of your ability.
    • Set boundaries with others.
      • If you wouldn’t answer an email from a parent/client at 8pm under normal circumstances, and it doesn't affect something happening immediately the next day...DON'T ANSWER IT!
  • Learn to use the snooze function on your email
    • Most email services have a snooze function, you can select the emails and they will disappear from your inbox until a date and time you decide on.
  • Utilize the “do not disturb” function on your phone.
    • Set a time, turn it on, get off your phone.

You have to find ways to organize your time and set boundaries.  Everyone is in chaos, everyone is trying to adjust, the more we are able to organize our time and work, the more we are able to organize our minds. 

Coach Adam

Desire, Vision and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction

In the book “The Energy Bus” by Jon Gordon, the bus driver, Joy, teaches her passengers “The 10 Rules for the Ride of Your Life”.  Rule #2 is “Desire, Vision and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction”. Joy tells her passenger George that it is all about focus.  If you are not focused, then you become scattered and your vision does not have a plan. Joy told George about the law of attraction which says, “that the more we focus on something, the more we think about something, the more it shows up in our lives”.  What we think about and spend our energy on is what we receive back. Some people are negative and focus on what they don’t have and as a result they often find more to complain about. Joy challenged George to “stop thinking about what you don’t want and start focusing your energy on your vision and what you do want”.  The energy of your thoughts is a powerful tool. If you focus on failure and defeat, then you are more likely to see those in your life. However, if you focus on the positive and achievements, no matter how small, then that will drive you toward more success. Do you know what your vision is? How are you planning to make that vision a reality?  What is your focus? Do you think more about the roadblocks than the opportunities? 

Our Milestone Club is a fantastic way to make a plan to achieve your goal!  Your vision may to achieve a certain weight. Each month we break it down into specific goals and steps you can take to reach your vision.  We can help you focus on your successes or the changes you need to make to succeed.

Sizzling Summer Slimdown 2020 is HERE

We may be social distancing now, but when this challenge begins we will be easing back into our normal again. Sizzling Summer Slimdown (S3) is our FAVORITE time of the year! This is our biggest, most successful, most exciting and most participated in transformation contest! S3 is an event that is NOT to be missed around these parts. 

We know Get Fit NH veterans are well versed in S3 talk, but let's bring our new friends and followers up to speed...

Sizzling Summer Slimdown is referred to as S3, because let's face it....that is a lot of words! S3 is a 5 week nutrition challenge with extreme coaching, endless support, accountability and of course cash prizes. We take 25% of S3 earnings and divvy it up for the winners! This year we are going to offer a cash grand prize AND we are going to offer prizes for all teams who reach a specific milestone (we will get to that later!) Every year S3 rules are a little bit different. The principles always remain the same, because whole foods + portion control= GREAT RESULTS!

So, what is S3 2020?

This year we are teaming up in partners (because let's face it, you've missed your friends the last several weeks!) If you don't have a partner we will find you one! We will be sure to pair you up with someone in your class or that you know so that you get the important connection necessary to stay on the course! 

Here are the wonderful things you can get when you sign up:

  • A printed manual INCLUDED as well as electronic 
  • Private Facebook group with endless support and accountability
  • Extreme coaching with the whole team
  • Weekly check in surveys
  • *New Feature* Google calendar with everything you need to know
  • Live Facebook videos that will be send out via email weekly for our non Facebook users
  • Partner support complete with doable partner challenges
  • Pro tips and tricks
  • Detailed lessons on creating a meal plan and grocery lists that make sense for your family 
  • More than 60 new recipes

How do my partner and I win?

  • Weigh in by May 2, 2020
    • *Note* We will send out times for you to come in starting April 23rd. We will be set up with the scale at the door for a quick in and out process. At that time we will provide you with your printed manual
  • Complete your final weigh in by June 12, 2020
  • Complete all 5 weekly surveys
  • Complete 3/5 partner challenges 
  • The team who completes those four bullets above AND loses the most percent of their bodyweight will win the first place cash 
  • EVERY team that completes all four bullets AND loses 8% or more of their body weight will also win a special prize (Percent of bodyweight lost is number of pounds lost divided by starting weight)

Dates to know:

  • Sign up right now, right here 
  • Last day to sign up April 29, 2020
  • Initial weigh in: April 23-May 2, 2-2020
  • Start date: Monday, May 4, 2020 (
    • Note: This will be the start date even if our restrictions are not lifted or if you are still not comfortable coming to training in person. We don't need to be physically in the gym to continue awesome results! THIS IS SOMETHING YOU CAN CONTROL! 
  • Weekly surveys every Friday
  • Last day of challenge: Sunday, June 7, 2020
  • Final weigh in due: June 8, 2020 - June 12, 2020
  • Reveal party: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 6pm

Sign up HERE for the best $40 you'll spend today and you will get the pdf manual within 24 hours of sign up so you can dive right in 🙂 

Price breakdown :

10 of those dollars go into the pool of prizes!

10 of those dollars goes into the reveal party at the end 

10 of those dollars are for a fully printed in color manual 

10 of those dollars is for stellar coaching and 200 plus hours of work that will go into this incredible journey! 

Let's do this

What bus are you on?

One of our Get Fit NH family members let me borrow the book “The Energy Bus” by Jon Gordon.  I have fallen in love with it and think everyone should read it! The book is about a man, George, whose life is falling apart.  His marriage is on the rocks. His children didn’t like his negativity. His professional work life was not going well either. One morning George went out to his car to find he had a flat tire.  His wife was not able to drive him to work so he had to take the bus. This bus ride was about to change his life. The bus driver, Joy, was on a mission to be an Energy Ambassador and try to energize everyone who came on her bus.  George’s car had to be in the shop for a couple of weeks due to other mechanical problems in addition to the flat tire. Joy had a sign on her bus that said, “The 10 rules for the ride of your life”. Over the next two weeks Joy was going to teach him each rule.

Rule #1 – You’re the driver of your bus.  Joy told George “It is the most important of the rules because if you don’t take responsibility for your life and control of your bus then you can’t take it where you want to go”.  Joy said, “the problem today is that people feel like they have no say where their bus is going or how it is going to get there”. If you are the driver of your bus then you are in control and can create the life you want one step at a time.  The choices we make in life can change our energy and that energy is what fuels your bus. Joy challenged George by asking him what his vision was for life, work and relationships. She also talked about the importance of energy and told George “our thoughts are powerful because they are loaded with energy”. This energy is fuel for your bus.

I believe that many of us, at one time or another, thought that we were not in control of our life.  Stress builds up and we think that our circumstances dictate our future. We will continue to feel out of control if we are not the driver of our own bus. Is your bus being driven by thoughts of failure?  Maybe you have an injury or chronic pain, do you believe that it will always be this way and you will never achieve your goals? If so then you are letting pain drive your bus. Do you struggle with losing weight and making healthy decisions?  Fear could be driving your bus. It is hard to change old habits and sometimes we fear we will fail therefore we don’t make the necessary changes. Each one of us needs to be driving our own bus. What is your vision for your life? What or Who is driving the bus?  Are you taking control of the wheel to make it happen?

Coach Erin

Non essential business does not mean non existent

On Thursday, Governor Sununu called for all non essential businesses to suspend operations until Monday, May 4, 2020. We know this will surprise you, but Get Fit NH falls in the "non essential" category. We are both crushed and relieved that we are not forced to continue making these tough decisions. 

Just because we are not in the gym does not mean we are not moving! Here is our plan over the next 40 days...

  1. Continue offering excellent TrueCoach programming and coaching. We will continue to modify training as needed for each individual and make changes as needed. We want to meet you where you are at and help you be successful during this tough time. Moving your body and creating time for you are two things that should be in your daily schedule
  2. Offer 121 video chats using Google Meet. We will post availability weekly so you can click the online scheduler and pick a time for a quick ten minute check in with any coach. 
  3. Live streaming. We will live stream the workout everyday so you get to see a coach and do it along side us. We will stream the workout in TrueCoach and you will be able to watch it later if you miss it!
  4. Milestone card will still be completed - expect a call to help you stay on track

This is not forever, this is just for now! Staying strong and committed to yourself through the hard times is a set up for a life time of success and continued results. 

To watch the full video of the "press conference" we did on Friday night click here it is a good listen offering suggestions on how to tweak the programming to fit your unpredictable schedule. 

We are going to be technology pro's when this is all said and done!

Stay healthy,

Coach Meagan

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