It may not seem this simple, but what we tell ourselves and what we tell others has a GIANT impact on what we do, say, or act on. Think I’m wrong? Take a look at how things are going right now, how you FEEL they are going? If you answered any form of “crazy, it's out of whack, it’s upside down” then you may be right. You need to follow that up with one more question “do I really have zero control?”.
Guaranteed, if you’re honest with yourself, the answer is NO, you don't have ZERO CONTROL! Look, I self soothe with food, I always have and I doubt it's going to change any time soon. However what you believe becomes a huge part of how you cope. If you believe you have zero control, if you believe that an outside force is making you act in a way that you can't control, bet money you will act that way.
When it comes down to it there's nothing wrong with having food that you enjoy, it's your life, enjoy it, if you want to have a cookie have a cookie. If you want a bag of chips for 3 meals a day then have a bag of chips for 3 meals a day. The problem is the belief that you have no control over those decisions. I am hearing it more than ever, “This whole thing is throwing me for a loop, I hope this ends soon so I can get my [nutrition], [training], etc, back on track”. You’re all world class professionals with families and/or careers. The amount of work, control, and ability it takes to do any one of those things takes a heck of a lot more self motivation and control than putting down a stinking cookie. If you WANT a cookie, have a cookie, but don't allow yourself to believe the choice of whether or not you eat it, or whether or not you exercise in some form, is up to anyone BUT YOU! This lockdown is not making it easier, but if you tell yourself that COVID-19 is the reason you just had your 4th bowl of sugary breakfast cereal, or COVID-19 is the reason you couldn’t walk out your front door for 15 minutes today, it's just not the case.
The realization that you have complete control over your own actions is the first step to actionably gaining control. Don't tell yourself you can't, or others you can't, because if you’ll be right.
Coach Adam