sizzlin’ summer slimdown reboot – Beat The 12!

By now you know that the overall winner of the Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown is the amazing Melissa Tyler, who lost 10.9% of her bodyweight over the 8 week contest period. Melissa will be receiving her fabulous prize package tomorrow, and we will get some pics up real soon!

To see the top 10 S3 contest participants, Click Here

What’s Next?

That’s been a very common question since S3 ended. After all, you have put in 8 weeks of hard work into achieving your goals, and the all too natural inclination is to breathe a sigh of relief and stop doing what made you successful!

Burn this thought into your mind – living healthy and being fit are lifelong pursuits. Commitment to and continual pursuit of a healthy lifestyle never stops.

The Japanese have a term in their culture – Kaizen. It is a philosophy and practices (key!) that leads to continuous improvement.

Adopting this philosophy and practice is what allowed the Japanese society to rise from the ashes of WWII and become the industrial powerhouse they are today. The continual improvement led to Japanese products being recognized for some of the most innovative and highest quality in the world. It was not always this way. The first car I ever drove was a 1974 Toyota Corona – not a pretty sight. But they learned from their mistakes, and although there have been missteps along the way the goal never changes.

Continual and unending improvement.

Kaizen can be applied to our lives as well, as a whole and then into individual parts, such as health and fitness.

What are you doing today in that area of your life that improves upon yesterday?

It all adds up.

In the same way a 1st grader cannot read well enough to assimilate Shakespeare, most of us start at the elementary level with our fitness and nutrition skills.

But we don’t have to stay at that level.

We learn more, we apply action to that knowledge, and we improve.

Step by step.

Day by day.

You didn’t quit school because you failed your first grade spelling quiz.

Why are we so quick to stop pursuing our health and fitness goals when we aren’t achieving them to our satisfaction?

Give yourself a Clean Slate.

Every Day.

Yesterday no longer matters. The choices you make today are the ones that count.

Starting today you have a second chance.

Not just figuratively, but literally.

The S3 Reboot – Beat The 12!

The “12” refers to Dean’s total percentage of weight loss over the 8 week period of S3.

It’s your job to beat it over the next 8 Weeks!

That’s right, you all have another 8 weeks to meet or beat the 12%, from the beginning of S3. A total of 17 weeks to get that 12%.

Some of you are close, some of you not so close. Some of you are new members, and that’s ok. Everybody still has a chance to win.

If you weighed in at the beginning of the S3 contest, you are good to go. We already have your starting weight. If you weighed in at the end of S3 (like you should have) it’s even better.


Because we can calculate exactly how much you need to lose by the end of the contest to Beat The 12!

I don’t know about you, but a concrete number on a goal is always helpful. Many of you set a goal at the beginning of S3 and worked very hard to achieve it.

We are excited to see all of you take this next step toward your goals.

Second chances –  we all need them.

Final Weigh-In July 16, 2010.

Let’s Make It Happen!

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