Success Story: Jill G

SuccessKeep the success stories coming in! There is no better feeling as a coach to have someone send us a note telling us how thrilled they (or their doctor, or spouse, or even kids) are with how their body is changing, looking and feeling. Thank-you!

Jill sent us this latest update and great news. Keep it up Jill!

“Today I had a follow up visit at my doctors office to discuss my lab results. I have been diagnosed with high cholesterol for nearly 20 years. I like many people cannot take any medication for it. The side effects are bad.  I was prepared to hear the results I always get,  it’s too high.

Well not today!

My doctor told me my results were better then perfect. My good cholesterol was off the charts good. Having lost a brother 6 years ago to heart disease and both parents having heart issues this comes as the best possible news ever.

My doctor said all my hard work has paid off. Changing my lifestyle almost 2 years ago and joining this amazing team at Get Fit has definitely paid off. A big thank you to all of you for creating an environment that I want to be a part of everyday and for pushing me a little harder every day. I couldn’t have done it with you!!!” – Jill G.

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