
It's a GOOD thing that there is a special day set aside to remind me to be grateful for what I have. 

It is SO easy for me to focus on the "negative" that I forget I have so many blessings.

I really feel like I owe many people in my life an apology. I am so caught up in me at times that I overlook all the kindnesses and grace that I receive every day. For that I am sorry.

I wonder what kind of a world it would be if we all expressed gratitude for something and to someone - every day?

​A world where we tried to out-do one another in kindness, thoughtfulness and gratitude?

This is not a "kumbaya, pie-in-the-sky, love, peace, joy" thing. 

I know how it makes me feel when someone expresses gratitude to me. It makes me feel GOOD. I need to pay that forward more.

For what are you grateful? To whom are you grateful?

Tell them today.

And Every Day.

Let's start a new tradition in our lives by making it Thanksgiving ALL the time.

Thank-You for being part of my life.

Coach Dean​

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