What It Really Takes To Lose Weight

We hear phrases like it all the time – “You must believe it to achieve it”, or “Think positive thoughts and what you want will happen”.

What do you think?

Is all we need to fit into that pair of skinny jeans just to think about how great it will be?

Attitude is important, there is no doubt about it. Entering any situation with a positive mindset is going to be helpful.

But it’s not all there is.

This is what Michael Masterson said in today’s “Early To Rise“:

“Attitude can change behavior, but it is much more common for behavior to change attitude.

To put it another way: Getting wealthy doesn’t depend as much on whether you are a positive person or a negative one as it does on the specific actions you take, or fail to take.”

Substitute “Getting Wealthy” with “fitting into my skinny jeans”, or “losing 30 pounds”, and you get what I am driving at.

You can think happy thoughts all day, but unless you take the specific actions necessary, you are not going to achieve your fat loss goals, or any other goal.

Once you take action, the magic starts to happen. Once you take the action to lose that first 10 pounds, your attitude will change profoundly. You will enjoy the sense of accomplishment and achievement, and you will have an overwhelming desire to take more action in order to lose the next 10. It becomes like a snowball rolling downhill, where momentum build on momentum, achievement on achievement.

Your attitude has changed, and it is because of what you have done, not just what you have thought about.

So what actions can you take today to get the party started?

Here’s a few suggestions:

  1. Get your butt to bootcamp. You made a commitment to yourself – keep it.
  2. Turn off the TV and go to bed. Lack of sleep has a huge affect on your ability to lose weight.
  3. Eat Breakfast. Throw away the crappy cereal. Have some lean protein and a bowl of oatmeal instead.
  4. Stop with the soda already. Regular or Diet – it’s poison.
  5. Trash the pasta at dinner. You don’t need all those starchy carbs 2 or 3 hours before you go to bed. Eat a light meal of fibrous vegetables, a nice spinach salad, and some nice lean protein. Your body will thank you for it.

There you go, 5 ways to take action TODAY that will reap benefits immediately.

Change your behavior, change your attitude.

Make It Happen!


Showing up to bootcamp is a start!

Showing up to bootcamp is a start!

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