You’re Making It Too Hard

Get Fit NH BootcampI was reading an article yesterday in which trainer and coach Alwyn Cosgrove was being interviewed. He was asked what he would do if he had to get a movie star in the best shape possible in 8 weeks.

There is a quote within this quote that really resonated with me, as it is the foundation of my own nutrition and what we do with our own clients who are committed to changing their body rapidly.

Cosgrove said: “You could make some great changes in that time frame. I mean, if you had someone prepare all your meals to the perfect caloric amount for the next 56 days, you’d make amazing changes in your body even without training. Consistency is an amazing thing.

For the regular guy who doesn’t have a blank check I’d just design a four-day meal plan and rotate through it for the entire 56 days. Like I said, consistency is key. As Chad Waterbury once said:

“If I told you to consume one gram of protein per pound of body weight, fibrous vegetables, water, green tea, 12 grams of fish oil, and spread those out over the course of six meals each day, you’d be anything but impressed. But if I held you in captivity and forced you to do that every day for a month, you’d be blown away by the results.”

Do that for 8 weeks and people will accuse you of being on something.”

Let that sink in – the best trainers and coaches in the world don’t so rely on exotic supplements and complicated diets to get their clients into the body of their dreams. It’s CONSISTENCY that counts. Daily effort repeated over and over.

Lean protein, fibrous carbs, essential fatty acids, water, green tea. There is not one person that can’t do that if they really want to.

If said it before and I’ll say it again – STOP looking for the magic bullet. DO what you know to do today. And then do it again tomorrow. Then do it again the next day. If you can eat well one day, you can do it two, then three, then four. Before you know it 30 days goes by and you’ve made SERIOUS progress.

You feel better. Friends start noticing you look better. It’s exciting, it’s motivating, and it makes you want to push on.

Don’t start Monday, because Monday never comes.

Make It Happen – Do It Now – Let Us Help.

Have a great weekend,


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